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This is a picture of the twin sisters' room. It is a nice room. Lily's books are on the desk. Her backpack is on the floor. Liz's pencils are on the books. Her backpack is behind her chair. Their coats are behind the door. We can't see Lily and Liz in the picture. They're not at home.
【小题1】This is a picture of Lily and Liz's room.
【小题2】Lily's backpack is behind the chair.
【小题3】Liz's and Lily's coats are on the chair.
【小题4】Lily and Liz are not at home.
【小题5】Their room is nice.


【小题1】细节理解题。根据This is a picture of the twin sisters' room(这是双胞胎姐妹房间的照片)可知,本题是T。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据Her backpack is on the floor(她的双肩背包在地板上)可知,本题是F。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据Their coats are behind the door(他们的大衣在门后边)可知,本题是F。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据They're not at home(他们不在家)可知,本题是T。
【小题5】细节理解题。根据It is a nice room(它是个漂亮的房间)可知,本题是T。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

【小题1】He developed the BASIC language for the first microcomputer and improved the software to make it easier for people to use computers.
【小题2】During his lifetime, he had over 1000 inventions, most of which changed the world.
【小题3】He is a great thinker. Many Chinese people are still influenced by his thoughts today.
【小题4】 He was a doctor. In 1938 he came to China from Canada to help the Chinese and died the next year after he operated on a Chinese wounded soldier.
【小题5】He is one of the Chinese famous persons. He is the first astronaut who flew into space in China. We are proud of him!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My name is Mary. I’m a student. I’m twelve. My father is a policeman. My mother is a nurse. Nick is my brother. We are all at home today, because today is Sunday. My brother Nick is a student, too. We are in the same school. There are thirty-five classes in our school. My classroom is very big.
【小题1】_______are students and in the same school.

A.My sister and I B.My brother and I 
C.My brother and my sister D.Andy and I 
【小题2】What’s Mary’s mother?
A.She is a teacher. B.She is a student. 
C.She is a nurse. D.She is a doctor. 
【小题3】There are _______ classes in Mary’s school.
A.25 B.35 C.24 D.34 
【小题4】How old is Mary?  ________.
A.12 B.14 C.13  D.30 
【小题5】Mary’s classroom is _______.
A.not big B.not very small C.not strong  D.not short 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tommy and his mother go shopping(去购物) today. Tommy’s father likes apples very much. They buy some red apples for him. Tommy’s mother likes yellow bananas, but the bananas are green. “Look! The strawberries are very nice, Mom. Do you like them?” Tommy says to his mother. “Yes, I like strawberries very much.” Tommy’s mother buys some for herself (她自己). The oranges are very nice. Tommy’s mother buys some for Tommy. He likes oranges very much.
They need some vegetables. The vegetables in the supermarket are very good. They buy some tomatoes, cabbages and carrots. Tommy doesn’t like carrots, but his parents like it. They like carrots very much. They buy lots of carrots.
【小题1】What does Tommy’s father like?

A.Apples. B.Bananas. C.Strawberries. D.Oranges.
【小题2】Tommy’s mother buys oranges for __________.
A.herself B.Tommy C.Tommy’s father D.Tommy’s sister
【小题3】The Chinese meaning (汉语意思) of “supermarket” is “__________”.
A.电影院 B.动物园 C.博物馆 D.超级市场
【小题4】Tommy doesn’t like __________.
A. B. C. D.
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true (下列哪项陈述是错误的)?
A.Tommy’s father likes carrots.
B.Tommy’s mother likes the strawberries.
C.Tommy and his mother buy some bananas.
D.Tommy and his mother buy some carrots.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

This is Jim. He is thirteen. He is from the USA. He is a student. He has a good friend. His name is Jack. Jack is fifteen. He is from Canada. Jack is tall but Jim is short. They are in the same class, but they are in different grades. Jim is in Class Two. Jack is in Class Two, too. They go to school(上学) at seven in the morning and go home(回家) at six in the afternoon.
【小题1】Jim and Jack are ____.

A.sisters B.friend
C.teacher and student D.from different countries国家
【小题2】Jim is ____.
A.short B.tall C.strong D.big
【小题3】Jim and Jack are in ____.
A.the same grade B.different grades C.the same color D.the same family
【小题4】Jack is in ____.
A.Class 4 B.Class 3 C.Class 2 D.Class 1
【小题5】They go to school at ____ in the morning.
A.6:00 B.7:00 C.7:30 D.8:00


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Betty,
I hope you’re well. I’m on holiday in London with my friend Jenny. We arrived by plane on Monday and took a taxi to our hotel. I went for a walk in Hyde Park but Jenny didn’t come with me because she was tired.
Then on Tuesday we saw the clock, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth lives in the Palace, but we didn’t see her! I bought some presents but Jenny didn’t buy anything!
The next day we visited the British Museum and had dinner in a Chinese restaurant!
On Thursday morning we relaxed. Then we went to Tower Bridge on the River Thames and looked at the city. It’s very big!
Finally today I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. I came back to the hotel and read the newspaper. Then I wrote some postcards and sent some emails. I took lots of photos and I’m sending them with this email to you!
Tomorrow we’re going to fly home. It was a short holiday, but it was great! Say hello to your mum and dad.
Love,                      Gran
根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。(10分 每题2分)
【小题1】How did Gran and Jenny go to London for a holiday?
【小题2】Why didn’t Jenny go for a walk in Hyde Park?
【小题3】Did Jenny buy anything on Tuesday?
【小题4】When will Gran and Jenny go back home?
【小题5】How did Gran feel when she traveled in London?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My name is Eric. I know many students like going to the movies and I’m sure that different people like different kinds of movies . Well ,what kind of movies do you like? Last Monday I went to a school and asked some students about their favorite movies. Here are some of their answers.
Jack, an 11-year-old boy, likes watching scary movies. He thinks scary movies are scary but exciting .His classmates.Alice,13,can’t stand documentaries (文艺片). She thinks they are boring and they are for parents. But she really likes comedies because they are funny. James, a big boy ,doesn’t mind documentaries. But he doesn’t like comedies because he thinks they are not exciting!
The survey showed that the most popular movies were action movies. Most of the students enjoyed them very much.
【小题1】When did Eric do the survey?

A.Last Monday B.Last Tuesday. C.Las Wednesday D.Last Thursday
【小题2】What kind of movies does Jack like?
A.Sitcoms B.Comedies C.Scary movies D.Cartoons
【小题3】Who can’t stand documentaries?
A.Jack B.Alice C.James D.Eric
【小题4】Why doesn’t James like comedies?
A.Because he thinks they’re boring. B.Because he thinks they’re for parents.
C.Because he thinks they aren’t funny. D.Because he thinks they aren’t exciting.
【小题5】What are the most popular movies for most of the students?
A.Documentaries B.Comedies C.Scary movies D.Action movies.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Smiths are very busy. Mr. Smith is 60 and he has a lot of jobs. He is a postman, a car driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, a salesman(售货员), a cook and a milkman. Also he and Margaret have a shop and a small hotel. Margaret is Mrs. Smith.
Mr. Smith lives and works on a small island(岛) in Canada. Only 120 people live on the island. But every summer about 150 people from other places come here on Mr. Smith’s boat every day. So Mr. Smith gets up at six and makes breakfast for the people in the hotel. At eight, he drives the island’s children to school.
At nine, he gives letters to all the houses on the island. He also gives milk to them. 然后他在商店里帮忙。He says, “Margaret likes to be busy, too. We are busy and we don’t like watching TV in the shop. I cook dinner and Margaret helps. At ten, we have some milk and then we go to bed. Some people may think our _______ is very boring, but we like it.”
【小题1】There are only ______ people living on the island.
【小题2】将文中汉语译成英语。 Then he _______________________.
【小题3】文中空白处填入一个恰当的单词  _________
【小题4】Mr. Smith has ______ jobs.
【小题5】The Smiths are from ________.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hello, I’m Kate. This is a photo of my aunt’s family. The woman in the photo is my aunt, Jane. She is a teacher and she is very kind(善良). These are my cousins Jim and Jack. They are seven and they are twins(双胞胎). Look! That lovely(可爱的) baby is my aunt’s little daughter, Rose. She is only one. I love them very much.
【小题1】There are ______ people in the photo.

A.three B.four C.five D.six
【小题2】My aunt has _______.
A.two daughters B.two sons and a daughter
C.two daughters and a son D.only one son
【小题3】Rose is my aunt’s _______.
A.son B.sister C.mother D.daughter
【小题4】Jim and Jack are_______.
A.eleven B.brother and sister C.twins D.mother and son
【小题5】Rose is Kate’s _______.
A.sister B.mother C.cousin D.teacher

