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1.Chinese Premier Wen Jiaobao continued his second (86)trip around the quake disaster zone on Friday May 23,visiting surviving students in Mianyang,one of the worst-hit cities in the May 12earthquake.
(87)During  his visit on Friday,the premier underlined(强调) that (88)providing shelters for the quake victims and (89)preventing infectious(传染) diseases(疾病)and secondary disasters are the most important things at present.
In a tent school,where more than 500students from the destroyed Beichuan Middle School were studying,Wen (90)encouraged them to study harder following the calamity(大灾难).
"Let us not forget the earthquake,"he told the students in a soft (91)voice."Then you will know (92)what life is all about--it is bumpy(凹凸不平),as the roads are."
"Today,people (93)support us and take good care of us,in the (94)future,we will help them in return,"the premier added.
"Trials and tribulations serve only to revitalize the nation(多难兴邦)"he wrote on the blackboard.
His first trip to the disaster areas was just hours after the mid-afternoon earthquake (95)attacked Sichuan.

分析 本文主要介绍了温家宝总理去绵阳地震灾区参观慰问的事情,慰问期间,温家宝总理还去了学校,并鼓励学生努力学习,感恩社会.

解答 86.trip,考查名词,根据语境around the quake disaster zone.围绕地震灾区,说明是温总理的灾区慰问行程,单次行程,名词用单数形式,结合首字母,故答案为trip.
88.providing,考查动名词,根据 shelters for the quake victims 地震受害者的避难所,可知为受灾者提供避难所,provide sth for sb为某人提供某物,另外,p roviding shelters for the quake victims 为受灾者提供避难所,这是宾语从句的主语,应该用动名词做主语,结合首字母,故答案为providing.
89.preventing,考查动名词,根据infectious(传染) diseases疾病传染,这是需要预防的,p reventing infectious(传染) diseases(疾病)and secondary disasters避免疾病传染,和第88题的主语,都是整个宾语从句的并列主语,应该用动名词做主语,结合首字母,故答案为preventing.
90.encouraged,考查动词,根据后面短语to study harder 努力学习,说明温总理是在鼓励学生,整个事件以一般过去时叙述的,结合首字母故答案为encouraged.
91.voice,考查名词,根据he told the students in a soft 他用柔和的…问学生,可知是指嗓音voice,是不可数名词,故答案为voice.
92.what,考查疑问代词,根据语境Let us not forget the earthquake不要忘记地震,是让学生记住灾难究竟是一种什么样的生活状态,所以题干中what引导的宾语从句,w hat life is all about生活是什么样子的,故答案为what.
93.support,考查动词,根据take  good care of us照顾我们,说明人民是支持照顾灾区受难者的,在引号中的句子是引用原话,时态用一般现在时,people是集合名词,所以后面用动词原形,结合首字母,故答案为support.
94.future,考查名词,根据we will我们将要…说明是未来的事情,in the future在将来,是固定短语,结合首字母,故答案为future.
95.attacked,考查动词,根据语境 earthquake 地震是破坏性的,用attack袭击一词较准确,发生在过去,用一般过去时,结合首字母,故答案为attacked.

点评 首字母阅读填空,考查词汇积累,考生注意结合语境和词语用法填上适当的单词.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.We may know most modern children love junk food very much,although it's bad for their health and their parents don't want them to eat too much.Most children know it's not a good habit,but they still want to eat it.Some of them eat this kind of food every day.Some only eat it twice or three times a week.
I know a boy called Bill.He is kind of unhealthy.He hardly ever exercises.And he eats lots of junk food because he loves it.When he has pocked money(零花钱),he'll always buy junk food.His parents worry about him a lot,but he says,"Maybe I'm not very healthy,but I enjoy myself."His parents have no good ways to stop him.
What do you think of it?Do you have a good habit?And do you want to be healthy?You must exercise every day and eat less junk food.
41.A children love junk food,although it's bad for their health.
A.Most modernB.More modernC.All modernD.Each modern
42.The parentsB their children to eat too much junk food.
A.wantB.don't wantC.all wantD.doesn't want
43.C of the children eat junk food every day.
44.Bill eats lots of junk food andD exercises,so he is an unhealthy boy.
A.alwaysB.oftenC.everD.hardly ever
45.Bill always buys junk food to eat when heA.
A.has pocket moneyB.borrows money
C.has timeD.asks his parents for money.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.-Aren't you getting bored with watching the chat show all day?
-____________.I like Zhou Libo,he has a good sense of humour.(  )
A.Yes,I amB.No,I amC.No,I'm notD.Yes,I'm not.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Tom wouldratherreadathomethangoout onrainydays.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.    While no one is looking,Frenchman Alain Robert jumps up an office building and starts to climb the wall.There's no rope and no safety net-he's using only his hands!By the time he's halfway up,a crowd has gathered below.After an hour,he reaches the top and the crowd sighs with relief (如释重负).
    Alain has climbed over 85 of the tallest buildings in the world,including the Eiffel Tower,the Empire State Building and the Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia.One of his first climbs was at the age of twelve.He didn't have his apartment keys and his parents were out,so he climbed up the outside of the building-seven storeys high-and got in through a window.But,amazingly,Alain has a problem with height-he feels dizzy (眩晕的) when he's up high!He has fallen seven times,which has left him partly disabled.But this doesn't stop Alain."I only think about what I can do,not what I can't do,"he says.
    Why does he do it?Alain wants people to see their living environment differently.He says,"Maybe they think their building is ugly,this big tower with lots of glass-the opposite of a natural scenery.But for me,it's another mountain.So I use the place where they work,and make it a kind of wonderland.Everywhere I climb,I see people who are happy."
    What he does is sometimes illegal (非法的),but most of the time he just gets a fine (罚款).The only thing that can stop his climbing is rain!In 2002,he got stuck on the 35th floor of London's Canary Wharf Tower when it started to rain.Alain's nickname may be Spider-Man,but he is no superhero.He's just an extraordinary man living a dangerous life!
51.When Alain Robert climbs a building,D.
A.many people watch him begin                         B.he never rests on his way to the top
C.he enjoys looking down at the crowd              D.he doesn't use any safety equipment
52.When he was young,Alain climbed up into his apartment becauseC.
A.his parents lost their keys
B.he wanted to see if he could make it
C.it was the only way he could get in
D.his parents encouraged him to do so
53.Alain climbs skyscrapers because he wants toD.
A.shock people                                                B.challenge himself only
C.make city life more exciting                           D.change people's way of thinking
54.Alain didn't reach the top of the Canary Wharf Tower becauseC.
A.the police stopped him                                   B.he fell off the tower               
C.the weather stopped him                                 D.he felt too dizzy half-way up
55.The purpose of this passage is toB.
A.criticize Alain for what he does                          B.give information about Alain
C.stop people from trying dangerous activities     D.encourage people to support Alain.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Whataction(行动) should we take to protect giant pandas?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.单词辨音,找出划线部分与其它单词发音不同的部分(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Lincheng is a new developing city.There are lots of popular restaurants.Although they are not famous,they are good places to have meals.
Qingteng YuanMain dishes:Many different fish,meat and chicken dishes
Specials:Vegetable salad (¥20),
Roast beef (¥48on weekdays,¥38on weekends)
Fruits (Free):Watermelon,apples,bananas,oranges
Opening Hours:11:00a.m.-1:00a.m.
Ruihai Drinking
Mainly all kinds of meat,pork,beef and mutton.
Specials:Roast pork (only offered on Saturday,¥50each)
Drinks are not allowed to take except VIP.
Opening Hours:11:00a.m.-1:30a.m.(VIP 24hours)
Rujia RestaurantMainly dumplings and noodles.
Specials:Beef and cabbage dumplings (¥5each on weekdays,¥4.5on
Dumplings can be taken away.
Opening Hours:11:30a.m.-10:00p.m.
Linglong Sea FoodMainly sea food.
Specials:Roast fish (¥25each)
Opening Hours:11:00a.m.-12:00p.m.(From Monday to Thursday)
51.What can be only offered on Saturday?B
A.Roast beef.B.Roast pork.C.Beef noodles.D.Sea food.
52.You need to payA  for three beef and cabbage dumplings on Monday.
A.¥15      B.¥13.5         C.¥10       D.¥9
53.Which is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.Fruits are free in Rujia Restaurant.B.Roast beef is cheaper on Tuesday than on Saturday.
C.You can eat sea food at 1:00a.m.on Friday in Linglong Sea Food.
D.Call 897-6543to order noodles.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.-Where's Mary?-She's ________ the classroom.(  )
A.in front ofB.betweenC.in middle ofD.under

