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prepare,   are full of,   isn’t far from,  row a boat,   show
Welcome to Sunshine Town. I’m going to   小题1:   you around it. The town    小题2:   the center of Beijing. It has fresh air. It’s a good place to visit.
There are lots of things to do here. You can visit some interesting places. You can see many trees, lakes and hills. You can    小题3:   on the lake. If you are tired, you can go to the gardens to have a rest. They     小题4:  flowers. You can lie on the grass and smell the flowers around you. It’s wonderful. I’ll   小题5:  some food and drinks for you. I’m sure you’ll have a good time.

小题2:isn’t far from
小题3:row a boat 
小题4:are full of

小题1:这里是短语show sb around sth领着某人参观,故用show。
小题2:这个城镇离北京的市中心不远。这里是短语be far  from …离……远,故用isn’t far from。
小题3:你可以在湖上划船。Can是情态动词后跟动词原形,故用row a boat 划船。
小题4:它们里面种满了花。这里是短语be full of sth 充满,故用are full of。
小题5:我将准备一些食物和饮料。这里是短语prepare sth for sb 为某人准备某物,故用prepare。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

A. They are really friendly to me.  B. How is everything going?
C. What are you doing there?  D. Do you enjoy the life there?
E. I’m glad to hear that.    F. Who’s that?
A: Hello! May I speak to Lynn please?
B: This is Lynn speaking. 小题1:_____
A: This is Tom.
B: Oh, Tom. Your voice is different on the phone. 小题2:________
A: Not bad. What about you?
B:Very well. 小题3:_______
A: Yes, of course. I live with an American family now. 小题4:________
B: 小题5:______ Enjoy your stay there.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


A calligrapher (书法家) taught handwriting. One of his students often practiced handwriting with old pieces of newspapers. He _小题1:_______ that he made very little progress _小题2:_______ he had learned for a long time. His teacher said to him, “Why not try _小题3:______ the best paper. Maybe you'll write _小题4:_____.”
The student did as he _小题5:________.It really worked. He made progress not long afterwards and felt _小题6:________.He asked his teacher about the _小题7:________.The calligrapher answered, “When you used old newspapers to practice handwriting, you would think you were writing a draft(草稿). It didn't _小题8:_______ if you wrote badly. Maybe you thought there were plenty of old newspapers to use. In that case you wouldn't pay much _小题9:_________to it. Now you use the best paper and you'll treasure it. Each time you write you feel strongly about the rarity (稀少)of chances and you'll devote all your heart and soul; you'll do the handwriting much more carefully than practicing. Of course you've _小题10:_______ rapid progress.”
Every day of our life is something new. Let us take every day as a piece of the best paper.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Two men are in the same room of a hospital. 小题1:______.  One man has to lie on his back all day.
Every day, the man sitting up by the window tells the other about things outside.
“Some children are throwing bread to the ducks on the lake.” “小题2:______.” The other man is happy to hear about all the activities and colors of the world outside.
Days and weeks pass. 小题3:______. The other man asks the nurse to move his bed next to the window.
Finally he can sit up to see the outside, but he is very disappointed.小题4:  “But my roommate told me so many wonderful things about outside!” he says.
“He was blind. 小题5:______. He just wanted you to live with hope,” says the nurse.    
A. He couldn’t even see the wall  
B. One morning, the man by the window dies 
C. The girls are so beautiful in their summer dresses  
D. D.All he can see is a white wall!
E. Both of them are very ill    


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:water, by         
小题2:tall, with     
小题3:put, dustbin
小题4:ill, three days    
小题5:important, obey


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Pay attention to; be good for; take place; from now on; out of tbreath;  be bad for;  chat with;  no longer;  write an email to;  be proud of;
小题1:There days I hadly have time____________________my friends  on the Internet.
小题2:Thank for your help,more and more pupils can enjoy free lunch at school______________________.
小题3:Li Na has won the tennis champion in France,we____________her.
小题4:Tom asked his mother what to_______when he cooked fish.
小题5:Don’t eat a lot of sweet food.It will_________your health.
小题6:You must_________________your spelling and writing.
小题7:---Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.
----Yes,great changes___________since 2008.
小题8:You’re_________a child.You should learn to stand on your own feet.
小题9:While Sandy was listening to music,Max_____his friend online.
小题10:After running two miles in ten minutes,Millie arrived at the cinema_____.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:The time is too short. It’s        (possible) for Daniel to finish this work.
小题2:Mother’s Day is coming. He’ll use what he has        (buy ) his mother a new dress.
小题3:Take care, children. Don’t hurt        (you) when you play football.
小题4:I’m surprised that Gavin is 50. I thought he was        (young), for he seems to be in his thirties.
小题5:Are you satisfied with these        (sing) performances in the opera?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. I feel very well.
B. I hope you will get better soon.
C. Do you sleep well at night?
D. I'm not feeling well.
E. And do some exercise every day.
F. You need to eat less food.
G. There is nothing serious.
A: What's wrong with you, Mr Green? You look pale!
B: 小题1: I can't do any work, doctor.
A: Do you have a cold?
B: No, I don't have a cold.
A: 小题2:
B: Yes, I always sleep very well.
A: Do you have breakfast every morning?
B: No, I don't have breakfast. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin.
A: Oh, I see.   小题3:  You need to eat more food and have three meals a day.  小题4: 
B: Ok. I will do like that.
A:  小题5: 
B: Thank you very much.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

将下面A——F 五个句子分别填入文中空缺处,使短文意思通顺完整。(5分)
Have you ever done something silly that made you feel so embarrassed(尴尬的)? Well, I had a really bad Saturday morning last week.
I went to town to do some shopping. While I was walking home, it began to rain.     小题1:  , because I didn’t have an umbrella. It was raining hard and I decided to stay in the phone box until it stopped.
A few minutes later, I saw a young man walk up to the phone box, wearing a yellow raincoat and holdinga tool box.    小题2:   , so I pick up the phone and act to talk to someone. I thought the man would go away, but he didn’t. He just waited in the heavy rain, watching me wave my hands about and act as if I was deep in conversation.
Luckily, the rain stopped after about ten minutes. “OK. Mum,” I said loudly into the phone, “I’ll see you later. Bye!”    小题3:   .
“I’m sorry to keep you waitingfor so long.” I said to the man.
“Oh,     小题4:  ,” he answered. “I’ve just come to mend it. It doesn’t work, you see.”
    小题5:  , and I quickly ran off with my head down. That was certainly the most embarrassed of my life.

