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 There was nothing to do Saturday. So I went to watch a movie with my friends Liu Yang,Peng Zheng,Zhi Han and Shu Qing. The movie was A Simple Noodle Story. The movie told us a story that happened in a noodle (面条) restaurant. The boss (老板) of the small restaurant,Wang Wu,was very bad. He often beat his wife (妻子) .The waiter Li Si couldn't stand it and had pity on the boss's wife. So they loved each other. Zhang San killed the boss and his folks (小二) after he knew the boss had lots of money. Then he wanted to kill Li Si and the boss's wife. At last the boss's wife killed Zhang San.

  I thought the story was interesting. The actors and actress (女演员) in the movie acted very well. In this movie I liked Xiao Shenyang best. Liu Yang said he didn't like it. In fact he doesn't like sitcom (情景剧) . Peng Zheng said the pictures were very beautiful,but didn't like the music. Shu Qing said she liked the lines (台词) .She thought they were very funny. Zhi Han didn't mind it. What do you think of the movie?

(   ) 1. When did they watch the movie?

   A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday.

   C. On Wednesday. D. On Monday.

(   ) 2. Where did the story happen?

   A. In a bank. B. In a street.

   C. In a restaurant. D. In a shop.

(   ) 3. Who was the writer's favorite actor in the movie?

   A. Wang Xiaoli   B. Xiao Shenyang

   C. Fan Wei   D. Zhao Benshan

(   ) 4. What did Peng Zheng like about the movie?

   A. The story. B. The music.

   C. The lines. D. The pictures.

(   ) 5. What did Zhi Han think of the movie?

   A. He didn't mind it.

   B. He didn't like it.

   C. He liked it very much.

   D. He couldn't stand it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:







pop music

bring her happiness


piano music

make his life colorful


country music

make her think of her   hometown


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. ―What did your sister do yesterday morning?

     ―She        a story book,but I don't know if (是否) she finishes it.

   A. read   B. reads

   C. reading   D. was reading


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

仔细观察下面几幅图片,以"My Weekend"为题,写一篇关于上周日活动的短文。要求:语法规范,语句通顺,80词左右。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. ―What's the noise? It sounds as if it is from upstairs.

       It must be Jeff playing basketball in the next room.(2013 莆田)

   A. I'm not sure. B. I agree.

   C. I don't think so.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. ―I have little money with me. Can you lend me some?

     ―I'm sorry. I have even         .

   A. little   B. least   C. less   D. the least


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. ―Is this story        of all?

       —I'm not sure.

   A. the most interesting   B. more interesting   

    C. interestinger   D. the interesting^st


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. ―We will have a basketball m        against Class One this afternoon. ―Really? I'll cheer you on.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 6. What kind of animal does Ben like best?

   A. Tigers.

   B. Monkeys.

   C. Pandas.

(   ) 7. What animals are the strongest?

   A. Cows.

   B. Sheep.

   C. Horses.

(   ) 8. What are they talking about?

   A. Rainforests.

   B. Plants.

   C. Animals.

(   ) 9. What is the most important reason for less and less animals?

   A. Animals are becoming ill.

   B. People killed them.

   C. Animals eat other animals.

(   ) 10. Where do Tang Na's grandparents like living?

   A. In a big city.

   B. In the countryside.

   C. In a small city.

