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On Saturday, I played soccer with my classmates all day,and I was really1     . I didn't want to do my homework and I needed to have a good rest. I invited my friend, Dave,to my house. First, we2     some popcorn(爆玉米花) .Then we3     TV. My favorite show Life in the City was4     TV. But after ten minutes,the television screen went black. I wanted to see the last part of the5     I6     my friend Peter. I said, "Our television screen went black. We missed the end of Life in the City. What7     you?" Peter answered, "I8     it too!" I shouted,

"Oh,no!" Then Peter said,"  9     I taped(把录在磁带上) it. You can come and see it

tomorrow.”I said,"Oh,10    !" I had a busy day,but it wasn't too bad.

(   ) 1.A. difficult   B. tired   C. different   D. boring

(   ) 2.A. make   B. made   C. makes   D. making

(   ) 3.A. look   B. looked   C. watch   D. watched

(   ) 4.A. in   B. under   C. on   D. of

(   ) 5.A. screen   B. dog   C. people   D. show

(   ) 6.A. called   B. invited   C. gave   D. went

(   ) 7.A. about   B. in   C. from   D. on

(   ) 8.A. miss   B. missed   C. missing   D. to miss

(   ) 9.A. And   B. If   C. But   D. Or

(   ) 10.A. bad   B. sad   C. great   D. unhappy

l. B踢球一整天当然是累了。    2. B 3. D 4, C 5. D 6. A call有"打电话"的意思。7. A "what/how about"为阇定搭配,意为"……怎么样"。8. B 9. C 10. C

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级下册 > 能力训练23


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It is winter. Some children and two women are on 1    ,and they are skating(滑冰) on the ice. They are having a 2    time. Suddenly (突然) the ice breaks(破裂) .One of the boys falls into the water. The children are very 3    and crying, "Help!Help!" They don't know 4    to do. The two women hear 5    and skate over to get the boy out of the water.

The ice is thin(薄的) ,and the water under it is very 6    . The two women fall into the water, too. But they try their best to save(救) the little boy. Many people run over to 7    them. A young man jumps(3兆) into the water to help the 8    people. At 9    ,they are all out of the water. They are sent to a 10    at once. Now,they are all well again.

(   ) 1.A. home   B. vacation   C. work   D. way

(   ) 2.A. bad   B. good     C.right   D. wrong

(   ) 3.A. frightened   B. sad   C. surprised   D. shy

(   ) 4.A. how   B. who   C. what   D. when

(   ) 5.A. them   B. they   C. him   D. her

(   ) 6.A. hot   B. warm    C.cool   D. cold

(   ) 7.A. cry   B. meet   C. see   D. help

(   ) 8.A. five   B. two   C. three   D. four

(   ) 9.A. last   B. first   C. next   D. best

(   ) 10.A. home   B. hospital   C. school   D. park


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

你的美国笔友Tom"五一"节要到中国旅游,你将到机场(airport) 去接他。请给他写封信,描述一下你的相貌和衣着,以便他在机场能认出你。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

David spent much time in dancing and playing when he was in the medical college(医学院) . Of course he learned nothing. Later on he tried to find work in the cities, but failed. He had to go back to his hometown. His hometown was small and there was only one small hospital in it. He thought he knew much,but soon the people found out he was not a good doctor and few came to see him. He knew that but didn't mind.

One day,a traveler came into his office. The man caught a cold and wanted some medicine. David hoped to be paid more and looked at one of the traveler's eyes carefully.

"Oh,dear!”called out David."Something is wrong with you though Fve only looked at one of your eyes!You've got a bad heart disease. You should stay in hospital for a long time and only I can help you!”

"Please look at my right eye,sir," said the traveler. "The left one is false(假的) .”

(   ) 1. David learned nothing in the medical college because  .

   A. he was too young   B. he was not clever

   C.he didn't study hard   D. he had poor health 

(   ) 2. ,so he got back to his hometown.

   A.David had to look after his parents

   B.The small town needed a doctor like David

    C.David didn't want to work in the cities

   D.David couldn't find any work in the cities

(   ) 3. Few people came to see David because.

   A.he was too old

   B.they knew he was not a good doctor

   C.he was too young

   D.they couldn't find him in the office

(   ) 4. The underlined word "failed" means"        ”in Chinese.

   A.培训   B.失败   C.成功   D.租用

(   ) 5. From the story,we know        .

   A.David could help the traveler

   B.the traveler was badly ill

   C.the traveler wouldn't let David examine him any more

   D.David could get a lot of money from the traveler


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Tom needed money for travelling, so he decided to get a job during the summer holiday. Some of his friends worked in shops for a few hours every week and the others helped farmers on farms. But Tom liked neither of these jobs. He took a job painting(油漆) yellow lines down the middle of a highway.

On his first day he painted ten miles,and his boss(老板) said, "Keep it up and I'll give you more money." The next day Tom did five miles, and the boss said, "Well,five miles isn't as good as ten,but keep up the good work.”The following day Tom painted only one mile. The boss called Tom in and said,"First you did ten miles, then you did five miles,then you did one mile. You're not doing the work,so I have to let you go.”

As Tom walked away from the office, he said to himself, "But it's not my fault(过错) .Each day I kept getting farther away from the paint can(罐) .”

(   ) 1. Tom decided to get a job because        .

   A. some farmers needed help   B. he wanted to get some money

   C.  some friends worked in shops   D. he didn't need to go to school

(   ) 2. From the story,we know that Tom's job was        .

   A. different from all his friends'   B. the same as all his friends'

   C.  different from some of his friends*   D. the same as some of his friends'

(   ) 3. On his first day of work,he did        .

   A. too much   B. a little better

   C.  rather badly   D. very well

(   ) 4. Tom had to leave at last because        .

   A. he said something to the boss   B. he was not doing his work

   C.  he was called into the office   D. he painted only one mile

(   ) 5. Why did Tom paint only mile on the third day?

   A.He wasted(浪费) too much paint.

   B.He was very far away from the can.

   C.He did't like the job at all.

   D.He got too tired to work on.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Tony: Hi,Wendy!How w1    your weekend? 

Wendy:It was fun. I w2  out with friends. 

Tony: W3 did you do?

Wendy:We went singing a4     dancing. Then we h5     lunch at the Season Restaurant.

H6     about your weekend?

Tony: Oh,not very exciting, I just stayed at home and watched TV o7     Saturday. Wendy:Well,what did you do on S8    

Tony: Sunday w9     terrible!I waited all day for Jenny to call,b10     she didn't!

1.         2.        3.        4.     5.     

6.         7.        8.         9.     10.    


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One Saturday morning, the Whites went to the movies. They g1   home very late. Mr White o2    the front door and they both went i3    the house. It was very dark,so Mrs White t4    on the light. On the way to their bedroom, Mrs White said, "Listen,John!I can h5    some voices in the bedroom." They both s6   quietly outside the bedroom. Yes!They could hear some voices in the room.

"You're right," Mr White said, "T7    are two men in it. They are talking.”Then he shouted(叫喊) ,"Who is there?" But n8    one answered. Mr White opened the door quickly and turned on the light. The room was e9    . Then Mr White found something and laughed. The radio was on! "I f10    to turn it off this morning," Mr White said.

1.         2.         3.        4.         5.       

6.         7.         8.        9.         10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One snowy and windy afternoon,Linda,an 11-year-old girl,went out to play. Unluckily,she was blown 1       a snow ditch(沟) by the seashore(海岸)   .She was frightened and tried her best to 2       the ditch. But the ditch was quite 3       and she was too weak to do so. So Linda 4       for help at the top of her voice. But she could hear nothing 5       the terrible noise of the wind. 6       came to help her. She tried again and again. Her face was whipped(猛刮) by the 7       wind, and she was almost frozen. She wanted to give up hope. Just at that moment,Linda saw a black dog 8 through the heavy snow. It was Villa,her true friend. She was very glad to see the sign of life. And the dog began to work 9       it got to Linda. It cleaned the snow around Linda 10       reached out its big strong head to Linda. Linda closed 11       her arms round Villa's neck. The dog backed away 12       ,pulling her out of the ditch little by little. Successfully,Linda got out of the 13       at last. Then she stood up!With great difficulties,led by her true friend Villa,she was14       Villa,the lovely 15       , was offered the medal(奖章) of brave dog of America.

(   ) 1.A. under   B.  into C.on   D.  onto

(   ) 2.A. fall into   B.  go across C.get into   D.  get out of

(   ) 3.A. long   B.  small C.deep   D.  tall

(   ) 4.A. spoke   B.  talked C.  said   D.  cried

(   ) 5.A. much   B.  but C.  only   D.  more

(   ) 6.A. Nobody   B.  Anybody C.  Somebody   D.  Everybody

(   ) 7.A. strong   B.  light C.  little   D.  small

(   ) 8.A. riding   B.  leaving C.  passing   D.  driving

(   ) 9.A. because   B.  before C.  if   D.  as soon as

(   ) 10.A. but   B.  however C.  and   D.  so

(   ) 11.A. all   B.  every C.  either   D.  both

(   ) 12.A. easily   B.  slowly C.  quickly   D.  happily

(   ) 13.A. river   B.  ditch C.  snow   D.  sand

(   ) 14.A. saved   B.  killed C.  dead   D.  found

(   ) 15.A. girl   B.  dog C.  Linda   D.  boy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2.The workers were made       from morning to night in the past.

   A. worked   B.  to work

   C.  work   D.  working

