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--May I speak to Tom?

--Sorry,he is not at home.He           to Shanghai.

A.has been                              B.has gone                            C.goes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

句意填词       用适当的词汇完成下列句子。每空一词。

1.Please           the window.It's cool outside.                                       

2.Could you please tell me the           to the post office?

3.I haven't seen the movie and my brother hasn't,          

4.Henry,you don't look well.What's the           with you?

5.We are having a school trip this Sunday.We feel          


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

一What kind of _______do you like?

一I like documentaries.

A.books           B.spots            C.movies            D.music


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear editor(编辑),

    I used to be a doctor in the children’s department of a hospital.Sometimes I treated (医治)children who had been poisoned by medicines for older family members.The children don’t know the medicines are dangerous,they just know they taste sweet.Children easily open the bottle that we use in China.

    Some days ago I talked about medicines with an American.He showed me a kind of plastic bottle.The design was quite simple and I am sure our Chinese factories could produce these bottles.The top of the bottle locks but can be opened by pressing down on it while turning.This is difficult for most children to do,although adults can open them very easily.

    I am certain that the cost of making such tops would be very small.As a doctor,I’d love to see this done.And most parents would be grateful(感激).

                                                               Sincerely yours,

                                                                   Wang Fang

1.What does the phrase“had been poisoned”in the first paragraph mean in Chinese?

    A.撞伤    B.中毒             C.溺水    D.挨打

2.The children are sometimes poisoned by medicines for older family members because _____.

    A.they don’t know they are dangerous

    B.the medicines taste sweet                                                 

C.the bottles can easily be opened

D.A,B and C

3.From the passage we know the writer________.

    A.can do nothing about the problem

    B.is sorry for what has happened

    C.eagerly(急切地)wants to solve the problem

    D.is happy about China’s hospital

4.According to tile writer’s opinion we should________.

    A.produce this kind of plastic bottles

    B.take care of the children

    C.ask parents for help

    D.buy this kind of bottles

5.The letter is written to the editor to ask for_______ .

    A.support from public opinion

    B.the plastic bottle from the readers

    C.advice from the editor

    D.money from the newspaper


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Don't          too late,or you'll feel tired in tomorrow's classes.

A.stay up                  B.wake up                C.get up                  D.give up


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

短文填空       从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)

A.took  B.other  C.each  D.but  E.got  F.parents  G.far  H.then  I.tired  J.interesting  K.boring  L.love

Yesterday my classmates and l went to visit an old people's home with our parents.It was quite    1    from our school, so we went there by bus.After forty minutes, we  2   there.When the old people saw us, they felt very glad.We did a lot of things that day.First,we cleaned the house.It   3   us the whole morning to do the work.And   4   we cooked and ate lunch with them happily.After that some students sang and danced for them,some students told funny stories to them,and   5   students chatted with them.The old people smiled all the time.Our   6   worked hard,too.They made good examples to us students.Doing things with our parents is    7   and exciting.We like it.We were all very  __8   when we left.But we thought it was a special experience for us.And   9   of us felt that we were members of a big family.How happy we were! It is important for us all to help the people in need and show our    10    to everyone.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

You don't have Io give thousands of t dollars to help someone.Sarah,a girl from Michigan,the USA,makes a difference just by giving her   1  .Sarah was serious ill   2   she was a baby.It is   3    for her to move.Sarah has to    4    around with a walker.However,the 11-year—old girl doesn't give up;she uses her experience to help others.

Last summer,Sarah   5   three days a week for seven weeks at the Grand Rapids Comprehensive Therapy(治疗)Center.Site was one of the youngest   6   for “Therapy and Fun”,a program for special—needs children.Sarah's job was to help the special-needs children and provide them   7    advice and encouragement(鼓励).

Sarah says that she's    8    she can share her knowledge with others,and that working at the center taught her a lot,too.“I fell my life is getting better because I can help others in  9_ way,” she said.Mary Van Wingerden,Sarah's fourth-grade teacher said,“Sarah has the help of other students around her,but she shows them that she’s there   10   them also.”

1.A.money                              B.house                                C.time

2.A.when                                  B.after                                  C.until

3.A.easy                                    B.interesting                            C.difficult

4.A.speak                                  B.walk                                  C.listen

5.A.worked                               B.lay                                     C.sat

6.A.doctors                               B.nurses                               C.volunteers

7.A.with                                    B.to                                      C.for

8.A.sad                                     B.glad                                   C.worried

9.A.her                                      B.my                                    C.your

10.A.to help                                 B.to watch                            C.to find


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

There is           apple tree in our school.

A.a                                       B.the                                    C.an


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It is said that          umbrella was invented over four thousand years ago by Chinese people.

A.a                         B.an                        C.the                        D.不填

