精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

There is a nice girl in our class. She is from America. She comes to China to study Chinese. She is thirteen years old. She is not tall and she is not short. She is a little bit fat. Her face is round, like an apple. She has two big blue eyes and a small nose. Her mouth is big,but her ears are small. Her hair is short and blonde. She likes the color red. But today she is wearing a yellow sweater, blue jeans and brown shoes. She doesn't like fruit,but she likes vegetables. She dislikes getting up early, so she is usually late for school. She doesn't like to talk to others. She loves little animals. She has a little black dog. She and the dog are good friends.

(   ) 1. The girl is        .

   A. tall   B. of medium build

   C. short   D. of medium height

(   ) 2. She has        .

   A. a small nose   B. two black eyes

   C. a small mouth   D. big ears

(   ) 3. She comes to China because        .

   A.she wants to learn Chinese kung fu

   B.her parents are in China

   C.she wants to learn Chinese

   D.she likes Chinese food 

(   ) 4. She doesn't like        .

   A. the color red   B. apples

   C.  being late for school   D. little animals

(   ) 5. Which of the following is true?

   A. She is from the UK.   B. She has a long face.

   C. She isn't a quiet girl.   D. She usually goes to school late.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Before you go into a supermarket, get a trolley. Trolleys are usually outside the entrance(入口) to the supermarket. If you don't want to buy many things, get a basket. Baskets are usually in the supermarket. Push your trolley around the supermarket. Take what you want to buy and put it in your trolley.

You can buy almost everything you want in the supermarket. You can buy fruit and vegetables, meat and fish,bread and cakes,household cleaners, ice cream, wine,and magazines. When you have everything you want,take your trolley to the checkout and pay for them.

1. 选择最佳答案。

(   ) 1) What is the best title for this reading?

A. At the Supermarket    B. At the Bookstore

C. At the Cinema    D. At the Museum

(   ) 2) What does "trolley" mean in Chinese?

A.篮子    B.账单    C.手推车    D.电车

(   ) 3) Why do we need a trolley?

A. We don't want to buy many things.    B. We have many things to buy.

C.We can play with it.    D. We want to have a car.

(   ) 4) When you have everything you want,where do you go next?

A. To the entrance.    B. To the aisle.

C. To the bookstore.    D. To the checkout.

(   ) 5) What things are NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Meat,bread, and vegetables.    B. Fruit,ice cream, and wine.

C. Fish,cakes, and household cleaners.    D. Ships, trains, and cars.

2. 回答问题。

1) When do you get a trolley?

2)Where are the trolleys?

3)Where are the baskets?

4)If I want to buy many things, I should get a basket. Is that right?

5)What can you buy in the supermarket?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I rise in the east. I send my light into your room,and tell you it is time 1    . I send my light here and there. I shine on the trees, the houses, the hills and the water;and I make everything 2    beautiful. I give you light and heat. I make the fruit and rice ripe. I am high up in the 3    . Sometimes I hide my head 4    a thin cloud, and then you may look at me. I travel in the sky. I never stop,and I am never tired. But in fact it is the earth that is 5   all the time.

The earth is big. It is a big,round ball. There are rocks on the earth. There is soil on the earth. There is water on the earth. 6    the people on the earth? Will they 7    the earth? Jump. You come down to earth. Jump up 8    . You always come down to earth. Snow comes down. Leaves come down. Rain comes down. The ball comes down. The earth 9    things down. The pull of 10    is the gravity(吸引力,引力) .Gravity holds the soil to the earth. It holds the water and the air. Gravity holds people to the earth,too. Gravity holds you to the earth.

(   ) 1.A. to go to bed   B. having sports  C.to get up   D. wash clothes

(   ) 2.A. seem   B. shine   C. appear   D. look

(   ) 3. A. sea   B. clouds   C. mountain   D. sky

(   ) 4. A. in front of   B. before   C. behind   D. near

(   ) 5. A. bright   B. lying   C. moved   D. traveling

(   ) 6. A. Enjoy   B. Look   C. See   D. Know

(   ) 7. A. fall off   B. sink down   C. lose heart   D. open out

(   ) 8. A. too   B. either   C. again   D. any longer

(   ) 9. A. pulls   B. pushes   C. brings   D. catches

(   ) 10.A. the sun   B. the earth   C. the moon   D. the space


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Linda,

Thank you for your letter and the picture of your school. I like it very much. It's so big and beautiful.

Here is a m 1    of my school. It's not very big. Let's b 2    from the school gate. There are five buildings on the r 3    of the gate. My classroom is on the t 4    floor of the first one. In front of the buildings there are many trees and beautiful f 5    . A library is n 6    to the Teachers' Office. Across from the library there is a computer room. I like p 7    computer games very much. What about you? After school many students often play s 8    on the playground. It can help us keep h 9    . Our school is s 10   ,but we all like it.

Write to me soon.

Yours, Emma

1.        2.        3.        4.         5.       

6.         7.        8.        9.         10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Our neighborhood is a good p 1 to have fun. There is a s 2 park in it. We can play g 3 on the playground. And w 4 we're tired, we can take a walk t 5 the park. If we're h 6 ,we can buy some food in the s 7 . It's across from the p 8 . We can e 9 our meals on a bench(凳子) in the park. We love our n 10 .

1.          2.         3.        4.         5.       

6.        7.         8.        9.         10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My sister is a beautiful girl. Many people think she 1    a movie star. She is tall and thin with long and black 2   . Now,many girls like curly hair of different colors, but my sister

3   . She always says, "I think the straight and 4   hair is the most beautiful. " So she 5   changes(改变) her hairstyle. 6   I am different from my sister. I am not beautiful. I am7    and a little 8   . People 9   that I am more like a boy than a girl. My hair is short and curly. I 10    black. So I often dye(染) my hair.

(   ) 1.A. like   B. likes   C. look like   D. looks like

(   ) 2.A. hair   B. eyes    C.shirt   D. skirt

(   ) 3.A. isn't   B. doesn't   C. don't   D. didn't

(   ) 4.A. black   B. blonde   C. brown   D. yellow

(   ) 5.A. often   B. all   C. always   D. never

(   ) 6.A. But   B. So   C. And   D. Why

(   ) 7.A. tall   B. thin   C. short   D. height

(   ) 8.A. light   B. heavy   C. shy   D. tired

(   ) 9.A. thinks   B. say   C. speak   D. tells

(   ) 10.A. enjoy   B. like   C. dislike   D. love


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

When do you eat dinner? And what do you eat 1    dinner? We eat dinner 2    6 p. m.

and 8 p. m. We eat meat or fish,and 3   . Some people  4   to have soup. We have soup 5   

meat and vegetables. Some people like to 6   pudding or dessert. We eat pudding 7    dessert

after meat and vegetables. Many people 8   water or wine with dinner. Some people drink 9   after supper, so do my family. My 10   like black tea,and I like green tea best.

(   ) 1.A. for   B. in   C. on   D. of

(   ) 2.A. at   B. between   C. in   D. on

(   ) 3.A. vegetable   B. fish   C. vegetables   D. meat

(   ) 4.A. likes   B. doesn't like   C. not like   D. like

(   ) 5.A. of   B. before   C. in   D. at

(   ) 6.A. drinks   B. has   C. have   D. drink

(   ) 7.A. of   B. but   C. so   D. or

(   ) 8.A. drinks   B. doesn't drink   C. drink   D. not drink

(   ) 9.A. cake   B. tea   C. salad   D. toast

(   ) 10.A. parents   B. parent   C. father   D. mother


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The train I was travelling on was already half an hour late. I had to arrive in Vienna at7:15 in time to catch the7: 25 train to Paris,but there was no hope of that now. I told the conductor about it. He advised(建议) me to get off two stops before Vienna Station and take a taxi. When the time came, the conductor even helped me with my bags. He wished me good luck as I jumped off. And a few minutes later, I was racing towards the centre of the city in a taxi. It was almost7:25 when we stopped outside the station. I paid the driver quickly, took hold of my bags quickly and hurried inside."Paris train" was all I had time to say to the official(铁路职员) I saw. You can guess how I feel when he pointed to a train that was just moving out of the station.

1.Where did the writer want to go?

2.Was there enough(足够的) time for him to catch the7:25 train to Paris?

3.Where did the writer get off the train?

4.How did he get to Vienna after he got off the train?

5.Was he happy or sad at the end of the story?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3.The joke was so funny that it made him      again and again.

   A. laugh      B.to laugh

   C.laughed   D.laughs

