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(2017·贵州黔南州·31)There ________ an NBA match on TV this weekend.

A. will play B. is going to be C. will have D. is going to have

B 【解析】句意“本周末在电视上有一场NBA比赛”。there be有,且there be不与have连用,根据句意,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8b 第一单元测试卷(有答案) 题型:单选题

一Have you returned the book to him _______?

一Yes. I have _______ returned it.

A. yet; yet B. already; already C. yet; already D. already; yet

C 【解析】试题分析:yet和already都可以表示已经,还得意思,却别是前者用于疑问及否定句当中,后者用于肯定句当中。结合语境可知前文是疑问句,下文是否定句,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:七年级人教新目标英语下册Unit 2 单元测试卷 题型:将所给单词连成句子


提示:1. 起床早,上学从不迟到;

2. 常吃健康食品;

3. 放学后做运动;

4. 睡前读书。

Hello, everyone. Let me talk about my good habits now.                              




Hello, everyone. Let me talk about my good habits now. I get up early every day. And I am never late for school. Also I usually eat healthy food. I like fruit, vegetables, milk and eggs. After school,...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(冀教版)Unit 7 Sports and Good Health 过关测试 题型:单词填空

根据短文内容及所给提示, 在文中的横线上填写一个正确的单词.

Anna is my best friend. In the past, she 1.(have)a bad lifestyle. She got up late and had n2.for breakfast. Then she hurried to school. After getting home from school, she played computer games. Her eating3.(habit) were also bad. She seldom drank milk and she ate 4. (lot) of junk food. One day Anna didn't 5.well. She went to the hospital. The doctor asked her to s6.in hospital for three weeks. She was sad. And she decided to look7.her body well. Now Anna has some good habits. She gets up at 5:30 a. m. And then she 8. (exercise). She runs every day. She doesn't play computer games on school nights. She only9. (do) that on weekends. Now she eats 10. (health) food every day. The good lifestyle helps her keep in good health and get good grades.

1.had 2.nothing 3.habits 4.lots 5.feel 6.stay 7.after 8.exercises 9.does 10.healthy 【解析】本篇文章难度适中,主要讲述安娜以前和现在生活方式的变化。 1.句意“以前她有坏的生活习惯”。根据in the past可知,用一般过去时,故填had。 ...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(冀教版)Unit 7 Sports and Good Health 过关测试 题型:单选题

The Internet is very useful. We can get a lot of _______________ from it.

A. thing B. message C. informations D. information

D 【解析】试题分析:互联网很有用。我们能从那里得到大量的信息。Thing事情,东西;message口信;information信息;information是不可数名词。故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八下Unit3Comic strip-Reading2测试卷(含答案) 题型:完型填空

There are all kinds of machines . They _______ in many different ways . One kind of machine is __________ computer . A computer can do many things . It can do math problems . People can do math problems , too . But _______ cannot do it as fast as a computer .

Computers remember things . They can remember _________ people tell them . People cannot remember as many things as computers . Computers help tell _________ the weather will ________ . Computers help fly rockets and spaceships .

There are ________ of ways computers are used . They are used in thousands of ways .

_______ they are not always used in the same way .Some computers do just _______ things . Some computers can do a lot of things . There are huge computers . There are big computers . There may be computers in your school . Do you _________ what they do ?

1.A. use B. are used C. are using D. will use

2.A. seen B. found C. called D. created

3.A. he B. she C. it D. they

4.A. everything B. nothing C. something D. that

5.A. which B. where C. what D. why

6.A. be like B. be C. look D. feel

7.A. all B. many C. a lot D. only some

8.A. But B. And C. When D. Though

9.A. a little B. little C. few D. a few

10.A. get B. know C. make D. talk

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 【解析】本篇文章难度适中,主要介绍计算机的用途。 1.句意“有许多种类的机器,他们以不同的方式被使用”。主语they和use之间为被动be done,故选B。 2.句意“有一种机器被叫做电脑”。A.看见;B.发现;C.叫做;D.创造。根据句意,故...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八下Unit3Comic strip-Reading2测试卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

---There will be more and more robots going into people’s homes.

--- . We might be able to leave all the chores to them.

A. Not really B. No way

C. You’re kidding D. I hope so

D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-将会有越来越多的机器人进入人们的家庭。-我希望如此。我们可能能够把所有的家务都留给他们。Not really.真的不是;No way.没门;You’re kidding.你是在开玩笑吧;I hope so.希望如此。根据句意可知,说话人希望机器人进入人们的家庭,故应选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版七年级下册英语 Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town 同步练习 题型:单选题

—Can I put new bike here, Millie?

—Sure. You can put it next to .

A. my; he B. mine; his C. my; his D. mine; her

C 【解析】句意:-Millie,我能把我的新自行车放在这里吗?-当然可以,你可以放在我的旁边。my我的,形容词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词;he他,人称代词主格形式;his他的,物主代词;her她,人称单词宾格形式,也可以做形容词性物主代词。第一个空后有名词new bike,故用my修饰;第二个空代指“他的自行车”,用名词性物主代词。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标英语九年级上册分层精练:Unit2 I think that moon cakes are delicious 题型:单选题

Tom asked whether ________ after he finished his homework.

A. can he go to the cinema

B. he can go to the cinema

C. he could go to the cinema

D. could he go to the cinema

C 【解析】句意:汤姆问他完成作业后是否能去电影院。whether引导的宾语从句,用陈述句语序,当主句是过去时态时,从句用过去的某个时态;故选C

