精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A. Because it has the best clothing.
B. It has the worst music.
C. What's the best clothing store?
D. Because it has the most interesting music.
E. But easy Listening 979 is the most popular.
F. Just listen to their commercials.
G. What's the best radio station?
Hi, I'm doing a survey for the Bedford Daily News. 小题1:______
Boy: I guess Jammin' 107 FM is the best.
Reporter: Why?
Boy: 小题2:_____ It's much better than the other stations in town.
Reporter: What about the other radio stations?
Boy: Well, I think Oldies 102.1 FM is very bad. 小题3:______
Reporter: I heard that. 小题4:______
Boy: Not for me.
Reporter: Why not?
Boy: 小题5:______ They're worse than the commercials of All Talk 970 AM!


小题3:男孩说他觉得怀旧102.1调频实在太差了。就应该进一步说明差的原因,.It has the worst music.正是解释差的原因,故答案为B。
小题4:记者说他听过,但是下文男孩的回答是不适合他,所以是对记者观点的反驳,But easy Listening 979 is the most popular. 正是记者的看法,故答案为E。
小题5:男孩回答原因,又因为后面说他们比所有的970通话广告都差!可知easy Listening 979 的广告内容比较多,故答案为F。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

请先阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。 (每小题2分)
Dear Judie ,
小题1:________? I'm writing to you from my school. This school is great ! 小题2:________. I like the teachers. The other students in my class are very friendly. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English.
There is a small river behind our school. 小题3:________ .We can swim in it.
小题4:________. We stay at home and watch TV. My father and my mother go to the shops on Sundays. They all like China.
I can speak Chinese now. 小题5:________ .
Please write to me soon!
A.There are no classes on Sundays
B.I love our teachers
C.I can write my name in Chinese
D.There are nine hundred students in my school
E. How are you
F. The water is clean
G. We like playing basketball on Saturday afternoon


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Sally and Li Ming are talking about making the delicious chicken.
L: The chicken tastes great.
L: Could you tell me how to cook it? I want to have a try.
S: Of course. 小题2:               
S: Next, fill the chicken with many herbs, and put the chicken into the oven.
L: And then?
L: That’s a long time.
S: Yeah. Finally when the chicken is ready, put it on the table and then cut it into slices.
L: Thanks for your recipe.
A. You should cook the chicken in the oven for several hours.
B. Thanks for saying so.
C. What can I do for you?
D. My pleasure.
E. First, you need to clean the chicken.
F. I’m sorry. I don’t like it.
G. What’s the next?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dialogue 1 从右侧方框内所给句子选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,并将其代表字母写在题后的横线上,其中有两项是多余的。(共5分,每小题1分)
A:I think so.
B:That's too bad.
C:When did it start?
D:Where did it start?
E:I'm not feeling well.
F:Thank you.
G:That's all right.
A:What's the matter?
B:Hmmmm…小题1:I have a cold.
B:Oh,about three days ago.
A:___小题3:______.You should get a rest.
A:I hope you feel better soon.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A.  I was annoyed all the time.
B.  Who did you go to the movie with?
C.  Yes, you are right
D.  How wonderful the movie was!
E.  What’s wrong with you?
F.  We should turn off our mobile phones.
G.  So the movie was boring, wasn’t it?
Lana went to see a new movie in the morning. But she didn't enjoy it. She’s talking to Jenny about what happened.
Jenny: You look unhappy.   小题1:  
Lana: I watched a movie in the morning.
Jenny:  小题2: 
Lana: No. The movie was great. It was the audience (观众)..Some people were late for the movie, some took phone calls during the movie, some made noise while eating snacks and some talked loudly.   小题3:  
Jenny: That’s too bad! People should obey certain rules while watching a movie.
Lana: Yes. The first thing is to keep the theater quiet. We should sit down before the movie begins.  小题4:  We should eat snacks quietly. And we should talk as little as possible.
Jenny:   小题5: And we should take away our rubbish when we leave.
Lana: I hope everyone should do these things so that we can enjoy the movie better.
Jenny: Me too. 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

补全对话 通读对话,从所给的选项中选择句子完成对话。
A: Hey , Judy. Don 't forget to turn off the lights .小题1:______________________
B: Oh ! I know . I usually do that . I was just in a hurry . How come you are interested in the environment , Jack ?
A: I always have been . I just read a book about it , and there are so many things we can do .
B: Like what ?
A: Well , you should turn off the shower when you are washing your hair.
A: You wouldn' t ?
B:No , I have very short hair . I am only in the shower for a few minutes.
A : 小题3:____________________________ .
B:What else does it say?
A: It says you should take your own bags when you go food shopping .
B: Oh , that is not difficult.小题4:_____________________ . What else ?
A: Hmmm. Here is a good one. It says people should stop riding in cars and start riding bikes .
B: Oh , I 'll never do that . Can you see me riding twenty minutes to and from school every day ?
A : Well , I think the environment is really important .小题5:__________________ .
B : Yes ,and you also live close to school !
A . It saves electricity.
B. What can we do for that ?
C. Oh , I' ll never do that .
D. I wash my hair every day .
E. Well , every minute helps .
F. I can do that .
G. Besides , I like  riding my bike .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Good morning, Jane!
B: _______小题1:_________, Tom!
A:  Jane, you don’t look well. _____小题2:_______?
B:  I have a headache.       
A: _____小题3:_________.Did you see a doctor?
B: _____小题4:_________.   
A:  You should see a doctor. I hope you will get well soon.
B: _____小题5:________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“Take a walk with any three people and at least one of them will have something to teach you . ”
小题1:    it was Confucius(孔夫子) — China’s most famous thinker and teacher.
When Confucius was young , he visited many famous teachers and studied music , history , poetry(诗歌) and sports. At the age of 22, he became a teacher himself and started his own school. 小题2:    
For more than 2000 years, Confucius’ ideas have been around in people’s everyday lives. 小题3:   
Now they have gone far into east and south Asia. 小题4:    Because they help a lot not only in everyday life but also in society.
Confucius’ most important ideas are about kindness and good manners. Confucius said young people should take care of the old.小题5:      
Some of Confucius’ most famous sayings are: “A kind person should care for others”, and “be strict with yourself, but be kind to others”.
A.  Why are his ideas so popular?
B.  Do you know who said that?
C.  People can still hear them today.
D.  In his life, he had over 3000 students.
E.  How did he think up those important ideas?
F.  He also said that everyone should go to school if they want to learn.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

你会上网寻找自己需要的信息吗?请根据Alice, Kate, Tom, Harry, Dick的需求,向他们推荐合适的网站,并将网站的序号分别填入答题卷的相应空格内。
I want the pictures of Liu Qian, one of the greatest young magicians in the world.
I hope to buy some birthday gifts for my friends online.
Earth is our home. I need some information on pollution.
I would like to have some information about soccer.
I will go to America. I want to know the famous places and the weather there.
A. www.taobao.com
online  shopping of books, DVDS, cards, shoes, sporting goods.
B. www.cnphoto.com
pictures about famous people, big events…
C. www.FA.com
official website of the England team, the FA cup and football in England.
D. www.worldpollution.net
introduction to air pollution and environment protection…
E. www.crawfurd.dk/travel
about traveling around the world, the weather, the people…

