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91. 假如你是某杂志社编辑Mr. Knowledgeable,根据中学生 Bob的来信内容,给他写封回信,帮助解决他所遇到的问题。字数80—100,开头已给出。

Dear Knowledgeable,

My problem is that I can’t get on with my family. My parents always say “no” to my ideas without any reason. So I often quarrel(吵架) with them. Also, my brother is not very nice to me. He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. Instead, he watches whatever he wants until late at night. I don’t think this is fair. At home, I always feel lonely and nervous. Is that normal? What can I do?


Dear Bob,



科目:初中英语 来源:中考英语复习词类之连词专项训练 题型:单选题

__________Tom__________ Jane may go with you because one of them must stay at home waiting for their mother.

A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; nor D. Not only; but also


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标2018届九年级英语全册Unit 4综合练习题 题型:单选题

—What is the man like?

—He is ________ and he often tells us funny jokes.

A. strict B. humorous C. shy D. worried


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show 单元测试 题型:单选题

— What can you learn _______ these films?

—The history of England.

A. to B. with C. from D. by


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ?Section A课时训练 题型:单选题

(题文)— Why didn’t you come to school yesterday? What _________?

My mother was ill and I took care of her at home.

A. will happen B. happened C. happens D. to happen


科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版2018-2019学年九年级上册英语Unit 6单元测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Bikes are popular in the Dutch(荷兰). In fact, nearly half of all travel in the Dutch is by bike. Now, one Dutch bike designer(设计师), Thomas, has taken the country’s interest in bikes by making a school bus bike.

The big bike has eight sets of pedals(踏板) for kids, a driver seat for an adult, and three other seats, comfortably letting little kids for their trip to and from school. The bike even has a motor, which can help with high hills or at times when few kids on it.

So far, Thomas tells Fast Company, he’s sold 25 school-bikes, at a price of $ 25,000 each—less than it would cost to buy a traditional school bus with the same number of seats. Along with the traditional color, the bikes ,are colored yellow so that they can be seen easily.

Thomas says he’s sold school bus bikes to neighboring countries such as Belgium, England and Germany, but so far, the school bus bike hasn’t been sold in the United States. If the U.S. agrees to buy this kind of school bus bike, it could do a lot of good to improve exercise for a young age and help them keep healthy.

1.How do people in the Dutch usually go to work?

A. By car. B. By bus.

C. By bike. D. On foot.

2.How many seats does the school bus bike have?

A. Three. B. Eight.

C. Nine. D. Twelve.

3.The school buses are yellow in the Dutch because _______.

A. the color yellow is easy to paint

B. yellow buses can be seen easily

C. yellow is the national color of Dutch

D. it’s the designer’s favorite color

4.Which country of the following hasn’t bought a school bus bike?

A. America. B. Germany.

C. England. D. Belgium.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Thomas made a new kind of school bus.

B. A school bus usually costs $ 25,000.

C. Thomas sold bikes to Asian countries.

D. Riding school bus bikes helps keep kids healthy.


科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版2018-2019学年九年级上册英语Unit 6单元测试卷 题型:单选题

—Can you find our city _______ a lot in recent years?

—Yes. The road is wider and the buildings are taller.

A. has changed B. changes

C. changed D. will change


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版八年级英语上册Module 4  Planes ships and trains单元测试卷 题型:单选题

I feel a bit tired.________, I can hold on.

A. But B. Though

C. While D. However


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级英语上册单元测试卷(unit1) 题型:单选题

______ name is Jack and ______ name is Linda.

A. Her; his B. His; her C. Her; her

