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(英译汉) see some sharks ___


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     He is a young man who seems to have brains in his feet as well as his mind.
     Brazilian (巴西的) football star Ricardo Kaka's performances make the point well. He is one of the top
scorers in the UEFA Champions League (欧洲冠军杯). Kaka helped AC Milan beat Manchester United 3-0. The
win took Kaka and AC Milan to the finals of the UEFA cup in 2007.
     Like many Brazilian football players, Kaka is now world famous. But he is not like most Brazilian players.
Most of his pals were once poor. Football made them famous and rich.
     The 27-year-old Kaka is a different kind of star.
     He was born to a rich family and enjoyed a comfortable early life. He joined Sao Paulo club at eight and
signed as a professional (职业的) player at 15. Three years later, he was the best player in the team. 
     "I plan my career (事业) by setting myself goals," he explained. "My goals drive me, they are what I fight
     And his next goal is to help the poor children. "When I was with the national team, we went to play in some
of the poorer areas." He said. "You see children who don't have enough to eat." 
     Kaka believes he can do something. Since November 2004, Kaka has been an Ambassador (大使) Against
Hunger for the UN World Food Program.
1. Put the underlined sentence ( at the beginning of the passage) into Chinese.
2. Kaka was the best player in his team when he was 18. ( T or F )
3. How old is Kaka?
4. What is Kaka's next goal?
5. What's Kaka like according to the passage?


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省期末题 题型:阅读理解

任务型阅读。阅读短文,并按要求完成1-5题。 1题为判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);
     Fifteen is such an awful (糟糕的) age, I should know. I really wish I were eighteen. If you are an
adult, you can be your own boss. People like my parents and my teachers are always telling me what
to do.
You know what I mean. "It's time for bed, Sandy." Or "Sandy, you've watched too much TV
for one night." "Sandy, stand up straight." "Sandy, you must improve your handwriting." Sandy this,
Sandy that. No one tells adults when they go to bed or not to watch TV. Besides, adults get to wear
what they like... Now it's going to be great to be an adult. Don't you agree?

     I'm Sandy's mother. Having a fifteen-year-old daughter isn't always easy. Right now, we've got a
problem. Our neighbor, Mrs. White, wants Sandy to look after her pet dog for one week. Sandy really
wants to do it, but I'm worried. She's too young and inexperienced. Well, I will never be able to relax
knowing she is all alone with a dog. I've tried to explain my feelings to her, but she won't listen. She
keeps telling me that the Whites live very near, so she can ask for help. She insists that Mrs. White
won't ask her to look after her pet dog if she doesn't think Sandy is old enough. She says I'm
"babying" her and I hate to see her mad at me. What should I do?
Finish the tasks according to the passage.
1. Sandy is fifteen years old and she wishes to be her own boss.
2. What does Sandy think her parents and her teachers are always doing about her? 
3. Why is Sandy's mother worried when Sandy wants to help Mrs. White?
4. Should Sandy look after Mrs. White's pet dog? 
5. Put the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese. 


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:翻译题

1. let me see                      ________
2. many kinds of                ________
3. be friendly                     ________
4. What can I do for you?   ________
5. look for                        ________
6. on the fourth floor      ________
7. not at all                    ________
8. Thanks a lot              ________
9. try on                       ________
10. be on sale                ________


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省期中题 题型:翻译题

     _______ are you _______ with?
     You should see a _______ if you have a _______.
     It takes Bill half an hour _______ _______ his homework every day.
      _______ very difficult _______ have a healthy lifestyle.
     I like the friend who _______ me _______.
8.I don't think differences are important in a friendship. (英译汉)
9.How far is it from your home to school? (英译汉)
10.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus. (英译汉)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



       __________ are you ____________ with?


You should see a ____________ if you have a ______________.


   It takes Bill half an hour _________ _________ his homework every day.


 ________ very difficult _______ have a healthy lifestyle.


       I like the friend who _______ me _______.



8.I don’t think differences are important in a friendship.( 英译汉)

9.How far is it from your home to school? ( 英译汉)

10.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.( 英译汉)

