精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】 I was reading a book in my chair in the living room_________my son was watching a show on TV. Suddenly, I heard someone in the show shout out happily, “Go to your happy place!" I looked up and saw that my son was laughing. After hearing those words and seeing my son's happy face, I _______all my happy places.

When I was a little boy, my happy place was my mother's lap(大腿). I could sit there and_______ shared a piece of cake. When I was in elementary(小学) school, my happy place was a tree. I could sit under it and watch the leaves_________golden in the fall. When I was a teenager, my happy place was my bedroom. There I could lie on my bed and listen to my favorite songs._______ a young man, my happy place was an old rocking() chair. There I could hold my boy in my arms and rock him to sleep.

When I got older, I realized that the happiest place was deep down in my own heart. It was there that I learned my happiness was in my own hands.

When you have your own heart as your happy place, then your happy place is wherever you decide to_________. When your happy place lives in your heart, you can share it with almost_______you meet. When your happy place is the life you live, then you make the world around _______ a happier place as well.

What about the happy places that you _______over the past years?____________your own happy place. Fill your heart with love. Fill your days with joy.



2A.thought twiceB.thought hardC.thought of

3A.two of usB.we twoC.both us




7A.everyoneB.someoneC.no one


9A.hadB.haveC.have had


















考查动词短语辨析及语境。thought twice再三考虑;thought hard仔细考虑;thought of想起。根据下文语境可知,“我”听到了电视节目的话,看到儿子快乐的脸,想起了“我”所有快乐的地方。故选C


考查代词辨析及语境。two of us我们中的两个;we two我们两个;both us形式错误。根据上句话 “When I was a little boy, my happy place was my mother's lap”可知,这里只提到了“我”和妈妈两人,A不对。故选B








考查不定代词辨析及语境。everyone每个人;someone某人;no one没有人。根据句意可知,快乐之地在我们的心里,那么无论我们遇到谁,都可以与他分享。故everyone符合文意,故选A




考查动词时态及语境。had有,过去式;have动词原形;have had现在完成时。根据句中的时间状语over the past years “在过去的几年里”,表示从几年前到现在,应用现在完成时。故选C



这是一篇议论文,短文中作者从电视节目中听到的一句话,引发了他对快乐之地的思考。通过讲述自己从前的快乐之地,作者呼吁读者们用爱装满自己的心,把心当作快乐之地。文章通过叙事讲述道理,从日常生活中的小事阐述深刻的哲理,是一篇非常好的文章。题型是完形填空,考查学生们在具体语境中运用语言的能力,综合性较强。做题时,先跳过空格通读短文,了解文章大意;然后根据语境做题,注意空前后的搭配,并仔细辨析选项中每个单词的意思和用法;最后将所选答案代入原文,再读一遍,检查答案是否正确。例如第4小题, 根据句意可知,这句话表示“树叶变成金色”,空后golden是形容词,这个空应填系动词,故change不行;颜色改变用turn,故选A。再如第8小题,考查代词辨析及语境。yours你的,名词性物主代词;you你,你们,人称代词;yourself你自己,反身代词。空前around是介词,该空作宾语,结合句意可知,这里表示“在你周围”,应用人称代词宾格。故选B


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Paul was a rich young man. When his father died, he left Paul a beautiful forest manor (庄园). Unfortunately, before Paul could sell it for a lot of money, a lightening strike (雷击) caused a fire that destroyed it. Watching the beautiful green trees turned into ash (灰烬) overnight, Paul felt his heart break.

In order to bring back the forest manor’s beauty, Paul tried to borrow money from a bank. But the bank refused him, for the bank didn’t believe he’d pay it back. Then he felt too frustrated to eat or drink. So he hid in his room for days. His wife was worried about him and suggested he should take a break outside.

Paul went for a walk. When he turned the first corner, he saw a store with a huge crowd. It turned out that the housewives were lining up to buy charcoal (木炭) used for winter heating.

Then Paul’s eyes lit up. He ran home and hired some charcoal workers to process the forest’s burnt trees into charcoal.

Soon, he sold more than 1,000 boxes of charcoal. As soon as his charcoal went on the market, it sold out quickly.

The following year in the spring, he used the money to buy a large number of seedlings. After a few years, the forest manor that everyone thought had disappeared came to life again.

1Paul wanted to borrow money from a bank to________.

A.make his manor beautiful again

B.buy some charcoal for winter heating

C.make his family live more happily

2How did Paul make the manor come to life again?

A.By borrowing some money from the bank.

B.By running a store to sell charcoal to those housewives.

C.By processing the burnt trees into charcoal and getting money.

3What does the underlined word mean in the passage?


4Which of the following may not be Paul’s feelings in this story?

A.Upset and hopelessB.Cheerful and happyC.Embarrassed and bored

5Which sentence from (《道德经》) has the similar meaning to the main idea of the passage?





科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


On holidays you’re likely to eat and overeat between family gatherings, office parties and celebrating with friends. Studies show it is easier to put on a few pounds this time of year. Here are some tips to help you enjoy holiday food without completely changing your diet:

●Switch(转换) to small plates.

Not only do smaller dished fill up faster, but the same size helps look like more food when it’s on a small dish.1But whatever the size of your plate, it’s most important to remember to keep it balanced; half for vegetables, a quarter for grains and a quarter for lean meat.

●Measure out (按量配给)snacks

Your favorite holiday movie is on. Take a minute to check the nutrition label (营养标签)and measure out a serving to keep calories (卡路里)in check. Take one popular brand of buttered microwave popcorn for example, 2But the bag contains 2.5 serving. Eat the whole thing on your own, and you’ll have eaten 425 calories.

●Split an entree (主菜).

Many restaurants serve far more food than one person needs in a single meal. 3Or pack half your entree to go as soon as it's served. Or choose a small size, if available.

●Stop eating when you feel satisfied.

You don’t have to feel too full, or force yourself to clean your plate before putting down your fork.4. When you’re satisfied, save the rest for leftovers (剩余物).

A.Share a main dish with a friend.

B.Eat slowly and pay attention to feelings of hunger.

C.Enjoy an entree slowly by yourself.

D.So you’ll be likely to serve yourself less.

E.One serving (一份食物)is about 4 cups popped with 170 calories.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I'm afraid I don't like these MP4s. Could you show me ________ one?

A.otherB.the otherC./D.another


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It's believed that travelling makes a full man. However, travelling with friends or travelling alone is a question. Which of the following can help you decide to set out on your trip alone?

①It helps to improve your ability to solve problems.

②You may feel lonely.

③It makes you learn to be responsible for everything.

④You'll get more freedom(自由) to do the things you like.

⑤You don't have to worry about your safety.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:








3)大家针对如何选择高考的考试学科(subject for college examination),发表了个人的看法。







Dear Francis,

What a pity that you missed the communication today!


Best wishes!


Li Ming


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I was in the seventh grade, and we had moved to New Jersey in November. By then, everyone already had had their own friends, and no one wanted to talk to a new girl. To make things worse, they put me in "Section L". I found out later that everyone called Section L "Loserville". It was sort of an open secret that it was the section for troublemakers and not-so-smart kids. When I found out, I wanted to scream. I had always been a good student and had amazing friends, and now everyone thought I was a loser!

I did text my friends in Illinois almost every night, especially my best friend, Ana. At first my friends wanted to hear all about it. But then some stopped texting back once I said something about how miserable (痛苦的) I was. One night when I was texting with Ana, I complained about another friend who had just done that. Ana's texts came really fast for the next few minutes and they surprised me. She said that she was tired of hearing about how bad everything was in New Jersey, too. She said she did not want to hurt my feelings, but that I needed to stop feeling so sorry for myself all the time, and I had to try to make things better.

The next day, I thought a lot about what Ana had said. She was right!

I wish I could say that everything changed overnight after that, but it didn't, I was still stuck in "Loserville", and some people were still mean (苛刻) to me, even though I tried to just stay out of their way.

But what did change was me-I stopped feeling so sorry for myself and did something about making friends. I signed up to make sets for the school play. I met a lot of new people there, and suddenly I had friends to say hi to in the halls!

I still miss Illinois sometimes, but life in New Jersey isn't so hard any more. Even though I couldn't change my situation, I could change my attitude-and that made all the difference.

1"Loserville" is a section for ________.

A.smart studentsB.low achieversC.class leadersD.new comers

2The writer complained all the time in the new environment because ________.

A.Ana didn't text back to herB.she was a good student

C.her friends hurt her feelingsD.she was unfairly treated

3What made a difference in changing the situation?

A.She managed to go back to Illinois.B.She ended the friendship with Ana.

C.She began to make friends with others.D.She fought back with her classmates.

4What's the best title for the passage?

A.Friends ForeverB.Say Goodbye to "Loserville"

C.An Incident at SchoolD.Unhappiness in "Loserville"


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


On the morning of July 10th, 2018, Dr. Tian Jiabing passed away at the age of 99. We are familiar with his name. Over the course of his life he donated (捐赠)80% of his w1, building over 200 schools and 18,000 libraries across the country since the 1980s, earning him the title of “Father of 100 Chinese Schools”(百校之父).

In 1997, Tian’s businesses were i2by the financial crisis(金融危机)in Asia, which made it difficult to offer promises of donations. In o3 to keep his promise, Tian, at the age of 83, decided to sell his home, in which he had lived for 38 years.

When he was interviewed, he said, “Heiping those schools felt like a more important and m4 action. ” He expressed that education plays an important role in a country's d5. He said he did a lot of things in his life, but he p6to help students achieve their dreams. He thought that spending money on education is “spending money in the most useful of places”. It is said that he donated tens or h7of millions.

He was respected by people not only because he never asked for returns for his work, But also because of small actions that help the s8get better.

Tian Jiabing is c9 as one of China’s all-time greatest charitarian(慈善家). More people will know about his efforts and spirit. We are so p10of him. We learn a lot from him and let's try to do good deeds together.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



1In the 1960ssome people began to translate his _____ into English.

2I'm afraid we should take _____ to improve our English knowledge.

3We are still _____ by his thoughts.

4Dr Bethune was ____but he is still alive in people's hearts.

5As far as I can seeBetty will be _____ if you write an article about her.

