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(完成句子)There are four __________(季节) in a year.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:053


  The programs that Sun Xiaomei hosts might be among the shortest on CCTV.“On Screen Next Week”is on once a week,for 15 minutes,and“TV You,He and I”comes on for five minutes each time once a week,too.“Though these programs are short,I have many ideas to make them

more lively for the audi-ence,”she said.

  Sun was interested in music in her child-hood.She played the violin since the age of five until she finished middle school.At first her fa-ther wanted her to enter a music school;howev-er,16-year-old Sun Xiaomei became a student in Beijing Broadcasting College.

  Sun loves her job as a hostess very much.She pays great attention to learning from her comrades,especially Zhao Zhongxiang.When Zhao Zhongxiang hosted“The Would”and“The Animal World”,Sun would sit beside him to learn.

  “I am sure that when I am seen by hundreds of millions of audience on the weekend,I can make friends with them through my warm and easy talk,”she said.



The ______ Sun Xiaomei ________ are“On Screen Next Week”and“TV You,He and I”.


It ______ Sun Xiaomei 20 minutes to host the programs ________ week.


In the sentence“I have many ideas to make them more lively for the audience.”the word“them”here means ________.


She played the violin ________ 5 ________ 16.


She has a _______ and _______ talk to them.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. He wants to _____ ( 加入 ) the basketball club.
2. Her brc)ther can't _____ (跳舞).
3. What's Victor's e-mail _____ (地址)?
4. His f'ather is a great _____ (音乐家).
5. Can you help the boys with _____ (游泳) ?
6. Her f'ather can't play the p_____ .
7. His cousin plays c _____ very well.
8. Linda's brother can s _____ English.
9. S _____  is the first day of the week (星期).
10. Can Cindy d _____ pictures?


科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. I'm your new teacher. I'll i_______ myself to you fires.
2. Ther were m_______ for five years and they had a son.
3. There are four q_______ in an hour.
4. We held a big party to c_______ Mother's Day.
5. Mother was cooking in the k_______ When I came back.
6. We should walk on the s_______ on the street.
7. You must i_______ your English,or you will fall behind others.
8. Nobody can dance so well b_______ Zhang Hua.
9. Qian Xue sen is an e_______ scientist in China.
10. Piease tell me how to p_______ the new word.

