精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1. 他正在准备在公众面前的讲话。 
    He is preparing the speech ________ ________.
2. 我要把它捐献给医学研究事业。
    I'd give it to ________ ________.
3. 他不知道穿什么。
    He doesn't know ________ ________ ________.
4. 你弟弟没得到许可就借走了你的衣服。
    Your brother borrowed your clothes ________ ________.
5. 你很爱交际并且非常自信。
    You are ________ and ________ ________.
6. 我不想让父母失望。
    I don't want to ________ my parents ________.
7. 如果你不小心砍伤了自己,你怎么办。
   What would you do ________ you cut yourself ________ ________.
8. 你一点儿也不理解我。
    You don't understand me ________ ________ ________.
1. in public
2. medical research
3. what to wear
4. without permission
5. outgoing; very confident
6. let down                                                                                
7. if; by accident
8. in the slightest

科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

英汉互译  根据汉语提示完成各句。
     Milk _____ good _____  health. We should _____ more milk.
     Can you tell us _____ make _____?
     _____ you _____  your last school trip?
     The students _____ a movie _____  in the future.
     You _____ _____ have a good rest.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 姚明是一名很出名的篮球队员。现在他正效力于美国NBA队。
    Yao Ming is a ______ ______  ______. Now he ______  ______ in NBA team.
2. 他想到西藏徒步旅行,计划过一个轻松的假期。
    He's ______  ______ in Tibet. He plans to have a ______  ______.
3. 当你到意大利后,别忘了给我寄明信片和你的照片。
    ______ forget ______ ______ me the ______ and your ______ When you get to Italy.
4. 在周末里,一些同学想去骑车旅行,一些同学想到乡村观光游览。
    Some classmates are ___ ___ _______ ______, some classmates are ______ ______ in the ___ __.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 他们聊天而不做作业。
    They talk _______ _______ _______ homework.
2. 你有时间给花浇水吗?
    Do you have time to _______ the flowers _______?
3. 应当允许青少年听流行音乐。
   Teenagers should _______ _______ to _______ _______ pop music.
4. 我不同意你说的话。
    I _______ _______ what you said.
5. 如果他明天去敬老院,我也去。
    If he goes to the old people's home, _______ _______ I.
6. 父母对青少年不应该太严厉。
    Parents should not be too _______ _______ teenagers.
7. 医生没能挽救女孩的性命。
    Doctors _______ _______ save the girl's life.
8. 他似乎朋友不多 。
    He doesn't ______ ______ ______ many friends.
9. 昨天他们请人修好了机器。
    They _______ _______ _______ _______ yesterday.
10. 上星期六,他才定完他的小说。
    _______ last Saturday _______ _______ _______ writing his novel.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

英汉互译, 根据汉语提示完成各句。
1. 蒂姆留的头发比萨姆短。 
   Tim has _____ hair _____ Sam.
2. 萨姆比汤姆安静得多。
   Sam is much _____ than Tom.
3. 我们俩都喜欢运动,尽管她看上去比我更健美。
    We _____ like sports , _____ she looks _____ _____ than me.
4. 蒂娜更外向一些,泰拉更严肃一些。
   Tina is _____ _____, but Tara is _____ _____.
5. 莉莉是我最好的朋友,和我相比她更镇静一些。
    Lily is my best _____. She is _____ than me.
6. 他们俩都喜欢参加晚会。
    They both enjoy _____ _____ _____.
7. 戴夫擅长打篮球。
    Dave is _____ _____ playing basketball.
8. 我妈妈没有爸爸高。
    My mother is not _____ _____ _____ my father.
9. 霍莉比玛利亚滑稽,她喜欢讲笑话。
    Holly is very _____ than Maria. She _____  jokes.
    My cousin is _____ than me. He is a _____ boy. He always helps others.
11. 汤姆在班里很受欢迎,彼得也一样。
     Tom is very _____ in his class, _____ _____ Peter.
12. 我和刘英都有黑色的眼睛。
     _____ Liu Ying and I _____ black eyes.

