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——Don't in class,Dora.Just listen to me carefully.

——Sorry,I won t do that again.

A. look for B. look after C. look around

C 【解析】句意:——别在教室里到处看看,仔细听我说。——对不起,我不会再那样做了。考查动词短语辨析题。A. look for寻找;B. look after照顾;C. look around四下观望。根据listen to me carefully,结合句意语境,可知look after, look for不合句意,故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:人教版九年级下册英语 unit6 第4课时(sectionB 1a-1e)测试 题型:单选题

This apple is so _________ that my teeth can’t stand it

A. delicious B. salty C. crispy D. sour

D 【解析】句意:这个苹果如此酸以至于我的牙无法忍受它。delicious美味的;salty咸的;crispy酥脆的;sour酸的。根据my teeth can’t stand it可知我的牙无法忍受,应是这个苹果太酸了,故用sour,故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年徐州市中考总复习七上Unit7单元过关测试(含答案) 题型:单选题

--Thank you for helping me.

-- , and what time is it?

A. You are welcome

B. Don't say so

C. That's right

D. No problem

A 【解析】句意:——谢谢你帮我。——不客气,几点了?A. You are welcome不客气,用于回答别人的谢意;B. Don't say so不要那样说;C. That's right那是对的;D. No problem没问题,用于回答别人的求助;故选A


科目:初中英语 来源:考点60 短文填空之提示词填空-备战2018年中考英语考点一遍过 题型:单词填空

People in the small town feel 1.(worry). The town 2.(use) to be very quiet. However, these days, something unusual is 3.(happen) in our town. Victor, a teacher, is really nervous. When he 4.(interview) by the town newspaper, he said that he 5.(hear) strange noises outside the window. His wife thought that it 6.(can) be an animal. But Victor and his friends thought it must be teenagers 7.(have) fun. One woman in the area saw something 8.(run) away, but it was dark, so she was not sure. Everyone in the small town is feeling uneasy, and everyone has his or her own ideas. There must be something 9.(visit) the homes in the neighborhood. What is it? People have no idea. Most people hope that this animal or person will simply go away. But the noise-maker is having too much fun 10.(create) fear in the neighborhood.

1.worried 2.used 3.happening 4.was interviewed 5.had heard. 6.could 7.having 8.running 9.visiting 10.creating 【解析】解析:小镇上的人们感到很焦虑,这个小镇过去很安静,然而,这些天,一些不同寻常的事情发生在我们镇上。维克托,我学校...


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省深圳市龙岗区2016-2017学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Charlie liked sports very much and he was good at table tennis.And he almost won all the table tennis matches in his school.If he won,he would feel good.If he didn’t win,he would feel bad.

At the second term,a new student,Billy,came to study in Charlie’s school.Billy was good at table tennis too.Soon there would be a match between Charlie and Billy.Billy worked hard to get ready for the match,but Charlie didn’t think much of it.When the match began,Billy didn’t look like a good player.There was always a smile on his face,while Charlie looked nervous all the time because he just wanted to win.Charlie thought it was more important to win the match than anything,but he didn’t win at last.

“You played very well,Charlie.I think we can play again sometime,”said Billy.But Charlie felt bad and he couldn’t fall asleep that night.

One day,Charlie saw Billy playing basketball again and again and he didn’t win.But the happy smile never left Billy’s face.

Whether he won the game or not,Billy enjoyed it.Charlie came to realize that enjoying a game was much more important than winning it.After that,he changed.

1.How did Charlie feel when he won a match?

A. Happy. B. Nervous. C. Tired. D. Bored.

2.Why did Charlie lose the table tennis match?

A. Because he was not good at table tennis.

B. Because he didn’t get ready for the match.

C. Because he was not happy that day.

D. Because he didn’t enjoy the match.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Charlie didn’t care about winning at first.

B. Billy won the table tennis match by good luck.

C. Billy was not very good at basketball.

D. Charlie and Billy became good friends at last.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Do what we are good at. B. Enjoy what we are doing now.

C. We should always smile. D. Being happy is very important.

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 【解析】试题分析:这是一篇记叙文。查利很喜欢打乒乓球,在和新生比利的一场比赛中输掉了,他很不开心。后来看到打篮球的比利,常打常输却照样面带微笑时,他醒悟了,开始意识到享受比赛比赢得比赛要重要得多。 1.题意:查利赢得比赛时感觉如何?考查细节理解题。根据If he won, he would feel good.,可知感觉很好,故选A。 ...


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省深圳市龙岗区2016-2017学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

——Smith,what would you like to do as your career?

——I would like to be a teacher in the future.

A. skill B. job C. poem

B 【解析】句意:——史米斯,你想做什么职业?——我希望将来成为一名教师。考查同义词辨析题。A. skill技能;B. job工作/职业;C. poem诗歌。career职业;根据词义,可知选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:考点57 短文填空之首字母填空-备战2018年中考英语考点一遍过 题型:单词填空

(江苏省扬州市江都区邵樊片2018届九年级12月月考)At the age of 15 , Yang Mi was a m1. in the fashion magazine, Ray. When she was a senior three student at the age of 18, she p2. Guo Xiang in The Return of the Dondor(神鹰)Heroes. At 19, she was admitted by the Beijing Film Academy a3. the top student. As the "Queen of big data "in the showbiz(娱乐圈), she surprised people with a4. data(数据).She starred(主演) in 16 TV series and 24 movies within 5 years. She has 75 million followers on Webo. Her TV series Les Interpretes ended with the highest ratings(收视率) drama of 2016. In 2017, she starred in Ten Great III of Peach Blossom(《三生三世十里桃花》) , which broke the r5. of webcasting with 30 billion hits. The v6. of her studio, JayWalk Studio, rises from 25 million yuan to 5 billion yuan. From an unpopular a7. to a popular "Queen of big data", it only takes her less than ten years to accomplish it. She now has become the hottest s8. at the era of big data(大数据时代).

There are endless topics around Yang Mi: her friendship with Liu Shishi and Tan Yan, her former relationship with Hu Ge …Plus, a9. her acting skills were controversial(有争议的), her works were Internet phenomena(网络爆红). She now has b10. the representative of young people in tough times.

1.model 2.played 3.as 4.amazing 5.record 6.value 7.actress 8.star/superstar 9.although 10.become 【解析】短文大意:本文介绍了影视明星杨幂演艺事业的开始、发展的历程,她已经成为困难时期年轻人的代表。 1.句意:在15岁时,杨幂是时尚杂志《...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年江苏沭阳如东实验学校八年级第二学期第一次阶段检测(有答案) 题型:单选题

A couple of years ________ since the earthquake took place in Wenchuan.

A. passed B. has past

C. have passed D. has passed

D 【解析】试题分析:句意: 自从汶川发生地震,几年已经过去了。Since自从,常和现在完成时连用。A couple of years几年,将一段时间看做一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式,故此题选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省常州市天宁分校2017-2018学年八年级3月学情调研英语试卷 题型:单选题

---_________ is Bob often late for school.

---Because he often gets up late.

A. Why B. When C. What

A 【解析】句意:—鲍伯为什么经常上学迟到。 —因为他经常起晚。A. Why 为什么; B. When什么时候; C. What什么。Because引导的答语句子,用Why 来问。故选A。

