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It is a small factory. There is nowhere to 1    near it,so the workers take food from their homes and eat it in the factory at 2    .

3    of the workers always has fish sandwiches. Every day he takes one of them out of his 4       ,bites(p交) it and 5   throws all the sandwiches away.

At 6   ,one day,one of the workers says to him, "But Bill,don't you like fish sand?wiches?" . " 7   ”,says Bill, "I don't like them.”

"Then why does your 8    make them for you every day? There are lots of other nice things for sandwiches. Tell 9   and she will make other sandwiches.”

"It's not easy as that," answers Bill. "I don't have a wife. I 10   sandwiches myself."

(   ) 1.A. play   B. eat   C. swim   D. sing

(   ) 2.A. night   B. morning   C. evening   D. noon

(   ) 3.A. One   B. Two   C. Three   D. Four

(   ) 4.A. home   B. room   C. bag   D. house

(   ) 5.A. then   B. than   C. so   D. or

(   ) 6.A. last   B. all   C. first   D. time

(   ) 7.A. Yes   B. No   C. Certainly   D. OK

(   ) 8.A. mother   B. wife   C. father   D. brother

(   ) 9.A. her   B. him   C. them   D. me

(   ) 10.A. do   B. make   C. eat   D. have

 l. B从下文可知本文讲的是与吃饭有关的事。2. D 3. A从谓语动词"has" 可判断主语应为单数。4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. B因为下文提到了" wife" 9. A 10. B

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级下册 > 能力训练19


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The sea is a new world to us. And it is a big place. We know that some 1    fish live in it.

One of the strangest is the angler(琵琶鱼) .It lives deep(深的) down in the sea. The water there is very cold. And it is as 2    as night.

The female angler knows a good 3    to catch food. She goes fishing. She has her own fishing line. It grows out of the top of her head. It hangs(悬挂) down in front of her mouth. The tip(尖) looks 4V in the dark water. The 5    of her line is her bait(鱼何) .

Hungry fish see her bait. They think it is food to eat. A hungry fish will swim 6    . It swims right at the bait. Then the angler closes her mouth. That's the end of the fish.

The female angler grows quite large. She may be longer than 7    arm. But the male(雄性的) is very small. He is about as long as a finger(手指) .

8    he is born,the male fish started to look for a female. When he finds her,he holds onto her side with his mouth. Soon his mouth grows into her side. Now he will not get 9    in the dark.

The male angler has no fishing line . He does not need one . The female does the fishing for him . And he gets his food 10    her.

(   ) 1. A. big    B. small    C. strange    D. lovely

(   ) 2. A. cold    B. dark    C. quiet    D. strange

(   ) 3. A. road    B. way    C. travel    D. place

(   ) 4. A. bright    B. beautiful    C. small    D. cold

(   ) 5. A. mouth    B. meat    C. tip    D. end

(   ) 6. A. faster and faster    B. soon after

    C. farther and farther    D. very quick

(   ) 7. A. his    B. its    C. your    D. her

(   ) 8. A. Soon before    B. Soon after    C. When    D. While

(   ) 9. A. down    B. ready    C. lost    D. tried

(   ) 10. A. from    B. to    C. for    D. by


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr Black likes to be exact(精确的) .One day he is 1    in the street, a man comes over and 2    him. "Excuse me,is there a 3    near here?" "Near here? Bookshop? You have to go across a bridge and then turn 4    . ”" And how long is the bridge?" " 5    meters(米) .”The man thanks him 6    walks to the bridge. But suddenly (突然) ,he hears someone running 7    him . "Stop,stop!" Mr Black is shouting behind. " I'm very 8    . The bridge is not thirty meters long. It's forty!If you 9    thirty meters and then turn left as I tell you,you will 10    into the water.”

(   ) 1.A. sleeping   B. walking   C. singing   D. making

(   ) 2.A. stops   B. stop   C. stopping   D. to stop

(   ) 3.A. factory   B. hotel   C. bookshop   D. school

(   ) 4.A. left   B. to left   C. right   D. to right

(   ) 5.A. Thirty   B. Forty   C. Thirteen   D. Fourteen

(   ) 6.A. but   B. so   C. and   D. if

(   ) 7.A. after   B. before   C. in   D. on

(   ) 8.A. happy   B. sorry   C. right   D. wrong

(   ) 9.A. have   B. know   C. are   D. go

(   ) 10.A. swim   B. fall   C. jump   D. come


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mrs Black is a history teacher. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears glasses. Ms Green teaches French. She's short, and she has long straight hair. Our math teacher is Mr Parker. He's very clever. He wears a cap and glasses. Mr Johnson is tall and has black hair. He's a music teacher in our school. And he is playing the guitar. He is really handsome. Mrs Werner teaches science. She is medium build. She is very beautiful and friendly. She likes wearing pink dresses.wearing pink dresses



1) Our h        teacher always tells us something long ago.

2) Mary has b       ,straight hair.

3) Ms Green t        us English.

4) He w        a cap and glasses.

5) She is really beautiful and f       . We all like her.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My best friends are John and Ann. We do many things together. John lives near my house and we are in the same class. He's fifteen years old and he's tall and thin. He's got blond hair and blue eyes. He's polite and very clever. He's very good at math and he helps me with my homework sometimes. He usually wears jeans and a T-shirt,but in the photo he's wearing black trousers and a yellow T-shirt. We also play basketball at a nearby park together, and sometimes we play video games at my house.

Our friend Ann is not in the same school with us. She's short and slim,with straight brown hair and brown eyes. She's a little bit shy. We all have kung fu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. We love it. Ann is really good at kung fu. We call her the "Kung Fu Kid". She sometimes plays basketball with us,too. In the picture she is wearing a skirt,a T-shirt and a baseball cap. The three of us have great fun together.


(   ) 1)  What things do the three children do together?

   A. Play baseball.   B. Play basketball.

   C.Play video games.   D. Play soccer.

(   ) 2)  What are John and Ann's favorite clothes?

   A. T-shirts.   B. Jeans.   C. Trousers.   D. Sweaters.

(   ) 3)  Who is good at math?

   A. Tom.   B. Ann.   C. John.   D. I.

(   ) 4)  Who often wears a baseball cap?

   A. Ann.   B. Tom.

   C.John.   D. I don't know.

(   ) 5)  When do the three children have kung fu lessons?

   A.Every Tuesday afternoon.

   B.Every Friday afternoon.

   C.Both A and  B.

   D.Every Thursday and Friday afternoon.


1) John and I are in the sclass.

2) John is p        and very clever.

3) Ann is a little bit s     .

4) We are g        at singing pop songs.

5) The three of us have a great t      together.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

写一篇短文,介绍一家冰淇淋店,要求80词左右,内容包括: 1.在冰淇淋店有三种特色甜品;





A House of Ice Cream


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

This is a story about a monkey. An old man had a monkey. The old man liked the monkey very much. The monkey was very clever. When the birds came to the garden, he drove them away. He also helped the old man in many other ways. The old man fell asleep in his chair. Then the monkey would sit at the old man's side and drive flies(苍蜆) away from the old man. One hot afternoon in the summer, the old man was asleep in his chair. A fly came and sat on the end of the old man's nose. The monkey drove it away. Soon the fly came back again and sat on the old man's nose again. Again the monkey drove it away. Again and again, the monkey became very angry. He jumped up,ran into the garden and picked a large stone(石头) .When he came back,the fly was on the old man's nose again. The monkey hit it hard with that stone. The fly fell off,but the old man's nose was broken.

Well, many people, even our friends, sometimes do things just like the monkey. They don't think much before they do things. They sometimes bring us trouble, even though they mean to do something good.


(   ) 1) The monkey        

   A.was always ready to help others

   B.could do a lot of things for the old man

   C.drove the chickens into the garden

   D.fell asleep with his friends

(   ) 2) What happened when the old man was asleep?

   A.A lot of birds came to the garden.

   B.The monkey was busy doing housework.

   C.A fly came and sat on the old man's nose.

   D.The monkey was looking for a stone. 

(   ) 3) Why did the monkey get angry?

   A.Because he couldn't find a stone.

   B.Because he was afraid of the old man.

   C.Because he drove the fly again and again, but the fly came back every time.

   D.Because his stone hit the old man's nose.

(   ) 4) What's the result(结果) of the story?

   A. The old man woke up.   B. The old man's nose was broken.

   C.The fly was dead.   D. A. B and C are all right.

(   ) 5) What can we learn from the story?

   A.The monkey can't help us.

   B.Don't be angry at any time.

   C.Everyone hates flies.

   D.We must think carefully before we do things. 2.根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。

1) The monkey was very c        and the old man liked it very much.

2) The monkey can        the old man in many ways.

3) The baby was a       . Please be quiet.

4) A fly came and sat on the dish. Tom d    it away.

5) We must think carefully b    we do things.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Tina:I'm hungry,Amy. Amy: So am I. 1      .

Tina: Yeah. Let's go to Rockin' Restaurant. I love their hamburgers.

Amy: Oh,Tina ...I hate Rockin' Restaurant. Tina: Why? 2.       

Amy: Yes, the food is fine. I just don't like the atmosphere(气氛) .Those awful pictures on the walls make me sad, 3.      

Tina: OK. So where do you want to go,Amy?

Amy: 4.        The soft music there makes me relaxed.

Tina: Not me. 5.       

   A.It makes me sleepy.

   B.The food is great, isn't it?

   C.Let's go to Blue Ocean.

   D.Why don't we get something to eat?

     E.and the loud music makes me tense.

