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Once there lived two brothers. The elder was called Simon and the younger Victor. They loved each other very much, and always took care of one another. Every day they worked from morning _______night, getting as much grain(谷物) as possible from their fields.

One late autumn evening, after their work in the fields was done, Simon said to his wife, "Victor got married last month. He has many bills(账单) to pay. I think I will put a bag of rice in his barn(谷仓). “Oh, that's a good idea,” said his wife. “But please don't tell him,” said Simon, “If he knows I put the rice there, he will_________take it.”

So, late that night Simon took a bag of rice to Victor's barn. The next day, while looking at his own barn, he found something strange. “I took a bag of rice to Victor's house last night,_________ I still have the same number of bags in my barn._________ did that happen?”

Simon decided to take another bag of rice to his brother's barn that night. But the next morning, he found the_________number of bags in his barn again! “This is very strange,” he thought. That night he______again. He carried a large bag of rice on his shoulder(肩膀); and walked down the road to his younger brother's house. In the bright moonlight, he could see another person coming down the road. He was carrying something on his________, too. “Younger Brother!” Simon cried, “What are you doing?” “I was_____you, Older Brother,” said Victor, “Your family is____ than mine. I thought you needed more rice.” The two brothers quickly_______that they had been taking rice to each other. They laughed about what had happened. “It is good to have a brother like you,” they both said. And they lived happily ever after.

1.A. until B. at C. through D. with

2.A. never B. sometimes C. usually D. ever

3.A. so B. and C. but D. or

4.A. How B. What C. Why D. Where

5.A. small B. different C. big D. same

6.A. planned B. failed C. hoped D. tried

7.A. back B. shoulder C. head D. hand

8.A. proud of B. polite to C. angry with D. worried about

9.A. smaller B. richer C. larger D. happier

10.A. remembered B. knew C. believed D. hoped


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上册英语专项训练-语法 题型:单选题

—Which day is the__________day of the week?

—It's Friday.

A. six B. sixes C. sixth D. sixth's


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上册英语专项训练-语法 题型:单选题

My mother is an English teacher and she __________in a middle school.

A. teach B. teacher C. teaches D. teaching


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习-阅读理解 题型:阅读单选

My parents turned my whole world upside down when they told me they were getting a divorce (离婚).I couldn't believe our family was going to break up.

It changed my life completely.My mother and I moved into a small apartment across town,while my father and brother,Bill,stayed in our house.

And very soon I had my stepfather (继父),Dan.Even though I wasn't very nice to him,he never gave up on me.

As time went on,I realized that we had some things in common,especially when it came to movies and TV shows.We began to spend a lot of time together hanging out.It gave us a chance to talk and get to know each other.

Better still,Dan was always around when I needed advice on school or friends.Once I began to be warm to Dan,the three of us began spending a lot of time together.We often went out to eat and took short trips.Finally,I discovered I had a happy family that I had never had before.

My father also found happiness—he remarried and had another child,my half-sister,Michelle.

At 13, I learned an important truth—change is not always for the worse.Sometimes,it is just what we need the most.

1.How many people were there in the writer's family before his parents got a divorce?

A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.

2.At first,the writer his stepfather.

A. 1iked B. couldn't stand C. was unfriendly to D. didn't trust

3.Which is NOT true about Dan?

A. He was the writer's stepfather

B. He liked to take short trips.

C. He had a daughter Michelle.

D. He gave advice on the writer's school or friends.

4.The writer was a (n)

A. student B. reporter C. teacher D. artist

5.What does the writer want to tell us through his story?

A. Life is not easy for every one of us.

B. Sometimes stepfather is better than father.

C. He met too much trouble in his early years.

D. Sometimes,change is just what we need the most


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习-完形填空 题型:完型填空

I still remember that day. I was waiting to get some _____for shopping in a bank. Among the crowd(人群),I noticed a little boy carrying some sunglasses in one hand and a big bag in_____.

The boy was about 10 years old. He was walking around the people inside the _____and asked them to buy his sunglasses. But _____would buy any from him. He tried from one person to another. From the look on his face, I knew he would not _____.

Now, I decided to have a _____with him. I went up and asked, “Do you go to school?” He nodded(点头) his head. Then I went on, “Why do you _____sunglasses?” He said nothing. I gave him $20 and said that I was not in _____of the sunglasses but he could keep the money. To my _____, his face changed a lot, which is still in my memory(记忆) today. I didn’t know

______ to say next. Then he replied, “please buy sunglasses or ______back your money. I don’t need your pity(同情).” I felt very ______for what I did, and I told him that I would buy two pairs.

I took these sunglasses home and kept ______ myself, “Did such a young boy need to do it for his self-respect(自尊)?” He could ______ take the $20 and left. But he chose to sell his sunglasses and get the money not because of others’______I will remember this lesson forever.

1.A. bags B. books C. money D. information

2.A. another B. others C. the other D. the others

3.A. shop B. school C. hotel D. bank

4.A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody

5.A. give out B. give away C. give back D. give up

6.A. talk B. look C. walk D. taste

7.A. send B. sell C. buy D. give

8.A. danger B. need C. time D. trouble

9.A. joy B. surprise C. happiness D. excitement

10.A. how B. when C. where D. what

11.A. take B. give C. pay D. send

12.A. worried B. happy C. excited D. sorry

13.A. telling B. answering C. asking D. watching

14.A. easily B. proudly C. sadly D. hardly

15.A. joke B. pity C. advice D. decision


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七上英语试卷-Unit2 This is my sister 同步测试 题型:单选题

Is this photo _____your father?

A. in B. of C. to


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七上英语试卷-Unit2 This is my sister 同步测试 题型:单选题

______ is my aunt. _____ brother is my father.

A. she; she B. Her; Her C. She; Her


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版英语九年级Unit1单元测试卷 题型:单选题

—How do you study________a test?

—I often study________a group.

A. to;for

B. for;at

C. at;in

D. for;with


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake 单元测试(+听力材料) 题型:阅读判断

The best known vegetable in the world is the potato. It grows in many places and does not need rich soil like many other crops. But until four hundred years ago the potato was not known to the Europeans. But today it’s one of the main foods in Europe. About half of the world’s potatoes are grown in Europe.

In France the potato was not grown for a long time. Here is a story about Louis. In 1778 he saw some potato flowers for the first time. He liked them so much that he picked one and put it in his buttonhole. He was interested in the flowers not the potatoes themesleves.


1.Potatoes are grown and eaten in Europe.

2.The potatoes are grown only in the rich soil.

3.Louis was the first man to eat the potato.

4.At first the Europeans grew potatoes to eat.

5.Louis liked the potato flowers better than the potatoes.

