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Dear Sir,
I am writing to you about my stay at your hotel. My wife and I arrived on Saturday, May 15th and stayed for a week. Though we were treated well and found the service excellent, we think there are one or two things we should bring your attention.
1. We hoped for a nice holiday from our busy work lives, and your ad said “comfortable and quiet”. We want to have a chance to enjoy ourselves. However, we were always waken up by the noise every morning. Is it really necessary for the workers to start their repair work so early?
2. We hoped to swim in your “wonderful pool”. To our disappointment(失望), we found that it was closed for the whole time of our stay.
I hope you do not mind my writing to you about these things, but I would be happy if you could give me some explanation(说明). As I said at the start, it is a pity, and your service is so good in other places.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely
Tom Green
小题1:Who is Mr. Tom Green probably writing this letter to?
A.His friend.B.The owner of a hotel.
C.A reader.D.His father.
小题2:When did they get to the hotel?
A.On May 15th.B.A week ago.
C.Last year.D.On a cold morning.
小题3:What’s the main idea of the second paragraph (段落)?
A.The hotel was very comfortable and quiet.
B.The workers in the hotel were very hard-working.
C.He thought the hotel didn’t provide them with a quiet place.
D.The service in the hotel was very excellent.
小题4:What did Mr Green think about the swimming pool?
A.He felt disappointed because the swimming pool was closed for the whole time of their stay.
B.He felt disappointed because the swimming poop was too small.
C.He felt excited about it because he had a good time there.
D.He found it really wonderful, just like the words in the ad.
小题5:What kind of letter is it?
A.An invitation letter.B.A thank-you letter.
C.A sorry letter.D.A complaint letter.


试题分析:本文主要讲述Tom Green给他在度假时所住的酒店写得一封抱怨信,Tom Green对这家酒店提出了在住宿时遇到的两个问题,并且希望能得到酒店管理者的答复。
小题1:细节理解题。根据 第一段第一句话I am writing to you about my stay at your hotel.“我写信给你关于我住在你家酒店的一些事”可知他是给度假时居住的酒店所有人写得信,故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话My wife and I arrived on Saturday, May 15th and stayed for a week.我和我的妻子在5月15日星期里在你的酒店住了一周。可知他在5月15日到的酒店。故选A。
小题4:细节理解题。根据第三段We hoped to swim in your “wonderful pool”. To our disappointment(失望), we found that it was closed for the whole time of our stay.“我希望能在你美丽的游泳池里游泳,但令我失望的是我们在酒店的时候它一直是关闭的。”可知他对酒店的游泳池很失望。故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Does this ever happen to you? Someone introduces you to a friend, you hear his or her name, and then two minutes later, you forget it. Or you go to the same restaurant every day and the owner always says “Hello” to you but you can never remember her name. If this happens, you are typical — actually most people have the problem remembering names.
Here are some ways that can help people remember names.
※ Repeat the person’s name loud at least three times while you talk together. For example, instead of saying “Nice to meet you.” say “Nice to meet you, Jack (for Sue or whatever the person’s name is).” Instead of saying “Where do you live?” you can say “Where do you live, Jack?”
※ Introduce the person by name to someone else right away.
※ Write the name down (with a little information about the person) as soon as possible.
There are other ways which may seem a little strange. However, try them.
※ Think of a story using the person’s name. For example, think to yourself, “Jack has a nice jacket.” Imagine Jack in a nice jacket.
※ Think of a rhyme(押韵)for the person’s name. For example, think to yourself, “Jack would look nice in black.” Imagine Jack wearing black clothes.
All these ways have one thing in common. You must pay attention to the people you meet. You can’t just meet someone, nod your head, say hello, and walk away. Remembering names takes work and practice.
小题1: Few people have problems remembering others’ names.
小题2:The word “typical” probably means “common”.
小题3: It may seem unusual to help remember a name by making up a story with it.
小题4:If you want to remember names easily, you must talk politely to the people you meet.
小题5: This passage mainly tells us how to get on well with others.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Sally: an animal doctor
What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened in your job?
Probably the dog that bit me. It wasn’t a big one - I don’t mind the big ones. The small ones are the worst. It gave me a very nasty bite.
Have you ever done any other jobs?
Yes, I did different kinds of jobs when I was a student. One summer I did fruit-picking in Spain.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever done?
In order to improve my English, I worked for a rich family in New York. I never had a day off and I had to do everything – cooking, cleaning, shopping- and look after their horrible children. I left after two weeks and managed to get a job as a waitress in an Italian restaurant.

Leo: an actor
What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened in your job?
So many bad things have happened-but I think my worst moment was when I read my first bad review in the newspaper. They wrote terrible things about me, and I was so upset. After that I didn’t read my reviews any more.
Have you ever done any other jobs?
Oh yes, it’s hard to make a living as an actor. So I’ve done lots of part-time jobs over the years. For example, I’ve worked in a shop, sold ice cream at the beach and handed out publicity flyers in the street.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever done?
The worst job I’ve ever done was at an egg-packing factory. Working conditions are terrible-you stand for hours at the end of a belt, putting eggs into boxes. You can’t have a break, and if you want to go to the toilet, you have to ask for permission. And worst of all, the smell was terrible- I’ve never eaten an egg since then.
小题1:The underlined word “one” refers to “__________”.
小题2:Sally has done the following jobs EXCEPT __________.
A.picking fruit in Spain
B.working for a rich family
C.looking after sick animals
D.cooking in an Italian restaurant
小题3:After reading his first bad review in the newspaper, Leo __________.
A.wrote more reviews
B.replied to every review
C.gave up his job as an actor
D.stopped reading any of his reviews
小题4:What does Leo think of being an actor?
A.It’s hard to make a living.
B.It’s helpful to read his reviews.
C.It’s easy to make lots of money. 
D.It’s fun to have different experiences.
小题5:What did Leo hate most when working at an egg-packing factory?
A.No breaks.B.Standing for too long.
C.The bad smell.D.Putting eggs into boxes.
小题6:The best title of the passage might be __________.
A.An Animal DoctorB.Terrible Job Experiences
C.How to Find a Part-time JobD.Reviews of Sally a nd Leo


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Kate,
It is very exciting that you are coming to our school so soon.    you arrive, let me introduce to you what our school life is like.
Our school is a good     where we can prepare ourselves well for the future. We have many wonderful teachers who are always ready to    help. Though we pay a lot of attention to how    we do in lessons, getting high scores is not the only reason to study. The      encourage us to try out new ideas and ask questions in class. With their help we have developed all kinds of     in both Arts and Science. Students can choose to            any school clubs they are interested in. We can      choose the subjects that we want to study. Last term I chose American Literature, because I wanted to learn     famous American writers. This term I chose to attend     classes because my father bought me a piano as a birthday present.
By the way, I was elected monitor of my class. Sometimes it can be     to be a monitor, because I have to do a lot of work and attend many meetings. However, being a monitor has taught me a lot, such as      for others and taking responsibilities and so on. When my class was given the title of “Model Class”, I was      than ever before. So being a monitor     an important part in my school life. I’m very pleased with my work.
I love my school and    that you will have a pleasant experience here too. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Li Ping
A.needB.askC.want D.offer
A.activitiesB.characters C.personalitiesD.interests
A.playsB.takes C.makesD.acts


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The world we live is full of amazing things. Do you know the following things?
Chocolate tastes nice but it may make the little dog die.
We may sleep for eight hours at a time but a snail (蜗牛) may sleep for three years.
Our ears and nose become bigger when we grow up but eyes keep the same after a person is born.
Food usually goes bad easily in summer but you don’t need to worry about how to keep honey (蜂蜜) because honey doesn’t go bad.
Most animals will die soon without the head. But a cockroach (蟑螂) can live for nine or ten days without the head.
Not all birds can fly. About forty kinds of birds can’t fly, like the penguin (企鹅) and the ostrich (鸵鸟).
小题1:________ Things
Little dogs
小题2:________ is bad for them and they can’t eat it.
A snail
It may sleep for 小题3:_______ years, but we sleep小题4:_______ hours at a time.
Our eyes
The size of the eyes doesn’t小题5:________.
It doesn’t go 小题6:_______ at any time.
It can live for nine or ten小题8:________ without the 小题9:________.
Most birds are good at 小题10:________ but some can’t.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The weather is always different from time to time. Sometimes it is sunny, and sometimes it is      . If you ask me which       weather is my favorite, I would       it’s the snowy days, because I can find many things that make me happy in     times.
I can do many fun things when it snows. If I have a friend       me, we will do anything interesting. All we want to do is to sleep on the ground.       snowmen is a good idea, too. I will make a snowman that looks       my friend, and she will make one that is just like me. I will never       snowball fights. It is my favorite thing       when it snows. When we      to fight, our laughs are everywhere.
I love the snowy days because they make me happy. How about you? Do you like it too?
小题1:A. rainy                   B. snow                 C. fine
小题2: A.lots of                 B. a little                C.kind of
小题3: A. speak             B. say                 C. tell
小题4: A. those                 B. that                 C. this
小题5: A.has                     B. with                     C. and
小题6: A. Taking                 B. Playing                 C. Making
小题7: A. at                     B. like                 C. for
小题8: A. know                 B. remember             C. forget
小题9: A. to do                  B. doing                    C. do
小题10:A. start                     B. began                    C. got


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Last summer, my  mother and  I  went to her hometown, Guilin. The city is very ___ in the world ____ it has beautiful rivers and hills. Many ____from different countries around the world go to _____ it every year. My motherwasborn _____ a small village near the Li River. When she ____a little girl, she studied at the village school ____ only five classes and seven _____. Some children were very ____ and  didn’t like to study at school, ____ my mother was well-behaved. The teachers were very strict but very friendly.
A.visitB.seeC.look atD.watch
A.goodB. cleverC.naughtyD.well-behaved
A.soB. andC.butD.or


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I walked into the Huddle House Restaurant in Brunswick, Georgia and sat down at the table. I picked up the menu and was to order something for breakfast.
“Excuse me,”
I looked up and   小题1:  a nice-looking woman standing before me.
“Is your name Roger?”   小题2: asked.
“Yes, ” I answered, feeling rather surprised as I had never seen her before.
“My name’s Barbara and my husband is Tony,” she said, pointing to a middle-aged man sitting alone at the table by the window. He was   小题3:  and weak.
“Tony White, from Landon School in Jacksonville, Florida,” she added.
I looked at that man for a few seconds but I didn’t recognize him.
“I’m really sorry. The name doesn’t ring the bell,” I said.
She walked back, began   小题4:  with her husband and once in a while I saw her turn around and look directly at me.
I ordered breakfast and a cup of   小题5: , sitting there, trying to remember who this Tony was. “I must know him,” I thought to myself. “He recognizes me for some reason.” I picked up the coffee cup. All of a sudden it came to me like a flash of lightning.
“Tony, the bully, the bad boy!” I could   小题6: believe my eyes. “My God! He’s so thin now. Not the big boy that I   小题7:  from back in 1997.”
Everything came up to my mind. The time this   小题8:  boy had made fun of my big ears in front of the girls in my class, and the time this big bully had pushed me against the walls in the hallway just to make himself   小题9: a big man to all other students.
“I am sorry, Roger,” Tony rolled by me in the wheelchair, being pushed by his wife, raising his thin, shaking hand. “I am so sorry for  小题10:  that I did to you.”
“I’m…I’m er…” I didn’t know what to say to him.
After a few months, I received a letter from Barbara. Tony was   小题11:. Tony had been a fireman and had been seriously wounded in a task.
How I   小题12: for not saying something to him but I no longer had the chance!
A.look afterB.look like C.look forD.look at
A.congratulatedB.regretted C.doubtedD.canceled


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Four students are talking about the future after class.
Deng Tao
In 2050, China will be richer than it’s now. Shanghai will be getting ready for the 40th Olympic Games in 2052. We’ll see the blue and clear sky and breathe the fresh air. There will be more pandas living happily in China. I believe that 2050 will be the year of China.
Lin Hong
A holiday on the moon will no longer be a dream. We can also travel far to other planets and talk with the spacemen. We might also eat something like pills that take the place of today’s meals. Everyone will enjoy a longer life.
Wang Jun
Robots will be very popular. They’ll do what people don’t want to do. We’ll build new homes on other planets. By then, I’ll be fifty years old. Maybe we’ll have an exciting talk in my new home on another planet!
Li Ping
By the year of 2050, clothing() will be used in many ways. It’ll bring back animals that disappeared many years ago. There will be no pollution. The whole world will be one big family. There will be no wars. As time passes, we’ll live a much easier and better life.
小题1: Maybe             will hold the 40th Olympics in 2052.
A. Beijing                  B. Tianjin              C. Shanghai
小题2:.            thinks that people can spend their holidays on the moon in the future.
A. Lin Hong                 B. Wang Jun            C. Li Ping
小题3:. From the talk robots will           .
A. build new homes           
B. do what people don’t want to do
C. help people discover other planets
小题4:.            will be used in many ways in 2050.
A. Cloning                    B. Robots              C. Televisions
小题5:. The four students believe in the future            .
A. it’s difficult to travel far to outer space  
B. there will be no danger and no air pollution
C. life will change for the better

