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I sleep with the window open it's really cold.

A. unless B. till C. or

A 【解析】 句意:我睡觉的时候窗户是开着的,除非天气真的很冷。unless除非,如果不,引导条件状语从句;till直到…时候;or或者;否则。根据句意sleep with the window open可知,这里表示条件,故应选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:人教九年级第12单元测试卷 题型:单选题

Don't________too late,or you'll feel tired tomorrow.

A. wake up B. put up C. stay up D. show up

C 【解析】 句意:不要熬夜太晚,否则明天你会感到累。wake up叫醒,吵醒;put up张贴;搭建;stay up熬夜;show up出现,露面。根据句意you’ll feel tired可知,这里考查的是stay up,故应选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:福建省2016-2017学年八年级下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Sam, you swim much better than me.

—Thank you. ___________

A. Well done. B. Practice makes perfect. C. You’re right.

B 【解析】 句意:Sam,你游泳比我游的好多了。——谢谢,熟能生巧。A. Well done.干得好; B. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 ; C. You’re right.你是对的。根据情景,选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:吉林省2018年中考英语试卷 题型:话题作文

文娱、体育、户外等丰富多彩的课外活动为我们的生活增添了生机和活力。请以 “After-school Activities Make My Life Colorful” 为题,为校园专栏写一篇英文稿件。





After-school Activities Make My Life Colorful Nowadays, after-school activities are becoming more and more popular. There are many different kinds of activities, for example, arts and sports. I joi...


科目:初中英语 来源:吉林省2018年中考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Traveling can be expensive. But there are some ways to save money when traveling. Try some of the advice below on your next vacation and your wallet will thank you.

Look for city tourism cards. With the card, you can pay less at restaurants and shops. You don ’ t have to wait for a long time at busy attractions. You might even get free tickets to top tourist attractions. City tourism cards can save your money and time without question.

Don’t get the best room. How long will you stay in your room? Will you just be sleeping there? Do you really need a bigger room with a good view(景色)?

Find a hotel outside a city. It can help you save some money by choosing a hotel away from big tourist attractions, for you are always doing the same go to the attractions and then return to your hotel to sleep.

Book (预订)a room with a kitchen. Although some people might not like to cook while on vacation, I don’t mind making breakfast in my room. We always eat at a nice restaurant on our last night of the vacation. I’d rather eat breakfast and lunch at the hotel and then spend much money on a delicious supper.


1.Withyou can pay less at restaurants and shops.

A. ID cards B. tourism cards C. bank cards D. phone cards

2..The underlined words “tourist attractions” n Paragraph 2 mean .

A. 旅游方式 B. 旅游设施 C. 旅游手册 D. 旅游景点

3.To save some money, the writer advises tourists to .

A. get the best room B. live near big tourist attractions

C. live away from big tourist attractions D. take a map with them when traveling

4.The writer prefers to make breakfast and lunch in the hotel because .

A. they are healthier and more delicious

B. he likes cookers in the hotel

C. there are not any restaurants in the neighborhood

D. he ’ d rather, spend much money on a delicious supper

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. How to save money when traveling. B. w to get a tourism card.

C. How to find a hotel outside a city. D. w to book a room on the Internet.

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】 很多人都喜欢旅行,但有时候旅行花费的钱是很多的,那么怎样在旅行的时候节省钱呢?这篇短文中作者给了我们一些实用的建议,赶紧学习一下吧。 1.细节理解题。根据短文第二段中Look for city tourism cards. With the card, you can pay less at restaur...


科目:初中英语 来源:吉林省2018年中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

---Which club do you want to join, the chess club or the swimming club?

--- . I want to join the basketball club.

A. Neither B. Both C. All

A 【解析】 句意:-你想加入哪一个俱乐部,象棋俱乐部还是游泳俱乐部?-两个都不参加,我想参加篮球俱乐部。Neither两者都不;Both两者都;All三者或以上都。根据句意I want to join the basketball club可知,说话人想要参加的是篮球俱乐部,所以上面所说的两个俱乐部都不参加,故应选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版九年级英语上册unit4单元测试卷 题型:单选题

The bike is broken. You'd better ________.

A. have it repair B. have it repaired

C. have it to repair D. have it repairing

B 【解析】 句意:这辆自行车坏了。你最好让它被修理。 have sth done让某事被做,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil 单元测试 题型:单选题

(题文)—________ do you spell “book”?


A. Who B. How C. What D. What color

B 【解析】 句意:——你如何拼写“book”这个单词?——B?O?O?K.考查疑问词。A. Who谁;B. How如何、怎样;C. What什么;D. What color什么颜色。根据下文B?O?O?K.,可知此处是提问如何拼写book这个单词,所以用疑问词how,故答案选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教八年级上英语unit 3-4单元检测题 题型:完成句子


A:1., Nina?

B: I don’t know. 2., Mary?

A: We’re going to the beach.

B: 3.?

A: We’re riding to the subway station. We take the train, then walk to the beach.

B: That sounds interesting.

A: Why don’t you come with us?

B: That’s a good idea. That must be much more fun than staying at home.


A: It’s not very far, only fifty kilometers.

B: 5.?

A: Next Friday morning. We’re coming back next Sunday afternoon.

B: OK! See you then.

1.What are you doing for vacation 2.What/How about you 3.How are you getting there 4.How far is it from here 5.When are we leaving 【解析】 对话在Mary与Nina之间展开,谈论的话题是假期计划,Mary打算去海滩,并邀请Nina一...

