精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:The girl is very healthy because she ___________(很少) eats junk food and exercises more.
小题2:The bus is so ___________(拥挤的) that we have to wait for the next one. How unlucky!
小题3:Zhou Kehua’s girl friend will be put in __________for five years because she also has done something against the law.
小题4:As teachers, we should __________(say again) the important points in class again and again so that some slow students can have a good understanding.
小题5:It is our duty to protect the ____________(环境)because pollution is getting more and more serious.



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

短文填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整。所填单词必须在答卷标有题号的横线上完整写出。(本大题共10空,每空0.5 分,共5分)
According to the school rules, students shall wear school uniforms. H       小题1:, for most students, school uniforms are not w       小题2:they like. “Why not wear the school uniform just one day a week? Always wearing the same clothes makes me feel b      小题3:of them.” A senior sutdent from a high school said. Most studetns don’t like the school uniforms’ s       小题4:colors, boring designs and bad quality. And a teacher at a high school in Guangzhou said. “ A      小题5:a teacher and mother, I hope the quality of school uniforms will be i       小题6:soon.” What has caused all these problems? Chen Hong, a uniform designer in Shenzhen, pointed out. “There are no professionals (专业人员) who work for students. “Besides, high quality m        小题7: a high price.” said Chen. “But in some schools the price for each student’s uniform is only 50 to 60 yuan. How can we p     小题8:high quality clothes with so little money?”
Even with these problems, e       小题9:has been put into changing the situation. It won’t be long b       小题10:the perfect school uniforms come onto the market, which will remind the students of the values and history of their school and make them take pride in their school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I’ve been to Paris __________.  (一次)
小题2:Uncle Li often helps me _________ my toys.  (修理)
小题3:My favorite subject is ___________.  (生物)
小题4:Liuzhou is in the s_________ of China.
小题5:We should take our own cloth bag for shopping instead of using p__________ bag.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:“Help _____________(you) to some fish.” Mrs.Black said to her guests.
小题2:Although he is in his _____________(ninety), he can do some farm work and look after himself well.
小题3:Neil Armstrong took some rock samples for _____________(far) research.
小题4:When the parade of Disney characters appeared, all tourists screamed with _______(excited).
小题5:Beijing is in the _____________(north) part of our country.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---____ skirt is blue.____ is red. Which of them do you prefer?
---______ is OK. I like their styles.
A.My; Hers; NeitherB.My; Hers; EitherC.Mine; Her; BothD.Me; Her; All


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Can you help me w______ my English?
小题2:He leaves for school after a q______ breakfast.
小题3:To be healthy, my parents never forget to e______ in the morning.
小题4:Alice isn’t w______ TV. She is reading a book.
小题5:I’m afraid to get l______ because I’m new in the city.
小题6:Some animals are f______ to people so we like them.
小题7:Many people have dogs as p______.
小题8:Mum isn’t at home today. My father and I have to eat o______.
小题9:Can you play the g______ or the piano?
小题10:My home is about five k______ away from school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

单词拼写(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)
小题1:Don’t drink too many soft drinks in your d__________ life. They are harmful to your health.
小题2:Please don’t make any n___________. The students are having exams now.
小题3:After school, a lot of students stand in line and w___________ for the school buses at the school gate.
小题4:You cannot l___________ your son at home by himself. He is too young.
小题5:Even t__________ he didn’t sleep at all last night, he kept on working.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The first step towards forming ____________ (习惯) is that you can plan everything well.
小题2:My parents always _________(比较) me with my sisters before. That made me feel unhappy.
小题3:Wine and other goods ____________ (进口) from France are popular in China.
小题4:Look! There are two coats hanging over there. The blue one is the ________(干的) of the two.
小题5:Look at _________ (you) in the mirror. How dirty your faces are!
小题6:Grandpa told me that he joined the Party in his early ___________(twenty).
小题7:Here comes the most exciting moment! One of the ______(spaceman)is out of the spacecraft.
小题8:If you want a strong body, you must eat and drink ____________(health).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I really don’t know how to _______(面对) them.
小题2:When did you go to bed last night? You look so______(困倦的).
小题3:That trip is the most dangerous _________(经历)I have ever had.
小题4:Keep this ______(秘密). Don’t tell it to anyone.
小题5:I don’t want to make a wrong _______(决定) and regret it later.

