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Flying Doctors
Most people go to a doctor in their own town or suburb(近郊). But people in the Australian outback can’t get to a doctor quickly. The nearest doctor is sometimes hundreds of kilometers away so they have to call him on a two-way radio. 1       . He visits sick people by plane.
When someone is very sick, the doctor has to fly to the person’s home. His plane lands on a flat piece of ground near the person’s house. Sometimes the doctor has to take the patient to hospital. 2       .
However, most of the time the person isn’t very sick, and the doctor doesn’t have to visit. 3         . He can tell the patient to use some medicine from a special medicine chest. There is one of these chests in every home in the outback. Each bottle, tube and packet in the chest has a number. The doctor often says something like this: “Take two tablets(药片) from bottle number 5 every four hours.”
4          . He had only one plane. Today there are 14 flying doctor centers, 29 planes, 14 full-time doctors and several part-time doctors, nurses and dentists.
A. He can give advice on the radio from the office at the flying doctor center
B. Flying doctors treat their patients quickly
C. This special doctor is called the “flying doctor”
D. A man called John Flynn started the Royal Flying Doctor Service in 1927
E. Flying doctors take about 8,600 people to hospital each year



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Thirty years ago, few Chinese knew about American TV series, though during the 1980s and 1990s, Chinese people got the chance to watch some U.S.A. TV series like Growing Pains.
Now, 小题1:________, Chinese people have more chances to enjoy foreign TV series. Some American TV series such as小题2:________ have become very popular among young Chinese English learners. In their opinion, watching American TV series is a good way to learn English and American culture. They have other reasons to support that point of view.
First, it’s easy and convenient for learners to manage their learning time. They don’t have to worry about the place and time to learn. 小题3:________, they can start watching and learning. All they need to do is to turn on their computers and put on their earphones.
The stories in the TV series also play an important role in attracting more learners. Different cultures between China and the Western countries and exciting story lines get young people interested in watching and learning 小题4:_______.
Besides, watching American TV series can help learners improve their listening and speaking skills. English learners may find it hard to find a native speaker to talk with, 小题5:______, they can listen to native speakers and follow their conversations as much as they can.
A. Any time they are free
B. American culture and Chinese culture
C. Friends and Prison Break.
D. They also feel relaxed at the same time
E. with the fast development of DVDs and the Internet
F. but in the TV series
G. No matter who you are


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:Dave is a computer programmer in a company in the USA. The head of the company gave him ten days off. He is touring in China now. He wants to find a good place to live for a week.
小题2:Han Mei is a college student. She majors in English. In order to improve herself, she will do something different during the summer holidays.
小题3:Today is Children’s Day. Mr White would like to buy some snacks for his son and daughter.
小题4:Mrs Wang cares about her looks. These days, the weather is sunny and hot. She wants to buy a new pair of glasses to keep out of the sun.
小题5:Mrs Li is an English teacher. She has straight hair for a few years. The new year is coming. She made a decision to have a new haircut.
Do you want to be young and fashionable? Welcome to our barber shop.
Tel: 568-7892
We have some great specials today. Come and get your favorite!
Tel: 230-8976
Can you speak English well? We need a woman tour guide under 28 years old. For more information, please call 306-8862.
We have scarves, hats, bags and glasses in style for young beautiful ladies.
Tel: 652-5633
A nice house with a small garden is on sale in Beijing.
Tel: 318-5673
It’s one of the most comfortable hotels in most cities in China. We offer (提供) delicious food and high quality services.
Tel: 627-5686


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

材料A-E提供了五家旅行社的信息,请根据以下五人Nancy, Carlos, Edie, Tom, Alice各自的需求选择合适的旅行社。
A. Dalian International Tourist Agency
Our tourist agency has a five-day tour from Yantai to Qingdao. During this period, our best guides will take you to see the attraction of the sea and swim by the seashore.
B. Mount Tai Tourist Agency
Mount Tai is well-known for its great views at home and abroad. This time our trip will give you the chance to enjoy the typical attraction of the natural scenes of the mountain. During this time, you can see how the sun rises in the east and the endless sea of clouds at sunset.
C. New Land Tourist Agency
In this summer vacation, our agency plans to visit Wang’s Grand Courtyard in Shanxi Province. In this one-day tour, we will lead you to the attraction of the well-known courtyard as well as the typical food culture in this area.
D. Peking Tourist Agency
Our agency will have a special three-day trip in Beijing. In our trip you will see the grand Forbidden City, the Bird’s Nest, Hutong and the Great Wall.
E. Sichuan Youth tourist Agency
Our agency will organize a special trip to Jiuzhaigou. In the valley, we can enjoy the beautiful lakes, waterfalls and animals. During the period, you can put yourself in the natural environment.
F. Hangzhou Tourist Agency
Our agency plans to boat in the West Lake in this summer vacation. During this tour, you will see the beautiful scene of the West Lake. Also, you can have fun with your friends on the boat.
小题1:Nancy: I really want to visit a place where I can be far away from the city. I want to see wonderful waterfalls and quiet lakes there is no noise, no pollution and no troubles.
小题2:Carlos: Recently, I am interested in the courtyards and the special food culture in Shanxi Province. So I want to see the famous courtyards this summer vacation.
小题3:Edie: I really want to see the typical sports stadium in Beijing. Besides, I want to visit the For bidden City and Hutong, so I can know more about the culture there.
小题4:Tom: I like climbing very much, because I find it not only a kind of sport, but also a good way of getting closer to the nature. At the same time, I can enjoy the scene of sunrise and the sea of clouds.
小题5:Alice: I live in a place far from the sea, so I want to go somewhere by the sea.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Tom: What do you do in your free time?
Jack: I always listen to music, and 小题1:______
Tom: Well, I see. You like music very much! 小题2:______
Jack: My father often reads newspapers. 小题3:______
Tom: Do you watch TV?
Jack: 小题4:_______ And you?
Tom: I’m different(不同的) from you. 小题5:________
A. I usually watch TV when I have time.
B. No. I never watch TV.
C. My mother usually goes shopping.
D. Sometimes I go to the concert with my friends.
E. What about your parents?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


Mr. Webster manages a bar in our town. Its name it The White Horse, for a picture of a white horse was once hung on the wall.   小题1:  but in the past things were quite different.
At that time, Mr. Webster was much worried about his bar. One day a friend of his came, looked around and said, “Take down the picture of the white horse and change it for a picture of a black one.”
  小题2:  ” Mr. Webster said.
“Yes, but just do it.” His friend said and went out of the bar.
Mr. Webster went to an artist and said, “   小题3:  ”
The next day a picture of a black horse appeared on the wall. Soon after the door opened, a man came in and shouted, “   小题4:  The picture on the wall is different from the name.” Then he sat down and drank something.
 小题5:  and the another and another. A lot of people came in and said, “The picture on your wall is wrong.” But they all stopped and drank in Mr. Webster’s bar.
From then on, Mr. Webster was happy again.
A. But the name of the bar is The White Horse.
B. Another man came in and said the same,
C. Now everything in the bar goes well,
D. I want a picture of a black horse.
E. There’s a great mistake!
F. Please take down the picture.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:My American friends invite me to their dinner party. I don’t know what to bring.
小题2:One of my American friends invites me to dinner at eight tonight. Should I arrive earlier?
小题3:I’m going to a dinner party held by Americans, but I don’t know how to use the forks and knives.
小题4:I am going to an American friend’s party. I am not sure what to dress. Should I dress formally?
小题5:An American family invite me to their home for dinner. How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their kindness after dinner?
A.Never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go. You must refuse politely.
B.Just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you.
C.If you accept a dinner invitation of your friend, tell him or her what you like and don’t like to eat.
D.You should arrive on time. Don’t get there early. If you’re going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them.
E. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friends drink it.
F. Everyday dress is OK for most visits to an American’s home.
G. You should thank them for the meal and for their kindness. It’s also a good idea to send a thank you card the day after.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:改错题

小题1:______He came into the classroom and the students stopped to talk.
A                  B           C       D
小题2:_______ Several hundredsstudentscame to our school.
A        B     C   D
小题3: _______ He has died for nearly ten years , but we can never forget him .
A                B         C            D
小题4:        Where is he ?” “He ’s been to  Paris.”
A          B   C   D
小题5: ________ Because I was ill, so I didn’tgo to school.
A    B    C     D


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A:Are you going to the school party?
B:Yes, I am.     69    
A:You can’t do that!
B:    70    
A:If you wear your jeans to the party, the teachers won’t let you in.
B:OK, then let’s take some snacks.
A:    71    
B:Really? Why?
A:    72    
B:Oh, I see.    73    
A:Yes, of course . If we don’t have our ID cards, we can’t go to the party.
The teachers will take them away if we do that.
Do we have to bring our ID cards?
What will happen if I do?
No, we can’t do that, either.
Are you free tonight?
I am going to wear my new jeans!
What’s your plan?

