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Keeping   27 and slim is the dream of many girls. Here is some advice about losing   28  . First,    29  attention to the amount of food you have every day. But it doesn’t mean  you should starve(饿死) yourself. Your body  30  nutrition(营养). The key is a healthy  31 . Have pointed 32   that having too many fries can even cause   33     he last thing you should remember is to   34  consistently(持续地). One or two days of jigging will make   35  improvement. What you have to do is to leave your sofa, TV set, and snacks behind and to  36  into the open air!

27. A. fit           B. clean          C. quiet          D. cool

28. A. height        B. flight          C. weight        D. heart

29. A. take         B. give            C. put          D. pay

30. A. have         B. needs          C. takes          D. makes

31. A. snack        B. drink           C. food         D. diet

32. A.out           B. in             C. on           D. at

33. A. bad          B. cancer(癌症)    C. effect         D. terrible

34. A. exercise       B. run           C. jump         D. swim

35. A. some         B. any           C. not           D. no

36. A.get up         B. get out         C. get down      D. get off

     27------31  ACDBD    32-------36  ABADB


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省兴化市戴瑶中学九年级一模英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

At the shopping mall, you probably think about spending, not saving. Think about all the lights that keep the mall bright. Think about all the water faucets in the toilet. Think about all the air conditioning in summer. Saving energy is a hot topic for such a big place!
  Many things at the mall use energy. Electric lights, infrared faucets and air-conditioners need electricity to work. One way to save energy is by keeping lights clean. More and more dust and dirt make the lights less bright. When  malls keep lights clean, they can use fewer lights and keep the area just as bright ,Using fewer lights means using less energy.
You step up to the  water faucet. The water starts to flow. You don't have to touch a thing. Why do malls have such fancy faucets?. The answer is simple. They save water. Sometimes people forget to turn the water off after they wash. Infrared faucets turn themselves off.
【小题1】________is a hot topic for a big mall.

A.To spend moneyB.To save energy
C.To keep the mall brightD.To buy things
【小题2】Malls use infrared faucets mainly because________
A.they save waterB.they are fancyC.they are simpleD.they turn themselves off
【小题3】Which of the following cannot save energy?
A.Using fewer lights.B.Using infrared faucets.
C.Using air-conditionersD.Keeping lights clean.
【小题4】What will the fourth paragraph probably talk about?
A.How to save water when using infrared faucets in the mall
B.How to save energy when using air-conditioners in the mall
C.How to save money when shopping in the mall.
D.How to spend money when shopping in the mall.
【小题5】The best title for the passage is_________
A.Lights, faucets and air-conditioners
B.Spending less money
C.Energy saving at the mall
D.A hot topic


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省盐城市九年级中考模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Some people learn a second language easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English easier and more interesting.

The first step is to feel confident about learning English. If you believe that you can learn well, you will learn well. Be patient. You don't have to understand everything all at once. It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. In other words, do not worry about taking risks.

    The second step is to practice your English. For example, keep a diary or make notes every day. You will be used to writing in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English After several weeks, you will see' that your writing is improving. In addition, you must speak English every day. You can practice with your classmates outside class. You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English

The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your diary. After each class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. Write these achievements in your diary.

    You must have confidence about learning English and believe that you can do it. It's important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements. You will enjoy learning English, and you will have more confidence in yourself.

Main idea: How to be a successful English 46________?

Step 1

Feel confident about English

47________ in yourself and you will make it.

Don't be 48________ of making mistakes.

Step 2

49________ your English

To 50______ your writing, form a good 51________ of keeping a diary or making notes.

To communicate well in English, speak English as much as 52__________

Step 3

53________ your language.

Think about your 54________ in the English class

Write your achievements in you diary.

Conclusion: Confidence, belief and practice are equally 55_________ in English learning.



科目:初中英语 来源:2010年江苏省连云港市段学校招生统一文化考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Passage 1  Mobile Phone Madness

How much do you love your mobile phone? A Chinese student had to call 110 for help this week after he got his arm stuck in a toilet trying to rescue(援救) his mobile phone. After dropping his phone in the toilet, he decided to wrap(包,裹) his arm in newspaper in the hopes of keeping clean. But the newspapers became larger in size in the water, and then even his roommates couldn't help him pull his arm out. So policemen were called and they spent an hour unsticking the stuck student.

Passage 2  Crazy Pet Lovers

How much do you love your pets? Many people in China are famous for how much they love their pets. They dress them up in fashionable clothing and buy them high quality food. But would they spend 7,000 English pounds (68,000 yuan) on a wedding(婚礼) for their pets? And that's what a couple in Brazil spent on a fancy wedding for their pet Yorkshire terriers( a kind of dog).

Passage 3  Oh, rats!

When something goes wrong, you can often hear Westerners cry “Oh, rats”. But when it comes to Southern China, “Oh, rats!” can mean it's what you want for dinner. According to a report in China Daily, some restaurants in Guangzhou serve rat meat. But, actually, most of those rats are field mice. What would Mickey Mouse say?

Passage 4  Liar(说谎者), liar

Here's some news that most women already know. Men tell more lies than women. The London Daily Mail cites(引用) a new study that says men tell about three lies a day, while women tell only two lies a day. Men are also less likely to feel guilty about lying, according to this week's survey of 3,000 people by a research organization called One Poll. According to the Poll, lying to our mothers is very popular. But then, so is lying at work. And both men and women will lie when it comes to how much they've drunk. So how easy is it to tell when someone is lying?

1.Put the statements into the right order according to passage 1.

① They called policemen for help. 

② He dropped his mobile phone in the toilet.

③ His roommates tried to help him pull his arm out, but failed.

④ The newspapers expanded(膨胀) in the water, so he got his arm stuck.

⑤ He wrapped his arm in newspaper before trying to take out his phone from the toilet.

A. ②⑤④③①      B. ②④③⑤①    C. ①⑤④②③             D. ①②⑤④③

2.Why does the writer call the Brazilian couple “crazy pet lovers”?

A. They dress their pets up in fashionable clothing.

B. They buy their pets high quality food.

C. They spent ¥68,000 on a wedding for their pets.

D. They spent £7,000 in buying a pet.

3. If you say “oh, rats” in Guangzhou, it can mean that                    .

  A. something goes wrong                      B. you see some field mice

  C. you are a Mickey Mouse lover        D. you’d like to have rat meat for dinner

4. According to the new study on lying, which of the following is not true?

A. Women tell less lies than men.

B. Women are more likely to feel guilty about lying.

C. Lying at work is more popular than lying to our mothers.

D. Neither men nor women want to tell the truth about how much they have drunk.

5.What is NOT mentioned?

  A. It is difficult to unstick the stuck student.

  B. The couple’s pets are Yorkshire terriers.

  C. People in China enjoy eating rat meat.

  D. 3,000 people took part in the survey made by One Poll.



科目:初中英语 来源:2010年山东省莱芜市毕业升学考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解


Dear Alice,

    I just received your letter. And I was very surprised to know that you decided to drop out of school and wanted to be a model (模特).

    Being a model for a living is not easy. In fact, a famous person like me has a lot of problems that you couldn't see. I can't eat what I like, even though I'm very hungry. Keeping thin makes me look more beautiful on the stage because no one would like to see a heavy model.

    Besides, I have to wear a heavy coat in the hot sun, in a swimming suit in the cold air. And practicing walking nicely every day is tiring for me.

    You might say I made much money from modeling. Bus my dear niece (侄女), you have to know that money is, nothing, knowledge is everything. School is important and everyone should go to school for a certain period of time. The longer they stay at school, the better they will be. Very often, I hope I can give up my job and continue my studies at school. But it is very difficult for me to go back to school again. I am too old to go back to school now.

    You are a pretty young girl with a bright future. You only have one year to finish your studies in high school. A year is really short. Please do consider my words carefully before you decide. Of course, there is only one thing I care about, and that is your happiness.



1.What was Emma surprised about?

    A.Alice wanted to keep thin.

    B.Alice decided not to do modeling.

    C.Alice ate too much and became a heavy girl.

    D.Alice decided not to finish her studies at school.

2.Emma can't go back to school again, because ________

    A.she is tired of being a student

    B.she wants to make more money from modeling

    C.she is so old that she has missed the best time in school

    D.she has done a good job and makes a lot of money as a model

3.How long does Alice still have to study in high school?

    A.One year.                                            B.Two years.

    C.Three years.                                         D.The longer, the better.

4.Emma only cares about________

    A.Alice's beauty                                           B.Alice's happiness

C.Alice's age                                       D.Alice's swimming suit

5.From the letter we know that __________

    A.Emma is a famous model

    B.Emma likes being a model for a living

    C.Alice will go on her studies in high school

D.Emma can eat what she likes when she is very hungry



科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省仪征市初一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Mrs. Ball has a son. His name is Mick. She __1__ him very much and as he is not a __2 __ child, she is always __3__ that he may be ill, __4__ she takes him to see the best __5__ in the town four times a year and the doctor always looks him over__6__.

During one of these __7__, the doctor gives Mick all kinds of tests and then says to him, “Do you have any __8__ with your nose or ears these days?” Mick __9__ for a second and then answers, “Yes, I __10__.”

Mrs. Ball is very __11__. “But I’m sure you don’t tell me about__12__, Mick!” She says worriedly. “Oh, really?” Says the doctor seriously(严肃地). “And what trouble do you have __13__ your nose and ears, my boy?”“Well,” answers Mick, “I always have trouble with them when I’m __14__ my sweater off, because the __15__ is very tight(紧).”



























































































