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Harry keeps a diary. He writes in it every day. Here is his diary for a week in May.
Monday 15th
It rained all day so we did not have PE class. We stayed in our classroom and read our books.
Tuesday 16th
I missed the bus and was late for school. It wasn't my fault (错误). The bus was early.
Wednesday 17th
I had an English exam today. I got 96. I made only one mistake.
Thursday 18th
I went swimming with Ben. A swimming teacher taught us to dive (潜水).
Friday 19th
I was sick all day. I caught a cold at the swimming pool. I stayed in bed and slept all day. I felt better
in the evening. I'm glad it is Friday, not Saturday or Sunday.
Saturday 20th
I am much better today, but Mum made me stay at home. I watched television all day. It was
boring (讨厌的).
Sunday 21st
I didn't do anything interesting today.
1. What's the main idea of this passage?
A. Harry went swimming with Ben.  
B. Harry has PE class on Mondays.
C. Harry missed the bus on Thursday.  
D. Harry writes in his diary every day.
2. I know I was _______ for the movie became it had already started.
3. It wasn't my _______ that I missed the bus, it was early.
4. Every evening Lucy writes in her _______ about what she did that day.
5. Jack knew he was _______ for the meeting because he was the first to arrive.
1. D
2. late  
3. fault
4. diary
5. early

科目:初中英语 来源:我爱学习 八年级英语(上) 题型:050


  Dear Dad and Mom,

  We have some exciting news for you. Maria is going to have a baby! We didn't tell you right away. At first the doctor said she might have some trouble with the baby. Now he says she is just fine. She's very healthy ahd happy. She still works on har paintings every day. But she stopped teaching art classes. She gets tired more quickly now.

  There is going to be another big change in our lives. We're moving back to New York! We want to be closer to you and to Jane. It's much nicer to be near the family for something important like a baby. Maria grew up in Mexico, and she doesn'tt have a family here. So that makes you even more important to us.

  Maria is a little worried about working in New York. She will have to start again there. In Italy her paintings are already popular. But I'm sure people will like them in New York, too. There won't be any problem with my job. I'm still working for The New York Times. I'll be writing about the United Nations in New York.

  We're planning to move next month. See you then!



(1)What is Maria going to do? ________

[  ]

A.She is going to work for a newspaper.

B.She is going to give art lessons.

C.She is going to give birth to a baby.

D.She is going to move to Italy.

(2)What does Maria do? Maybe she is ________.

[  ]

A.an artist
B.a doctor
C.a journalist
D.a sho passistant

(3)Where are Tom and Maria now? ________.

[  ]

C.New York

(4)What is Tom going to do? ________

[  ]

A.He is going to work on the painting.

B.He is going to write about the UN.

C.He is going to move to Mexico.

D.He is going to start a newspaper.

(5)What will they do next month? ________

[  ]

A.Go for a holiday.

B.Move to New York.

C.Work for The New York Times.

D.Teach art classes.

