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小题1:Vitamin A
What can high-vitamin A foods do for you?
be great for night vision
help you see in color
help your grow properly and aids in healthy skin
﹡ vitamin A in carrots helps you see at night

小题2:The B vitamins
What can the B vitamin do for you?
help make energy and set it free
help make red blood cells which carry oxygen(氧气) throughout your body
﹡ The B vitamins in leafy green vegetables help your body make protein(蛋白质)and energy.

小题3:Vitamin C
What can vitamin C do for you?
keep body tissues(组织) in good shape
help you heal when you get hurt
help your body resist infection
﹡ Vitamin C in oranges helps your body heal if you get a cut

小题4:Vitamin D
What can vitamin D do for you?
help keep your bones strong and healthy
help keep your teeth strong and healthy
help your body absorb the amount of calcium(钙)
﹡ Vitamin D in milk helps your bones and teeth.

小题5:Vitamin E
What can vitamin E do for you?
protect your skin from ultraviolet(紫外线) light
protect you lungs from becoming damaged by polluted air
help make red blood cells
﹡ Sunflowers seeds are the richest in Vitamin E
A.Emily often feels tired and seems to be lack of energy.
B.Jeff spent his summer vacation on the beach and got serious sunburnt.
C.Kate has poor eyesight and she can’t see clearly at night.
D.Tony sometimes feels pains in his bones and he has loose teeth.
E. Luke is so careless that he often gets hurt. And it takes a long time for his wound to heal.
F. Linda feels nervous before the new people.


小题1:细节理解题。Kate的问题在于她视力不好,晚上看不清楚东西。而维他命A的功能刚好是Vitamin A in carrots helps you see at night胡萝卜中的维他命A有助于你在夜间看清东西,因此应选C。
小题2:细节理解题。Emily经常犯困并且缺少活力,显然她需要补充维他命B,因为The B vitamins in leafy green vegetables help your body make protein(蛋白质)and energy绿叶蔬菜中的维他命B能帮助你的身体合成蛋白质和能量。所以应选A。
小题3:细节理解题。Luke is so careless that he often gets hurt. And it takes a long time for his wound to heal卢克很不小心经常受伤并且伤口需要很长时间才能愈合。而维他命C help you heal when you get hurt 有助你的伤口愈合。故选E。
小题4:细节理解题。Tony sometimes feels pains in his bones and he has loose teeth托尼有时候骨骼里有疼痛感并且他的牙齿松动,而维他命D的功能就在help keep your bones strong and healthy有助于保持骨头的强壮健康和help keep your teeth strong and healthy有助于保持牙齿的强壮和健康,因此托尼需要补充维他命D.
小题5:细节理解题。Jeff spent his summer vacation on the beach and got serious sunburnt.杰夫在海滩上度假,皮肤因阳光而严重灼伤,他需要维他命E,因为维他命E protect your skin from ultraviolet(紫外线) light能保护你的皮肤免受紫外线伤害。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Ma, a famous mental (心理的)doctor from Beijing once said at an important meeting, “Now many young students can have      with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people around them like their parents and classmates. Parents and teachers should care more about this problem.
Then Mr. Ma gave some examples. One patient, a middle school students from Xi’an was doing badly in his lessons. He thought his teachers and friends often laughed at him, and he became so nervous and worried that one night he left his home without telling parents. Another student, a 14-year-old schoolgirl from Shanghai, was very afraid of exams. While she was reading the exam paper, she couldn’t think of anything to write.
A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18% of the young students in Shanghai have mental problems. They often felt worried and very        . Unluckily many of them won’t go and ask for help. Some think they will look stupid (愚蠢) if they go to see a doctor. Others won’t talk about their secrets.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Ma offered some good ideas to young people:
Talk to your parents or teachers often.
Take part in group activities.
Try to get on well with the people around you.
Go to see a doctor if you often feel unhappy.
小题1: 在短文①② 两处分别填入一个恰当的词                        
任务三 回答下列三个问题
小题3:What’s the trouble with the schoolgirl from Shanghai?
小题4:Why won’t some students go to ask for help?
小题5:What should you do if you have mental problems?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Recently, a reader asked me about the dangers that pets can face around the house. So, I visited my local animal       last weekend and got some advice to share about how we can make our homes       for our pets.
When I arrived, several pets and their     were in the waiting room. Mr. Smith, with a cat, chatted with me. "My cat will be       for an uncomfortable stomach in a minute," he said. "My children gave       a bowl of milk. However, if she is given milk, she will get a stomachache.”
Just then, the vet (兽医) walked over to us. “Yes, Mr. Smith is      . Only a few people know this, but milk mustn't be fed to cats     some cats can't take it in easily," the vet said. "Other human foods are bad for pets   . For example, if a dog eats chocolate, it will become    ."
I asked the vet what other       there are for pets around the house. "Well,” she replied, “we should not     small things, such as batteries, lying around as they can be eaten by pets. Last month, a small cat was brought     because it had eaten a button which was on the floor without being noticed. "
Before I left, the vet    me some more important advice to share with you:
You should keep all medicines and cleaning products away from pets. Also, pets, such as cats and dogs, sometimes will       their hair if they are unwell, If your pet looks unwell or is acting unusual, you should      your vet immediately. Follow the advice and you can keep your pets safe.
A.schoolB.hospital C.market D.museum
A.as wellB.so farC.as usual D.just now
A.colour B.keep C.loseD.sell
A.point to B.ring upC.hear fromD.look after


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A good way to pass an examination is to work hard everyday in the year. You may fail in the examination if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the examination.
If you are taking an English examination, you shouldn’t only learn the rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can. Several days before examination you should start going to bed early. Do not stay up late at night studying and learning things. Before you start the examination, read carefully over the examination paper. Try to understand the exact meaning ofeach question before you pick up your pen to write. When you have finished your examination At last ,read your answers, correct any mistakes that you see and make sure that you have not missed anything out.
小题1:What’s the good way to pass an examination? 
--Work hard       
A.every day in a year.
B.many days in a year.
C.several days in a year
D.only a few days before the examination.
小题2:If you are going to take an examination,  _______.
A.study hard and sleep less
B.get up early and do a lot of reading
C.go to bed early and have a good rest
D.go to bed late and get up late
小题3:When we are taking the exam, we should              .
A.Pick up your pen and write at once.
B.After you finish the examination, hand in at once.
C.Try to understand every word while you are reading.
D.Go over your paper before you hand it in.
小题4:What should you do if you want to learn English well according to the passage?
A.Speak more, listen less, never write.
B.Speak less, write more, never listen.
C.Read more, listen more, speak less.
D.Read and speak as much as possible.
小题5:“Missed ----out” means           in Chinese according to the passage. 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Junior school students in Harbin,Heilongjiang,had a "long weekend".They had four days off from Oct.19-22.It was not for any festival,but was caused by serious smog.
The smog was caused by high levels of PM 2.5 in the air.
PM 2.5 is small particles(微粒) of pollution in the air with a diameter (直径) of 2.5 micrometers or less.Waste gas from cars and factories is the biggest cause of PM 2.5 pollution. On Oct.17,the World Health Organization named air pollution a cause of cancer.
To better protect children,cities are taking action.
On Oct.21,Harbin Education Bureau decided to close primary and junior high schools for two days.
Beijing started a program on Oct.22 which has a warning system with four levels.The red warning is the highest warning level.It means that the next three days will see serious pollution.
When a red warning is issued(发布),schools will close.
If there's pollution that's not as serious,the Beijing Commission of Education will ask schools to stop PE classes and outdoor activities.
How will students be informed?
"First,the Commission of Education will inform schools online," Ye Yan,head of Beijing Shijingshanqu Experimental Primary School,told Beijing Times."Then teachers will text students’ parents."
Will the days off affect the study plan?
"Missing school days will be made up during the summer or winter vacations,"  said Wang Hao,a physical education teacher in Beijing Chaoyang district.
For students in Harbin who had the long weekend,they would go to school on the next two Saturdays.
小题1:Why did students in Harbin have a long weekend?
A.Because the weather was extremely cold.
B.Because a special festival came.
C.Because the winter vacation began.
D.Because there happened serious smog.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE about PM 2.5?
A.It makes water polluted.
B.People can see it with eyes.
C.It only comes from factories.
D.It can cause serious diseases.
小题3:When a red warning is issued in Beijing,what will happen?
A.All of the work will be stopped.
B.People aren't allowed to go outside.
C.Schools will be closed for a few days.
D.Air pollution will be seen in a few weeks.
小题4:What does the underlined word "text" mean in Chinese?
小题5:What is the reading mainly about?
A.What PM 2.5 is made up of.
B.How people fight against air pollution.
C.What influence the smog brings to school.
D.How schools deal with the missing school days.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are many wetlands in China and some of them have become the world’s important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home for many different kinds of animals. The world’s largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve is in them. More than 700 Milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-crowned Crane Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands.
The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There is a lot of rain and sunshine, too. They are really good places for wildlife. Offering(提供) food and home for some special kinds of animals is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they also prevent flood. But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and less space for wildlife.
Luckily, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of wetlands and wildlife. Every year, on February 2nd, many activities are held to tell people more about wetlands.
小题1:The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the ___________of China.
小题2:Usually the weather in the wetlands is ____________
小题3:The World Wetlands Day is  on _______________
A.April 22B.June 25C.February 2D.March 22
小题4:We must protect wetlands because ___________________
A.they are home for wildlife
B.they can offer food to animals
C.they can prevent flood
D.all of the above
小题5:Some people want to change _______ to make more space for farms


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I didn’t make much money when I took the job in London. I always had simple meals.
One night, I felt very tired, so I sat outside in a small park and began to eat a small piece of bread.
A tall man who was not dressed well walked to me. He thought I had money and asked, “Sir, could you please give me some money?”
I said, “I don’t have any.”
He said, “I know the persons like you wouldn’t give anybody anything.”
I became very angry because he didn’t believe me. I looked at him and gave my wallet to him, “Look in my wallet.”
He then said “sorry” to me and opened his wallet and said, “Here I will give you some.”
I looked at him in surprise and said, “No, thank you.” And then I walked away.
Money is important, but I’d rather(宁愿) make it by working hard than get by asking others for it.
小题1:The writer(作者) had a small piece of bread for lunch in a restaurant.
小题2:At first, the tall man asked the writer for some money.
小题3:The writer was angry with the tall man because the tall man didn’t believe him.
小题4:There was much money in the writer’s wallet.
小题5:Finally, the writer got some money from the tall man.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文,把方框中的句子还原到文中,然后完成第五小题。(每题1分,共5 分)
If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星).
  A comet sometimes looks like a star.  ____小题1:____ It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels.
If a comet isn’t a star, what is it then?
   Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. ____小题2:______ These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail.
Many people perhaps have seen a comet. _____小题3:_____ .There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see.
An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky.  ______小题4:____  . Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because he was the one who worked out when it would come back again. Maybe you have ever seen Halley’s Comets because the last time it came close to the sun and the earth was in the year 1986. Then people all over the world were outside at night to look at it. You will probably be able to see Halley’s Comets when it comes near the earth again.
A. However no one knows how many comets there are.
B. Some comets move out of our sight and never come
C. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own.
D. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it.
小题5:Which of the following is not true?
A.A large part of a comet is ice, iron and rock dust
B.Some comets keep coming back at any time
C.Halley’s Comets came back in 1986
D.Maybe many people have seen a comet


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On June 11th, 2013, China sent up her tenth spaceship Shenzhou Ⅹ into space successfully. And three astronauts went together with it. They were Nie Haisheng, Zhang Xiaoguang and Wang Yaping. Here is some information about the three astronauts.
Nie Haisheng was born in September, 1964. He is from Xiangyang, Hubei. After graduating from high school, he joined the PLA Air Force, and became a fighter pilot. In 1998, he was chosen for the astronaut program. He carried out Shenzhou Ⅵ with Fei Junlong in 2005. In 2013, he flew into space for his second time with Shenzhou Ⅹ. He is the commander of this mission.
Zhang Xiaoguang is from Jinzhou, Liaoning Province. He was born in May, 1966. Zhang joined the army in June 1985. In January 1998, Zhang was trained as one of China’s first batch(一批) of astronauts. Before he was trained as an astronaut, Zhang was a senior pilot. It’s reported that Zhang Xiaoguang is very humor and likes playing jokes very much.
After Liu Yang, Wang Yaping is the second woman astronaut in China. She was born in 1980 in Yantai, Shangdong. Wang Yaping joined the PLA in 1997. In 2010, Wang became a member of the second batch of Chinese astronauts and was chosen to the crew of the Shenzhou Ⅹ space mission in April, 2013. Wang is China’s first astronaut to give lectures to middle and elementary school students while in space.
小题1:How many astronauts were there flying in Shenzhou Ⅹ ?
小题2:Who has been to space twice?
A.Fei JunlongB.Zhang XiaoguangC.Wang YapingD.Nie Haisheng
小题3:How old is Zhang Xiaoguang in 2013?
A.45B.46 C.47D.48
小题4:How long has Wang Yaping been an astronaut by 2013?
A.For 16 years.B.For 3 years.C.For 23 years.D.For 13 years.
小题5:Which one of the following is wrong?
A.Zhang Xiaoguang is shy and he doesn’t like talking.
B.China has sent up 10 spaceships into space.
C.Nie Haisheng is the commander of Shenzhou Ⅹ.
D.Wang Yaping gave a lecture to students while in space.

