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International travelers, whether traveling for business or pleasure, will find themselves solo from time to time. Here are a few ways to meet new people and perhaps even get new travel chances.
Make yourself friendly
Be relaxed and polite. Remember to put yourself in social activities. Restaurants, shops and parks are all great places to meet people. If you want to make local friends in a country, stay near the place the locals often visit.
Show your photo album(影集)
Keep a small photo album in your bag when you travel. Photos of family, friends and pets will help your new friends learn more about you and give you things to talk about. They will share their own stories with you, and it will help you learn more about your new friends.
Share something special
Can you help your new friends improve their Chinese? Can you cook a traditional Chinese meal? By sharing your skills, you can have a close friendship with your new friends that they won’t soon forget.
Give some gifts
Many foreigners love Chinese goods but have to pay a lot when buying them in their homeland, so you’d better prepare some gifts such as silks, tea and works of art. They are always popular.
Exchange flats
If you and your new friends get along well, you can give them your information and plan to exchange flats for your next trip. Then you can visit their countries and stay in their houses while they stay in yours. In this way you will improve your friendship and live like a local abroad, but pay less for traveling.
小题1:The underlined word “solo” in the passage means “__________”.
小题2:In which way can’t a photo album help you?
A.Giving you a topic to talk about.
B.Clearing your worries about your pets.
C.Helping your new friends to learn more about you.
D.Encouraging (鼓励) your new friends to talk about themselves.
小题3:From the passage we can learn that __________.
A.exchanging flats is popular in China
B.goods in foreign countries are cheaper
C.sharing your special skills can help you develop friendship
D.international travelers always get into trouble
小题4:This passage is mainly about how to ___________.
A.travel more often both at home and abroad
B.improve friendship with foreigners
C.make friends when traveling in foreign countries
D.prepare for a business trip


小题1:细节理解题。根据下句Here are a few ways to meet new people and perhaps even get new travel chances.可知该选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第七、八行Photos of family, friends and pets will help your new friends learn more about you and give you things to talk about.可知选B。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第十、十一行By sharing your skills, you can have a close friendship with your new friends that they won’t soon forget.可知选C。
小题4:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句Here are a few ways to meet new people and perhaps even get new travel chances.可知选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are many clubs in our school. My English is not good. I want to join the English club. Wang Ying wants to learn to paint. So he wants to join the art club. Zhang Ping likes running. He wants to join the running club. Li Nan is good at singing and she wants to join the music club. What club does Han Mei join? Oh, she likes eating and she joins the cooking(烹饪)club.
小题1:My _______ is not good.
小题2:What club does Wang Ying want to join?
A.The music club.B.The sports club.
C.The art club.D.The swimming club.
小题3:Who wants to join the running club?
A.Zhang Ping.B.I.C.Wang Ying.D.Li Nan.
小题4:Li Nan _______ very well.
A.dancesB.paintsC.singsD.plays tennis
小题5:Why does Han Mei want to join the cooking club?
A.She likes cooking.B.She likes eating.
C.She can cook.D.She wants to be a cook.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Kara likes getting e-mail from Fumi. Kara is a third-grader in Arizona(亚利桑那), and Fumi is in third grade in Japan.They are e-pals who send e-mails every week. Fumi sent Kars photos and descriptions of her home.
The first room in Fumi’s house is a small entryway. People who enter the home remove their shoes. They put on different shoes with soft soles. That seemed odd ot Kara. She wears her street shoes in the house.
Kara likes the photo of Fumi and her family eating. They gather around a table, just like Kara and her family, Kara’s family sits on chairs, but Fumi’s family sits on cushions on a strau mat on the floor. The table is low to the ground. What seems to be a wall behind Fumi’s family is actually a door without knobs. Fumi explained that the door slides open. It is made from strong paper glued to thin strips of wood. “I could never play ball in that house!” thought Kara.
小题1: Why did the author write the passage?
A.to explain how to have an e-pal
B.to tell the history of e-mail
C.to compare homes in Japan and in Ameria
D.to show that homes in Arizona are better than homes in Japan
小题2:What does Fumi usually do before getting into the house?
A.Take off the shoes.
B.Put on her street shoes
C.Wear her different shoes with high heels.
D.Have slippers on.
小题3:How is Fumi different from Kara?
A.Fumi lives in the United States.
B.Fumi’s family sits on the floor to eat.
C.Fumi’s family eats around a table.
D.Fumi is in the third grade.
小题4:What is the same about Fumi’s and Kara’s homes?
A.Families sit around a table to eat.
B.People wear soft-soled shoes inside.
C.The floors are covered with straw mats.
D.They are in the same country.
小题5:Kara and Fumi both__________.
A.take their shoes on when they get home.
B.live in houses with doors made from paper
C.learn about a new place from their e-pal
D.sit on chairs during dinner


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Miss Li,
I’d like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”, an organization       to help disabled people. As you know, you have helped make       possible for me to have “Lucky”, who        my life with pleasure. Let me tell you my story.
Being blind,deaf,unable to walk or use your hands easily is something        most people can’t imagine. But there are many people who face these chanenges, and I am one of them. Because I can’t use my arms or legs      ,normal things like answering the phone,opening and shutting doors or carrying things have always been difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of        said that she would like to help me out. She said she would talk to “Animal Helpers” to see if it would be possible for me        a specially trained dog. She also thought a dog might       I told her that I love animals and that I’d love to have a dog.
After six months of training with a dog at “Animal Helpers”, I was able to        him home. My dog’s name is “Lucky”-a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, I’m only able to have a “dog-helper”    your kind donation!
      does Lucky help me, you might ask? Well, he       to understand different instructions. For example, I say,”Lucky! Fetch my book,”and he does it at once. He is very clever and understands many English words,      some difficult ones like “downstairs”.
Lucky is an amazing dog. I’ll send you a photo of       if you like, and I could show you how he helps me too one day. And so I thank you again for    “Animal Helpers”.
A.set upB.to set upC.sets up D.setting up
A.has filledB.fillsC.fillingD.has changed
A.to getB.getsC.gettingD.get
A.help me outB.let me downC.cheer me onD.cheer me up
A.thanks forB.becauseC.instead ofD.because of
A.Which B.HowC.WhatD.What for
A.is trainingB.has trainedC.has been trainedD.is trained
A.supporting B.havingC.changingD.giving


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Name    Matt    Ted Wang Lin
Country England America China
Height  165 cm  167 cm  163 cm
Date of birth   March 1st, 1999 August 14th, 1999   November 18th,1999
Things he/she likes swimming    skiing  painting
小题1:Matt is from __________. 
小题2:Ted is _________of the three.
A.the shortestB.the tallestC.the oldestD.the fattest
小题3:Wang Lin’s birthday is _______________. 
A.Mar. 1st, 1999B.Aug. 14th, 1999
C.Nov. 18th, 1999D.Nov.19th,1999


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory(记忆力) works in the same way.
When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.
If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault, But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame, and few of us know that it is just his own fault.
Have you ever found that some people can’t hear or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they can not write them down in a little book. They have to remember days, names ,songs and stories. So their memory is the whole time being exercised.
小题1:The main reason for one's poor memory is that his parents have poor memories.
A. right    B. wrong
小题2:If you don't use your arms or legs for some time, they will become strong.
A. right    B. wrong
小题3:A good memory comes from more practice.
A. right    B. wrong
小题4:Some people can't read or write, but they have better memories, because they have saved trouble.
A. right    B. wrong
小题5:The best title of this passage is “How to Have a Good Memory”.
A. right    B. wrong


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you know the story about Vince? It was a true story. Vince was an English boy and he was eight years old. He didn't like soap or water. Three or four times a day his mother said to him, “Vince, your hands are very dirty again.” Go and wash them. ” But Vince never washed them well. He only put his hands in the water for a few seconds and then took them out again.
Vince’s uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they came to stay with Vince’s parents, and they brought their small son, Toby, with them. Toby was seven years old and he didn’t like soap or water, either. The boys sat with their parents for a few minutes and then they went outside. When they were playing, Vince looked at Toby's hands and then went back to Toby’s parents and said proudly (骄傲地), “Toby’s hands are dirtier than mine, ”
“Of course they are,”Toby said angrily. “You are one year older than I am, ”
小题1:Vince’s mother asked him to______ three or four times a day.
A.wash his handsB.do his homework
C.clean his bedroomD.wash his teeth
小题2:When Vince saw Toby’s hands, he felt  ________.
小题3:Vince’s hands were a little______ than Toby’s.
小题4:From the story we know that_______ .
A.Vince liked soap and water, but Toby didn’t.
B.Toby liked soap and water,but Vince didn’t.
C.Vince and Toby liked soap and water.
D.Vince and Toby didn’t like soap or water.
小题5:How many people are there in the story?   


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tina is an English girl. She is twelve. She is in Class 8, Grade 7. She and I are in the same class. Her telephone number is(010)8256-4325. We are good friends. Her English is good, and she can help me.
小题1:Tina is from Canada.
小题2:Tina is 12.
小题3:I’m in Class 7, Grade 8.
小题4:My English is good.
小题5:Her telephone number is(010)8256—4325.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Joe and his friends were on their way to the Red Cross Headquarters to take the test for the first- aid badge(徽章).They had worked and practiced very hard the whole year and were confident that they would do well for their test.
On their way to the test place, they saw a hit - and - run accident. A taxi driver had sped through the red light and almost hit a schoolboy, However, he could not stop in time to avoid(避开)a motorcycle that had turned round the corner. The passenger at the back was thrown off the motorcycle and landed heavily on the ground. The taxi driver was frightened and drove off.
Everyone on the street was greatly surprised.
Joe realized that they should take action when he saw the victim(受害者)bled heavily. "Come on," he said to his friends and wanted them to follow him but they didn't move.
Joe knew what they were thinking.  They would have to wait for another year if they were to miss the test. "Which is more important? A man's life or a badge?" Joe asked his friends.
The question made his friends feel small.
The victim had a deep cut on his head. Joe and his friends dressed his wound to stop the bleeding while waiting for the hospital car to arrive. This was what the Red Cross Society had trained them for.
小题1:Joe and his friends were on their way to the Red Cross Headquarters to_______.
A.take a test on first - aid badge
B.collect their first - aid badges
C.report a hit - and - run accident
D.help the victim of an accident
小题2:Who got hurt in the accident?
A.The passenger in the taxi.B.The passenger on a motorcycle.
C.The taxi driver.D.The motorcycle rider.
小题3:The test for the first - aid badge is held _______.
A.once a yearB.twice a year
C.once a termD.twice a term
小题4:What did Joe and his friends do for the victim?
A.They took him to the hospital.
B.They stopped the bleeding for him.
C.They did nothing for him.
D.They made a phone call to his family.

