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小题1:We can read the above material in ________.
A.A newspaperB.a traveling report
C.a textbookD.a job advertisement
小题2:You call _____________ if you’re interested in the special trips.
A.Reader 2007B.4, 5&6 day breaks
C.Italian Special OffersD.01223 434385
小题3:You have to pay at least ________ to go to SICILY & MOUNT ETNA.
A. £179                B. £189             C. £215       D. £368
小题4:We can NOT learn about ________ of the special trips.
A.the price B.the foodC.the timeD.the sights
小题5:The trips are offered by __________.
A.Reader magazineB.Cambridge University


小题1:主旨题,题干要求我们判断该图文是出自于什么地方,并且在选项中给出了四个非常具有迷惑性的内容。A选项的关键词是newspaper(报纸),B选项的关键词是report(报告),C选项的关键词是textbook(课本),D选项的关键词是advertisement(广告)。结合图文的右上角:Cambridge Crier July 13,2007 7。是报纸的版面,时间和日期。我们得出答案:A
小题2:细节题,题干中挖出了一个空,给出了一半的关键信息是去参加这个特别的旅行。从题干中的call看出是打电话给一个位置。我们看到文章的最下面一排的内容,call the brochure 同义转换special trip.所以选D。
小题3:细节题,我们从题干中找到关键词:SICILY & MOUNT ETNA找到文章对应的部分。最低价是from £215故答案选:C
小题4:细节题,本题是一个大综合的细节理解。用NOT来加大难度,也考查学生的细心程度。A选项是价格,已经告知。C选项是时间,4—6天也已经说明,D选项sights 是景点,有些学生可能不知道意思,也可以用排除法,因为B选项中food根本没有提及,所以选:B
小题5:细节题,这次旅行是由谁提供的,文章中倒数第三句写的由NEWMARKET PROMOTIONS组织,故答案是:C

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Found:A black watch
Is this your watch?It is found in the classroom. Please call Jessica at 36206018.
Lost:My school card
My name is David Hand. The number of my school card is 20070107. Please call me at 33429703 or my friend Judy. Her phone number is 33073061. Thank you.
小题1:   finds a watch.
小题2:What’s the color of the watch?
A.WhiteB.BlackC.RedD.I don’t know
小题3:   school card is lost.
小题4:Jane’s watch is lost,she should应该 call     .
小题5:Tim finds David’s card,he should call    .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Found 1
Is that your yellow pencil?
Please call Cindy at 567-847.
Found 2
A blue pencil sharpener.
Call Jenny at 387-946.
Lost 1
A red notebook.
Call Tony at 234-896.
Found 3
A set of keys.
Call Bob at 895-735.
Lost 2
My computer game.
My name’s David.
Please call 674-902.
Lost 3
My white backpack.
Call Tim at 783-124.
小题1:If you lose a pencil sharpener, please call_________.
小题2: If you lose a set of keys, please call_________.
小题3: _________ lost a notebook.  
小题4: _________ lost a computer game.
A.lost a computer gameB.lost a white backpack
C.found a blue pencil sharpenerD.found a yellow pencil


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

在一次中德两国交流活动中,组织者进行了主题为“将来你是选择普通高中(ordinary high school )还是职业高中(vocational high school )?”的调查,请你根据表中的调查结果,完成下面的短文。
Percent (%)
German students
vocational high school
learn useful skills, easy to get a favorite job.
Chinese students
ordinary high school
Go to a favorite university, work for the government.
Vocational or   Ordinary ?
A survey has been done among students from German and China . Here are the result .
70%of  German students would like to choose vocational high schools for further study . They think they can learn  小题1:  in vocational high schools so that they can get their favorite jobs when they graduate .
In comparison, most   小题2:   students prefer to go to ordinary high schools . In their opinion, going to a favorite   小题3: and working for the government after graduation is what they have been dreaming of .
As for me,I will choose   小题4:  because  小题5:   .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Name: Harry Smith
Address: 2341 Maple Avenue Oakland, California, USA
Telephone Number: 564-2113
Work Experience
Work You
Dates You worked
Yearly Pay
Reason for Leaving
High School
English teacher
Got a job in California
Book seller
Sold books
Got a job teaching in Massachusetts
小题1:Where does Harry Smith live now?
A.In Greenfield High School.B.In California.
C.In Ames Bookstore.D.In Massachusetts.
小题2:From 2010 to 2012, Harry Smith got           from his work .
A.$12,000B.$30,000C.$ 24,000D.$60,000
小题3:Harry Smith left Ames Bookstore to work in          in Massachusetts.
A.a high schoolB.a bookstoreC.a factoryD.a company


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you want to be an artist ( 艺术家 )
Do you want to be an artist? Come to our club, and you can find yourself in happiness(快乐). We have lessons about the guitar, drum, the violin and the piano for just ¥20 each. You can also learn to sing, to dance for ¥25 each. If you like art, you can be satisfied(满意的), too—it’s just for ¥30 each!
小题1:How many instruments(乐器)does the ad mention(提到)?
小题2:How much is it for a piano lesson?
A.¥25 B.¥20C.¥30 D.¥45
小题3:We can’t learn about ________ in the club.
小题4:If you want to learn about the guitar and dance, you should pay(付款)_______.
小题5:What does “lessons” mean(意思是)in the ad(广告?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Super Camp is the key to improve grades and confidence. Held at universities, Super Camp 2013 teaches students learning, life and job skills to be successful in the 21st century.
  Stanford  University
Stanford, California
Senior Forum
June 30th - July 9th
July 12th - July 21st
July 24th - August 2nd
August 5th - August 14th

University  of  South Florida
Tampa, Florida
Junior Forum
July 24th - July 30th
Senior Forum
July 12th - July 21st

Loyola  University  Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Junior Forum
July 22nd - July 28th
Senior Forum
July 10th - July 19th
小题1:Super Camp teaches many useful skills except ______________ skills.
小题2:Super Camp 2013 is held at _______________.
A.the mountainsB.schoolsC.universitiesD.cities
小题3:_____________ is in California.
A.Stanford UniversityB.Loyola University Chicago
C.University of South FloridaD.None of them
小题4:_____________ of the universities have (has) two kinds of forums(论坛)in July.
A.TwoB.Only oneC.AllD.None


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Cloud 9 Bar

Do you want to enjoy a cocktail at one of the highest bar in Asia? If so, you can come to the 87th floor of the Jin Mao Tower. Here you'll find Cloud 9, the Grand Hyatt Hotel's bar. You can enjoy the delicious beef and the beautiful light music. It is a quiet place here.
Add: 87F Jin Mao Building, 88 Shi Ji Street, Putong
Lowest Cost: ¥ 88/person
Beer: ¥ 50/bottle
Time: Mon.--Sat. : 11:30 am--2am
Tel: 021 - 50471234
                                       Bar Rouge

Bar Rouge has a wide observation deck on the 8th Floor of it..You can overlook the Huangpu
River and the skyscrapers on it. The decoration in the bar is in fashion and fantastic. And a long bar runs down the middle. Usually the door ticket is ~ 100. If there's a special activity, the prices are higher. The cocktails are very good here, and you can enjoy your party until daybreak at weekends.
Add: 7F, Bund 18, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, near Nanjing Road
Time: Mon.--Thu. : 6 pm--2 am
Fri.- Sat. : 6 pm until late
Door ticket: ¥100
小题1:If you like to eat beef and enjoy light music, you can go to __
A.78F of the Jin Mao TowerB.Cloud 9 on the 87F of Jin Mao Tower
C.the highest bar in the worldD.The Grand Hyatt Hotel on Nanjing Road
小题2:If you want to have a meal in Cloud 9, you must __
A.call 021 -50461334B.drink more than two bottles of beer
C.spend more than 88 yuanD.go there before 8 o'clock in the morning
小题3:You can also__ while you are drinking in Bar Rouge.
A.watch TVB.have a dancing party
C.listen to the light musicD.overlook the Huangpu River and skyscrapers
小题4:Tom wants to have his birthday party in Bar Rouge on Tuesday, he should go there__
A.after 6 pmB.between 5 pm--3 am
C.before 6 amD.between 11:30 am--2 am
小题5:According to the passages, which of the following is NOT true?
A.Both of the bars have cocktails.
B.Cloud 9 is much higher than Bar Rouge.
C.Both of the barswill rest on Sundays.
D.You have to buy door tickets if you go to either of the bars.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Exhibition(展览) at the Palace Museum
The Palace Museum is a wonderful place to visit. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see. Come to visit the Palace Museum.
Closing Time
 Things to See
10:00 a.m.
Taihe Palace
Golden Throne
10:30 a.m.
Zhonghe Palace
Works of Art
11:00 a.m.
Baohe Palace
Works of Art
1:00 p.m.
Jingren Palace
1:40 p.m.
Yonghe Palace
2:30 p.m.
Huangji Palace
Chinese Paintings
4:00 p.m.
Fengxian Palace
Clocks and watches
Tickets:  Adults: ¥15.00
Children: Over 12:¥10.00
Under12: Free
Discount: 20% on Saturday
Opening Time: 9:00a.m.~ 4:00 p.m.
10:00a.m.~ 3:00p.m. on Saturday
Not Open on Sunday
Notices(注意事项): Keep quiet.
Keep the museum clean.
Don’t forget to buy some souvenirs for your friends and family.
Do not take any photos.
Do not touch anything.
小题1:How many kinds of things can you see at the exhibition ?
小题2:When can you see clocks and watches?
A.At 1:40 p.m. from Monday to Saturday
B.At 4:00 p.m. on Saturday
C.At 4:00 p.m. every day
D.At 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday
小题3:Mr Wu wants to visit the exhibition with his two students this Saturday. The two                students are both 14. How much are the tickets together?
A.¥35.00B.¥28.00 C.¥15.00D.¥7.00
小题4:The Palace Museum opens ________ days a week.
小题5:Which of the following can you do at the exhibition?
A.To talk to each otherB.To take a few nice photos
C.To buy some souvenirsD.To touch golden throne

