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On the first day of school our teacher let us know someone. Looking out, we found an old woman 16 at the door. She said, “Hi, my name is Susan, I’m seventy years old.” While we were  17 what made her take this challenge (挑战) at her age, she said with a smile, “I'm here to meet a rich husband, get  18 , have two children and travel together.” Hearing this, all of us laughed. “In fact,” she went on, “I always    19 of having a college education, and now I’m getting  20 !”
After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good  21 . I often listened to this “time machine” as she shared her study with me.
At the end of the term we invited Susan to give us a  22 . When she was stepped up to the front, suddenly she found she took the wrong paper. She felt a little frustrated(沮丧的) and said, “I'm sorry. I’m so nervous that I can’t get my ready talk    23 , so I have to tell you  24 I know .”
In her speech she told us, “We don’t stop playing as we are old, we grow old because we stop playing. The secret of staying  25 , being happy and getting success is that we should laugh and find something  26 every day. I think there is a great  27 between growing old and growing up. I am seventy now. If I  28 in bed for one full year and never do anything. I’ll become seventy – one. Since anybody can grow older, my idea is to grow up by always finding the chance in change. Growing older can’t be avoided(避免的), growing up can be  29 . It’s never too late to be all you can be possible.”
During the four years’ study, it was so easy for Susan to make friends  30 she went. In the end, the wonderful woman got a college degree.

A.finding B.gettingC.wantingD.wondering


解析【小题1】find sth或sb +adj,表示发现某人或某事怎样····故选B
【小题3】 根据题目的内容I'm here to meet a rich husband,可知答案为A,表示结婚的意思。
【小题4】dreamed of doing sth,表示梦想做某事,故选D
【小题5】one 在本题考查的是代替上文的内容中的某一个,故选A
【小题6】根据后文的内容I often listened to this “time machine” as she shared her study with me.
【小题7】give sb a talk表示给某人做一个报告,故选C
【小题9】特殊疑问词what ,可以做···know的宾语,故选C
【小题10】根据前文的内容In her speech she told us, “We don’t stop playing as we are old, we grow old because we stop playing.可知答案为B
【小题11】根据前文的内容being happy and getting success is that we should laugh可知答案为C
【小题13】lie in bed,表示躺在床上,故选A
【小题15】根据后接的内容she went,可知答案为C


科目:初中英语 来源:2010-2011年度江苏省姜堰市八年级下学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. st Before you across a street, you must look at the right fir and then left.
In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy .Traffic is the most dangerous .
When you drive a car in England, you have to be more careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful .Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.
In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city well .It’s very interesting.
【小题1】 In England the traffic moves             .
on the right  B. on the left  C. in the middle  D. in the park
【小题2】 When you cross a street, you must look at           .

A.the front B.the rightC.the leftD.B and C
【小题3】 The street become very busy in the morning and in the evening because            .
A.the people go to workB.the people come from work
C.the people go shoppingD.A and B
【小题4】 It is         to cross the streets in the morning and in the evening.
A.dangerousB.interestingC.easyD.safe (安全)
【小题5】You can see the city well on the         floor of the bus.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河南省郑州市九年级上学期第二次学科竞赛英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


A: Morning, Tom. You don’t look well. ________1.___________________?

B: Well, I have got a cold. But it’s not serious. Hey, Jack, did you see the movie on CCTV 6 last night?

A: No, I didn’t.________ 2.______________________?

B: Harry Potter Ⅲ. It was so exciting. So, what were you doing at that time?

A: ________3.________________. I’m not good at English, you know.

B: But English is not very hard to learn. __________4.______________.

A: Thank you for your advice. _________5._______________________?

B: It’s nearly 7:50. Hurry up, or we’ll be late fir school.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Beijing is our c  1  city. It is the s  2  largest city in our country, while Shanghai is the largest one. There are many places of i  3  in Beijing, such a  4   the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, Tian' anmen S  5 and the Great Wall. Every day, hundreds of thousands of v  6  come to Beijing to enjoy its beauty.

The song of Welcome to Beijing was to welcome athletes and audience from all over the w7

to attend and watch the 2008 Beijing Olympic G  8  , with lyrics(歌词)by Lam Jik(林夕) and music by Xiao Ke(小柯).It is sung b   9   almost 100 singers as a part of the celebrations to mark the 100-day countdown(倒计时)to the Beijing Olympic Games, including Jackie Chan, Han Hong, Wang Lee Han(王力宏),Stefanie Sun(孙燕姿),FIR and 5566 and so on.

Beijing is a good place to v   10   People" in Beijing are friendly, and Welcome to Beijing is also a nice song to 1   11  to. Although Beijing Olympic Games were o   12_, Beijing is still a friendly city to visit.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The United States, Great Britain took the war(战争) on Iraq(伊拉克) in  late March, 2003.    16   over twenty days, American soldiers were in Baghdad, the 17        of Iraq. They ended the government(政府) of Saddam.    18   Iraqis died in the war. Saddam is   19   . No one knows   20      he’s dead or alive.

    In some parts of the city, there was no light because of the war. Some oil wells were set on fire. Now the Iraqis need food, water and   21     . Many soldiers and people who were hurt in the war need to   22     to find their family members.

 After the war, some Iraqis broke into Saddam’s palace, government buildings and stores. They                       

  23   many things from Iraqi Museums. Other Iraqis are angry that the U.S. soldiers didn’t stop the robbers. So far there is   24       no government of Iraqis.

    The reason for American soldiers taking the war is that they are   25       weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器). But by June 6, they hadn’t found any at all.

(   )16.A. to B. After C. By D. During

(   )17.A city B. town C. capital D. village

(   )18. A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of  D. Thousands of

(   )19. A. tired B. run C. gone D. forgotten

(   )20. A. if B. when C. how D. that

(   )21. A. spaceships B. flowers C. peoples D. medicine

(   )22. A. an idea B. a way C. a plane D. a bridge

(   )23. A. bought B. borrowed C. stole D. brought

(   )24. A. still B. ever C. yet D. already

(   )25. A. looking at B. looking fir C. giving up D. putting down


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

                                  BEST PIZZA RESTAURANT EVER


                                                 Lunch hours:

                                           Mon-Fir 11:00am­—2:30pm

  SUPER                                Sat&Sun 11:30—3:30pm

  PIZZA                                       Dinner Hours

                                           Sun-Thurs 5:30pm—9:30pm

                                           Fri&Sat 5:00am—10:00pm

                                            www. super-pizza. com

                                           3563. Cenral Road in Shanghai


61. Super Pizza is the name of a       .

A. hotel         B. restaurant          C. food supermarket     D. museum

62. We can go the Super Pizza for lunch at       .

A. 10:30am on Monday               B. 3:00pm on Friday

C. 11:00am on Saturday               D. 2:30pm on Sunday

63. We can not have dinner in Super Pizza at         .

A. 5:45pm on Monday                                B. 5:00pm on Sunday

C. 9:30pm on Saturday              D. 9:40pm on Friday

64. Which of the following information can NOT we get about Super Pizza?

A. address       B. telephone number       C. website    D. food price

65. Where is Super Pizza?

A. America     B. Japan      C. China    D. England

