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Can you imagine a world without a writing system for your language? It may be hard to picture it now, but a man named Sequoyah lived in such a world. Sequoyah was a member of a native American tribe, the Cherokee. Cherokee people speak their own language, but for hundreds of years they did not have a system of writing. Without a writing system, the Cherokee had no newspapers or books before 1809.

Sequoyah was probably born around the year 1770 and lived with his mother in a small village in the mountains of Tennessee. When he grew up, he became a blacksmith. When he was doing business with those “English-speaking people”, he noticed that they used paper with marks to record their thoughts and ideas. Sequoyah called these pieces of paper with marks “talking leaves”. He began to wonder why people who spoke Cherokee did not have a way to write down their words.

In 1809, Sequoyah decided to give the Cherokee their own “talking leaves”. At first he tried to make a different symbol for every word in the Cherokee language. But in that case, there would be so many symbols and too hard for people to remember, so he decided to make a picture for each syllable (音节). After much hard work, Sequoyah invented 85 symbols. In order to see whether it would work, he helped his six-year-old daughter Ayoka learn each symbol and found she could learn to read and write very quickly. Sequoyah’s invention was a success!

Before long, Sequoyah’s writing system had spread far and wide. Cherokee people living in all different parts of the country learned to read and write. In 1825, Sequoyah’s system was made the official written language for Cherokee people. To this day, Cherokee speakers still use Sequoyah’s writing system. In some parts of the United States, you can see street signs and billboards written in both English and Cherokee. Sequoyah will always be remembered for his important contribution to Cherokee people.

1.Did the Cherokee have newspapers before 1809?


2.What did Sequoyah call the pieces of paper with marks?


3.How many symbols did Sequoyah invent in the Cherokee language?


4.When was Sequoyah’s system made the official written language?


5.Why will Sequoyah always be remembered?


1.No. 2.Talking leaves. 3.85. 4.In 1825. 5.Because of/For his important contribution to Cherokee people. / Because he created the writing system for Cherokee language. / Because he made th...

科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit1 第1课时 测试1 题型:单选题

—Can you ________ us?

—Yes, I can.

A. join B. join in

C. take part D. take part in

A 【解析】句意:-----你能加入我们吗?------是的,我可以。A. join:及物动词,意思是“加入(团体,组织,参军)、同……一起干或玩、连接”,例句:I joined the Party in 1975. (我1975年入党。);B. join in:参加 (某些活动),例句: May I join in your discussion? (我可以参加你们的讨论吗?);C. ta...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年徐州市中考总复习专项练习-词语运用(七--九)(含答案) 题型:单词填空


Macbeth is a hero in Scotland army. Once, three witches meet him and say, "Macbeth--the future king;'. But he doesn't really believe them, Later, King Duncan rewards Macbeth for what he 1. (do) for the kingdom.

Macbeth's wife hears about the story. But she's worried that Macbeth2. (not do) anything to make it happen. So she comes up with a plan3.(kill) King Duncan.At first Macbeth doesn't like the idea. But Lady Macbeth insists that 4. (murder) Duncan is the best thing to do.

That night, while King Duncan 5. (sleep), Macbeth and Lady Macbeth make his guards drunk Then, Macbeth comes into Duncan's room and kills him with a knife. Next morning, when the king's death6.(discover), Macbeth tells everyone that it was the guards who killed the king.Then Macbeth becomes King of Scotland, and Lady Macbeth becomes Queen.

1.has done 2.won't do 3.to kill 4.murdering 5.is sleeping 6.is discovered 【解析】本文概述了莎士比亚的代表作《麦克白》的主要的故事情节。 1.what he _______1_______ (do) for the kingdom.他为王国所做的。. has done 是do的现在完...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读回答20篇 题型:阅读单选


A Different Kind of Spring Break

For many American university students, the weeklong spring break holiday means an endless party on a sunny beach. In Panama City Beach, Florida more than half a million university students arrive during the month of March to play and party, making it the number one spring break place in the United States.

A weeklong party is not for everyone, however, and a growing number of American university students have found a way to make spring break matter. For them, joining or leading a group of volunteers to help solve problems such as homelessness or environmental damage makes spring break a special learning experience that university students can feel good about.

During one spring break week, students from James Madison University in Virginia took part in 15 “spring break” trips to nearby states, three others to more distant parts of the United States, and five international trips. One group of JMU students traveled to Bogalusa, Louisiana, to help rebuild homes damaged by Hurricane (飓风) Katrina. Another group traveled to Mississippi to organize creative activities for children living in a homeless shelter. One group of students did go to Florida, but not to lie on the sand. They did some work to help protect the native Florida plants.

Students who take part in spring break projects find them very rewarding (值得的). While most university students have to get their degrees before they can start helping people, student volunteers are able to help people right now without degrees. On the other hand, the buildings or rooms they live or stay are far from attractive. Students often sleep on the floor of a school or church. But they only pay around $250 for meals and transportation, which is much less than some of their friends spend traveling to more traditional spring break hot spots.

Spring break projects appear to be growing in popularity at universities across the United States. Some students take the opportunity to meet new friends. Others want to exercise their beliefs to make the world a better place. Whatever their reasons, these students have discovered something that give them rich rewards along with a break from school work.

1.What‟s the number one spring break place in the United States?

2.What is the way to make spring break matter for some students?

3.How did the students help in Bogalusa, Louisiana?

4.Where do the student volunteers often sleep?

5.What makes the spring break projects more rewarding?

1.Panama City Beach, Florida. 2.Joining or leading a group of volunteers to help solve problems. 3.By rebuilding homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina. 4.On the floor of a school or church. 5...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读回答20篇 题型:回答问题

DIY. which means Do It Yourself, is quite popular in UK. Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things. TV programs show people how to DIY.

English people like DIY. There is a saying in UK—“An Englishman’s home is his castle(城堡)”. Huge numbers of people spend their holidays making their homes beautiful “castles”. If there is anything that needs fixing around their homes, such as painting the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They share DIY experience with their friends. More and more people have discovered the joy of DIY. Sometimes people also DIY for saving money. With the economy (经济) becoming worse at present, many people cannot afford a big house. They are looking at how they can make their house better without spending a lot of money. It is not surprising that DIY is so popular.

DIY can be difficult. There is a huge market for DIY furniture. People need to get together pieces of furniture with a few basic tools. However, people often find it not easy to build a piece of furniture because they can't understand the instructions. Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear, but the furniture itself is difficult to build. One thing is for sure, though most DIY projects are started with the best ideas, many of them may not get finished. DIY can also be dangerous. For example, anything electrical should be done by a professional worker. Unluckily, many people don't care about this warning and put themselves in danger. It is reported that in just one year over 230, 000 people were hurt while doing DIY in UK, including 41, 000 who fell off ladders.

Therefore, DIY can bring us fun and help us save money, but it is not always as easy as it is thought to be if we bite off more than we can chew. Maybe factories should make products that are easier and safer for us to DIY. All in all, it is a very good and suitable thing for many people.

1.Is DIY quite popular in UK?


2.How do many English people spend their holidays?


3.What do people get together pieces of furniture with?


4.How many people were hurt while doing DIY in UK in a year?


5.Why do people in UK like DIY?

1.Yes, it is. 2.By making their homes beautiful “castles”. 3.With a few basic tools. 4.Over 230,000 people. 5.Because DIY can bring people fun and help them save money. 【解析】本文是一篇应用文,主要介...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年南京市七年级(下)英语unit1单元测试卷 题型:回答问题

Since May 1, 2015, Beijing started to allow blind people to take guide dogs (导盲犬) onto the subway(地铁). How much do you know about guide dogs? What can they do to help blind people?

Not every dog can become a guide dog. The most common guide dog breeds (品种) are Labrador Retrievers (拉布拉多猎犬) and Golden Retrievers (金毛猎犬). That’s because they are smart and have a good temper.

To help blind people, dogs need to learn many skills, such as finding and following a clear road, moving around obstacles (障碍物), and stopping when they reach a curb (路牙) beside a road. Of course they should pass tests. They also need to learn an important lesson known as “intelligent disobedience (智能抗命)”. For example, blind people ask the dog to go forward when crossing a road. But if the dog knows that a car is coming, it will not move until it is safe.

At about 10 or 12 years old, guide dogs retire(退休). Some of them stay at their owner’s home and become their pets. Others may go back to training schools and live there.

What can a guide dog do to help blind people?

• Follow a direct road, paying no attention to other things such as smells, animals and people.

• Keep a steady (稳定的) pace and just ahead of the owner.

• Stop at all curbs until the handler tells them to move forward.

• Stay quiet when the owner is sitting down.

• Help the owner to move around buses, subways and other public transportation.

1.What can blind people in Beijing do when they go out by subway?


2.Why do people choose Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers as guide dogs?


3.What important lesson should guide dogs learn?


4.How many things can guide dogs do to help blind people according to the passage?


5.What is the passage about?


1.Take guide dogs onto the subway. 2.Because they’re smart and have a good temper. 3.Intelligent disobedience. 4.Five. 5.(Something about) guide dogs. 【解析】文章介绍了导盲犬的情况。 1.根据Since May ...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年南京市七年级(下)英语unit1单元测试卷 题型:单选题

There are over fifty people in the meeting room. “over” means______.

A. above B. more C. more than D. less than

C 【解析】句意:在会议室里有50多个人,over的意思是---。over超过,A. above 在---上; B. more 更多; C. more than 多于; D. less than少于;故选C


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年春学期人教版七年级英语下Unit 11单元检测含答案 题型:阅读单选

It was Mother's Day, but Mrs. White was a little unhappy. She was 500 kilometers away from her parents. In the morning she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother's Day, and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs(丁香) in the yard

Later that day, Mr. White took her and their children, Tom, Cindy and Eric to a small mountain. There, Mrs. White saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs. She picked some here and some there. She was so happy.21*cnjy*com

On the way back, Mrs. White saw an old grandma sitting in a chair in the nursing home(养老院). She had no children with her. They stopped the car and Mrs. White walked to the old woman and put the flowers in her hands. The old grandma thanked her again and again.

When Mrs. White came back to the car, her children asked her, “Why did you give(给) our flowers to her?”

Their mother said, “It's Mother's Day, and she has no children. I have all of you, and I still have my mother. Those flowers will mean(意味) a lot to her.”

1.Mrs. White was a little unhappy on Mother's Day because ________.

A. she didn't have lovely gifts B. she couldn't meet her mother

C. she didn't like Mother's Day D. she had to do some housework

2.From the passage, we know there were many beautiful purple lilacs ________.

A. in Mrs. White's yard B. in the big market

C. in her mother's yard D. in the nursing home

3.What does the underlined word “stopped” mean?

A. 阻止 B. 停下

C. 停留 D. 结束

4.We can see that Mrs. White had ________ child(ren).

A. no B. one

C. two D. three

5.The best title(标题) can be ________.

A. A Kind Woman B. An Old Grandma

C. An Exciting Trip D. A Beautiful Flower

1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】本文介绍了心地善良的 Mrs. White把自己对母亲的爱献给了疗养院的一个没有孩子的老太太的故事。 1.细节理解题。根据White was a little unhappy. She was 500 kilometers away from her parents.可知答案为B 2.细节理解题。 and h...


科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road 单元检测卷 题型:单选题

---_____ the rice? --- Two dollars.

A. How many is B. How much is C. How many are D. How much are

B 【解析】句意:——米饭多少钱?——两美元。考查特殊疑问句及其回答。how many用于提问数量,后接复数名词;how much用于提问价格,需用单数意义的系词。根据回答Two dollars.,可知问的是价格,故选B。

