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(   ) 7. We can go swimming and play games        .

     A. also   B. as well as

   C. either   D. as well


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

as soon as,until,while,since,before

1. You should wash your hands       meals.

2.     my mother was cooking,I was watching TV.

3.Americans have celebrated Independence Day    1777.

4.It was very warm in the room. The man took off his coat      he walked into the room.

5.Every night,the wife does not have dinner     her husband comes back.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

count down,depend on,enjoy oneself,

get together,the start of

  We've started to.l,the days until May Day. Next week is 2.       the May Day holidays. Then we'll have three days off school. We have made our plans. We will 3.        by doing all our favourite things.

We'll 4.       with our friends every day,and have lots of fun. We plan to spend one day at the beach but we don't know when we will do that. It 5.       the weather. We'll go when it's sunny. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 33-year-old space wo man Wang Yaping made history―she isChina's first teacher in space.

  Wang Yaping taught Chi?nese primary and middle school students on Earth physics prob?lems in the zero-gravity environment(失重环境)   .

  She prepared for the lecture for a long time. Wang,born in January 1980,is from eastChina's Shandong Province. She was a pilot in the People's Liberation Army Air Force (空军) with experience of 1,600 hours of flying.

  The world's first teacher in space was Christa McAuliffe,a 37-year-old middle school teacher from theUnited States, but the Space Shuttle Challenger (挑战者号) disintegrated (崩裂) after 73 seconds into flight on Jan. 28,1986. McAuliffe and other six members were killed.

  "Wang's lecture was a pleasant surprise," said Zhang Xiaoguang,an astronaut (宇航员) in the three

members of Shenzhou-10 spacecraft. "          (她无论做什么都很优秀) .Sometimes we'd like to give her a helping hand,but she just would not take the hand in help,"said Nie Haisheng.

  Like many young Chinese people,Wang likes photography,music and basketball. She said, "We are all students in facing the university (宇宙)We are looking forward to joining our young friends to learn and explore the mystical(神秘的) and beautiful universe."

(―) 请根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。

1.Who did Wang Yaping give the lecture to on physics problems in space?

2.What was Christa McAuliffe?

(二) 请根据短文中所给汉语完成句子。

3.She          in whatever she does.

(三) 请把短文中画线的句子译成汉语。


(四) 请给短文拟一个恰当的英文标题。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. I will do some cleaning as soon as I       my homework.

    A. finish   B. will finish

   C. has finished   D. finished


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

W: Hello,Han Lin. 

H: Hello,Xiao Hua. 

W: 21.         

H: I'm reading about today's newspaper. It says every week students in primary schools have a day without homework. 22.      

W: I think it's great. 23.      

H: That's impossible. But after the big exam,we'll also have a long summer vacation and needn't do any homework.

W:I'm looking forward to it. Have you made any plans for it?

H: 24.        I'm going traveling. But I haven't decided where to go. 

W: 25.      

H :Good idea. I also hearTaiwanis a nice place. I'll think about it. Thank you for your advice. 

W;It's a pleasure.

A.Why not go toTaiwan?

B.We can have more time to enjoy ourselves.

C.No,not yet.

D.How do you feel about it?

E.What are you up to?

F.Yes,of course.

G.I wish I were still in primary school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

32.We enjoyed        (us) at the party yesterday.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Ning Bo―N;Zhao Tingting―Z

N:Hi,Zhao Tingting. Did you see The Avenue of

Stars last night? Z: Yes,of course.

N: 1.       

Z: Zhu Zhiwen!

N :Oh,I only know that he is called " Brother Coat" ! Can you tell me more about him? 

Z: OK,2.      When the audience heard the rich and powerful voice,all of them stood up and cheered. 

N :Was he a singer before?

Z: No,he was just a farmer. And he loved singing very much.

N: 3.      

Z: For nearly 30 years !

N: Wow!That sounds amazing!

Z: That's why many people like him. 4.       He is my real hero and I should learn from him. 

N: 5.       

Z: His videos are very popular on the Internet and you can watch or download them. 

N :Thank you for telling me so much ! 

Z: It's my pleasure!

A.How long did he practise singing?

B.Where can I find his songs?

C.Who is the most popular star in your opinion?

D.Yes,I know more about him.

E.He is a man who never gives up his dreams.

F.What makes him sing for such a long time?

G.In March,2011,Zhu Zhiwen took part in a programme called I'm a Big Star.

