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Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same___1__?
A new__2____—Hi, Ke'ai is on at Beijing Children's Art Theatre. It tells the story of a boy called Ke'ai. His parents would like him to become a painter or a __3_____ one day. They teach him to __4__and to play the violin, but Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these activities. Then one day Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang win a gold___5___ at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to be a sportsman.
"___6___do they want me to be someone else?" Ke'ai asks and says, "I only want to be____7______."
The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to _____8_____their children. It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.
Young audiences(观众)enjoy the story, and also the___9___in the play. There are two songs in the play. One of them, "Ke'ai's Song" is very ___10_____to learn, so the audiences can sing the song on their way home after the play!

小题1:根据第一句话,许多的父母亲都希望他们的孩子在将来会出名。可推知句意:可是孩子们会有同样的梦想吗?dreams “梦想”。
小题2:文章后面提到了这是一部 话剧。 play “话剧”。
小题3:根据下文的play the violin 可知,父母亲想要他成为一名音乐家。
小题4:根据上文的painter 可知,父母教给儿子画画。
小题5:此处指的是刘翔在雅典的奥运会上获取金牌。A gold medal “一枚金牌”。
小题6:为什么他们让我成为其他的人呢? why “为什么”。
小题7:我只是想要做我自己。myself “我自己”,与上文的 someone else 构成对比。
小题8:根据下文的:这有助于父母考虑孩子想要做什么,可推知句意:这个话剧表明了对父母亲而言学会理解孩子是很好的。understand “懂得;理解”。
小题10:下句话提到了:观众在看完话剧之后的回家的路上能够唱话剧里面的歌曲,可推知,这首歌很容易学会。easy “容易的”。
The play shows that it is good for parents to learn to understand their children. It helps parents to think about what kind want to do.
句意为:这个话剧表明了对父母亲而言学会理解孩子是很好的。这有助于父母考虑孩子想要做什么。句中that是连词,引导后面的句子作动词show的宾语从句。It is+形容词+for sb to do sth, 是一个固定句式,it是形式主语,to do sth做真正的主语。在第二个句子中,help sb (to) do sth “帮助某人做某事”,是固定搭配;what kind want to do 是宾语从句。作动词短语think about的宾语。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Green worked in an office in London, but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day. The station was not very far from his office, and he always went on foot from the station to his office and back from his office to the station. Every evening he walked past a poor man near a bridge. The man sat at the road and sold matches, and there was a dog near him. There was a piece of wood round the dog’s neck, and the words “I AM BLIND” were on the piece of wood.
Mr.Green was a kind man. He always stopped and gave a penny to the man, but he did not take any of his matches. One day, Mr.Green had a lot of work in his office and left the office very late. He came to the man and his dog, but he did not stop. The poor man stood up quickly, ran after him and said, “You’re always very kind to me. Give me a penny today. I’m a poor man.” Mr.Green stopped and he was surprised. Then he said, “You’re a blind man. How did you see me?” The poor man said, “No, I’m not blind. My dog is.”
小题1:Mr.Green lived in __________.
B.the city near London
C.the country near London
D.the country not far from his office
小题2:Mr.Green went to his office __________.
A.by train
B.first by train and then on foot
C.on foot
D.first on foot and then by train
小题3:Every evening Mr.Green passed a poor man near a bridge__________.
A.on his way to work
B.on the way to his office
C.on his way home by train
D.on his way to the station
小题4:One day Mr.Green did not stop and give the poor man a penny because__________.
A.he did not like the manB.he was afraid of the dog
C.he worked too lateD.he hurried to catch the train
小题5:-- What is the Chinese for “blind”?   -- ___________________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Jenny,
Gary is having a potluck party after Month Exam! He invites all of us to come! Since it is a potluck party, I think I will bring some beef noodles. As I know, Lily will take care of the drinks and Gina will bring a big homemade chocolate cake. Can you ask your mom to buy us some KFC fried chicken? You know it is too far for all of us to ride a bike there, but your mom often drives there. We can pay the bill together. Just think about how surprised our classmates will feel when they see what we prepare! Isn’t it great?
The party will start at noon on March 25, so be sure to be at Gary’s place around 11:30 to prepare for the party. By the way, don’t forget to invite Amy, who is good at music. If you have any other questions, just call me or write me back.
Take care!
小题1:Who will take fried chicken to the party?
小题2:There will be at least(至少)__________ of them for the party, besides Amy.
A.5B.6C.7 D.8
小题3:What does the underlined word “potluck” mean?
A.A meal cooked at home for some celebrations
B.A free meal served by a church(教堂) for children
C.A meal served in a restaurant at special time
D.A meal where guests bring food to share
小题4:Why does Leo ask Jenny’s mom to buy fried chicken?
A.Jenny lives close to the restaurant
B.He is afraid of spending much money
C.It is far away for them to ride to buy it.
D.He is busy preparing for the exam
小题5:According to the e-mail, which is TRUE?
A.Gina is having a potluck party.
B.The party will start at 11:30
C.Jenny has to pay for the fried chicken alone.
D.Amy was invited to go to the party.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A predator(捕食性动物) kills and eats other animals as prey(猎物).Sometimes it also becomes food for other predators. Polar bears are the largest of all the land predators. They can run across snow and swim in icy water for hours without rest. Their favorite food is seal. Not all big animals live on small animals. Hippos have heavy bodies and huge mouths. But they don’t eat animals. They just eat grass.
Some predators use speed to catch their prey. Cheetahs are the fastest animals on land. They can run up to 70km an hour. Other predators use their senses to find their food. Sharks can see, smell, hear, feel and taste. They can also sense electrical currents(电流 )from other animals’ bodies. Some fish try to hide themselves, but with this sixth sense, sharks can always find them. Sharks have smooth bodies. This helps them swim without using lots of energy. They need to save their energy because they never really sleep and never stop hunting. Flying is a useful skill for many predators in the sky. The butcher bird is the most interesting predator. It has a special way of eating its prey. First it kills its prey. Then it hangs it on a fence or in a tree, just like a butcher hangs meat in his shop. Finally, it eats its prey.
Some people hunt and kill more animals than any other predator. They not only hunt for food. They also hunt for fun. They kill sharks for their fins, and tigers for skins. Those human hunters are the worst predators on Earth.
小题1:The following statements are about “predators”, which one is true?
A.A predator kills and eats other animals as prey.
B.A predator not only eat animals, but eat grass.
C.A predator can eat other animals, but also can be eaten.
D.A predator can both run across snow and swim in icy water for hours.
小题2:How many kinds of predators are mentioned in Paragraph 2?
小题3:Why do sharks can find some fish that try to hide themselves?
A.Because sharks can see, smell, hear, feel and taste.
B.Because sharks can sense electrical currents(电流 )from other animals’ bodies
C.Because sharks have smooth bodies.
D.Because sharks never really sleep and never stop hunting.
小题4:Some people are also predators, they hunt and kill more animals for ________.
A.Sharks’ finsB.Tigers’ skinsC.foodD.food and fun
小题5:Among the sharks, the tigers, the polar bears and some people, which are the most dangerous predators on earth?
A.the sharks.B.the tigers.C.the polar bears.D.some people.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Look at this picture. This is a photo   1  my family. There are(有)  2 people(人) in the picture. They are my  3  , my mother, my brother, my sister and me. The   4   is my father. My mother   5   near (在……旁边) my father. The ____6_____beside (在……旁边) my mother is my brother. The little girl near my mother  is my  7 .    8  is very clever and cute(聪明又可爱). Everyone likes her very much. Who is    9   boy in the middle (在中间)? Ah! It is me.    10  love(爱) my family very much(非常).
小题1:A. for       B. on             C. of
小题2:A.seven       B. six             C. five
小题3:A. mother    B. father             C. grandfather
小题4:A .girl           B. boy             C. man
小题5:A. are       B. is              C. am
小题6:A.girl           B. boy            C. son
小题7:A.brother         B. sister          C. son
小题8:A. He        B. She            C. They
小题9:A. a             B. these              C. the
小题10:A. I            B. Me             C. My


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Read the questions and answer YES or NO, then you will find out how good you are.
1. When you don’t understand something, you ask questions.
2. You like listening to older people talk about the past.
3. You think that you can learn something interesting from everyone around you.
4. You are brave enough when you have to talk to people don’t know.
5. You enjoy reading books about famous people.
6. You always see and talk to different people.
7. You are interested in learning new ways of doing things.
8. You enjoy sharing experiences with friends and learning from people of all ages.
9. You talk a lot about yourself.
10.Even if you are often wrong, you make your own decisions.
11.You hate teaching what you are good at: sports, technology, whatever.
12.Your parents don’t understand you, so you don’t talk to them much.
Score 2 points if you answer YES to each of the first 8 questions, and 0 if you choose NO.
Score 2 points if you answer NO to each of the last 4 questions, and 0 if you choose YES.
18—24  You are friendly and open minded. You make people feel important by
listening to what they have to say. You’ll probably succeed in learning all kinds of interesting things. Good for you!
10—16  Remember that every single person you know can teach you something. You will greatly make your life rich and colourful.
0—8    About 400 years ago, a famous writer wrote, “No man is an island.” This is still true today. Try to be more open and interested in people around you.
小题1:If you say “YES” to all these questions, you’ll get ____ points.
小题2:When you score 22 points, you are ________.
A.shy and nervousB.silent and serious
C.open and friendlyD.brave and strong
小题3:“No man is an island.” in the text probably means that ________.
A.the famous writer was very clever
B.everything is the same as 400 years ago
C.you will feel lonely if on an island
D.you can not live alone in the world
小题4:The questions are used to test whether you are willing to ________.
A.learn from othersB.help other people
C.do all by yourselfD.depend on others


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Japanese Macaca monkey has been studied in the wild for over 50 years. In 1952, on one small Japanese island, scientists dropped some   26  in the dirt for the monkeys. The monkeys liked their taste, but they found the dirt   27 .
One clever 18-month-old monkey found she could   28  the problem by washing the sweet potatoes in a nearby river. She taught this to her mother. Her   29  also learned this new way and they taught their mothers, too.
All the younger monkeys   30  learned to wash the dirty sweet potatoes to make them   31  to eat. But many old monkeys found it very hard to learn this and still ate the   32  sweet potatoes.
Then something very surprising   33 . In the autumn of 1958, scientists found that the monkeys on other nearby   34  began washing their sweet potatoes too. Scientists still don’t fully understand how this knowledge was   35  from one island to another.
A.sweet potatoesB.green plants
C.hard stonesD.fresh nuts
A.took onB.took offC.took placeD.took away


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What would you do if you found a snake in your house? Many people might be afraid or try to kill it. However, if you live in North Carolina in the USA, one thing you can do is to call the Snake Catchers.
The Snake Catchers are four men who love snakes, even poisonous ones. Their newspaper advertisement says, “Snake Catchers: free snake removal(除去)一Please do not kill them — Call us. ”
The Snake Catchers, who started their service in 1998, don’t charge anything for helping people. “We do this as a hobby,” explained Fred Johnson, one of the Snake Catchers.
Because of their love of snakes, the Snake Catchers try to keep them alive. “One man asked us to kill a python(蟒蛇), so he could make a pair of boots from the skin. We refused, because we like snakes, and we don’t want to see them killed, ” said Fred.
Some of the snakes that they catch are kept as pets; some are given to the North Carolina State University. Most, including the poisonous snakes, are set free in the wild, usually in a national park.
Fred suggests that people should treat snakes with care. “Actually snakes are very shy and gentle creatures. They only attack if they are frightened. However, you have to know how to treat a snake properly!”
According to one happy family, the Snake Catchers are good. One day, the Greenwood family found a snake skin in the kitchen. They looked very carefully and saw a snake sleeping behind a cupboard. They thought about what to do. Then Steve Greenwood remembered the advertisement for the Snake Catchers. He called them.
“The Snake Catchers arrived within an hour and they finished the job quickly too,” said Steve Greenwood. “One of them went into the kitchen, found the snake and took it out alive. The Snake Catchers did a very good job.”
Last year, the Snake Catchers removed more than seventy snakes from houses in North Carolina.
小题1:The Snake Catchers catch snakes because ______.
A.they want to kill the snakes
B.they like trying to catch snakes
C.they don’t want people to hurt snakes
D.they like eating snakes
小题2:When a man asked them to kill a python, the Snake Catchers ______.
A.made some boots from the skinB.were very happy
C.gave him some old bootsD.did not agree
小题3:The Snake Catchers set most of the snakes free ______.
A.in a national parkB.in a university
C.in a gardenD.in their own houses
小题4:According to Fred,  ______.
A.snakes are very dangerous
B.people should attack snakes
C.snakes are not usually dangerous
D.people should run away if they see a snake


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? How about an ice-cream taster?
Yes, there really is a job where you can get paid to taste ice cream. Just ask John Harrison, an “Official Taste Tester” for the past 2l years. Harrison’s job has been responsible for approving(批准)large numbers of the sweet ice cream – as well as for developing over 15 flavors(味道).
Some people think that it would be easy to do this job; after all, you just have to like ice cream, right? No – there’s more to the job than that, says Harrison, who has a degree in chemistry. He points out that a dairy or food-science degree would be very useful to someone wanting a job in this “cool field”.
In a typical morning on the job, Harrison tastes and grades 60 ice-cream samples. He lets the ice cream warm up to about 12oF. Harrison explains, “You get more flavor from warmer ice cream, which is why some kids like to stir it, creating ice-cream soup.”
While the ice cream warms up, Harrison looks over the samples and grades each one on its appearance. “Tasting begins with the eyes,” he explains. He checks to see if the ice cream is attractive and asks himself, “Does the product have the colour expected from that flavor?” Next it’s time to taste!
Continuing to think up new ideas, try out new flavors and test samples from so many kinds of ice cream each day keeps Harrison busy but happy – working at one cool job.
小题1:What is John Harrison’s job?
A.An officer.B.An ice-cream taster.
C.A chemist.D.An ice-cream producer.
小题2:According to John Harrison, what is useful to get a job in “cool field”?
A.To just like ice cream.
B.To find out new flavors each day.
C.To have new ideas every day.
D.To have a degree in food-science.
小题3:What does Harrison do first when testing ice cream?
A.He smells it.B.He lets it warm up.
C.He tastes its flavor.D.He examines its colour.

