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科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省无锡市新吴区中考二模英语试卷 题型:单选题

— I’m afraid it’s impossible for me to organize the team building activities!

— Why not ask your friends for help? You know ________.

A.Many hands make light work B.The grass is always greener on the other side

C.Practice makes perfect D.Think twice before action


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省徐州市县区中考一模英语试卷 题型:材料作文

暑假即将到来, 如何让暑假过得更有意义, 请根据以下图片内容和要点提示用英文写一份暑假生活计划。适当发挥 (至少两点)。

锻炼身体 外出旅行 阅读好书

保持健康 解世界 增长知识

注意:1. 要求:内容完整, 省略号部分应适当发挥, 语言准确, 语句通顺, 语意连贯。

2. 词数不少于90。开头已给出, 不计人总词数。

3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名等。

Summer holiday is coming. Here are my plans.



科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省徐州市县区中考一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

What a pity! My new computer__________ a virus and it can't work now.

A.catches B.caught C.is caught D.has caught


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年6月江苏省苏州市毕业暨升学考试模拟测试英语试卷 题型:回答问题


One day June Green visited the family doctor, Edward Smith. Dr. Smith was an old man with a long beard.

“What’s the problem, June?” Dr. Smith asked her.

“I’m very worried about my son, teddy.” Mrs. Green said, “I can’t stop him from gambling(赌博). He spends all his money betting on horse races. And not just on horse races,he’ll bet on anything. It doesn’t matter what it is.”

“I’ve cured people of gambling before.” Dr. Smith said, “Send him to me. I’ll talk to him.”

A week later, Dr. Smith spoke to Mrs. Green on the phone. “I think I’ve cured your son.” he said. “That’s wonderful. How did you do it?”

“Well,” the doctor said, “It was very strange. While we were talking, he was looking at my beard. Suddenly he said, ‘I bet you $50 that’s a false beard.’” “Oh, no!” Mrs. Green cried. “It’s all right,” the doctor said, “I knew what to do. ‘My beard isn’t a false one,’ I told him, ‘And I can prove it.’”

“ ‘Can I pull your beard and find out?’ your son asked me.”

“I thought, this was my chance to teach him a lesson, so I said, ‘Yes, you can pull my beard.’ ”

“Well, he pulled it, and soon found out it was real.” The doctor laughed. “He had to pay me $50. That should cure his gambling.”

“Doctor,” Mrs. Green said, “You’re wrong. You haven’t cured him. You’ve made him even worse.”

“How can that be?”

“The day before he went to see you, he bet me$100 that you would ask him to pull your beard!”

1.How much money did Teddy win in the end?


2.What was Teddy’s problem?


3.Did the doctor cure Teddy? Why or why not?



科目:初中英语 来源:2020年6月江苏省苏州市毕业暨升学考试模拟测试英语试卷 题型:根据中/英文提示填空

Mr Sigmund Friend is used to__________________(处理)with all kinds of problems.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年6月江苏省苏州市毕业暨升学考试模拟测试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

My elder brother Steve gave me important lessons in values that helped me grow into an adult after my father died when I was six years old.

Steve taught me to face the results of my behavior. Once when I returned in tears from a Saturday baseball game, it was Steve who took some time to ask me what happened. When I told him that my baseball broke Mrs. Holt’s basement window, Steve encouraged me to tell her the truth. After all, I played basement in a wrong place. As I explained to Mrs. Holt, my voice shook. Of course, I had to pay for the broken window from my pocket money.

I also learned from Steve that personal property (财产) is a sacred(神圣的) thing. After I found a shiny pen in my fifth-grade classroom, I wanted to keep it. Then Steve explained that it might be important to the loser although it had little value. He also reminded me of how sad I was when I lost the small wooden dog my father made. At last, I returned the pen to my teacher, Mrs. Davids. I still remembered the smell of her perfume(香水) when she gave a hug.

Of all the lessons Steve gave me, his respect for life is the most vivid in my mind. When I was twelve, I killed an old brown bird in the garden with a gun. With excitement, I asked Steve to come from the house to take a look. I shall never forget the way he stood for a long moment and stared at the bird on the ground. Then in a dead, quiet voice, he asked, “Did it hurt you first, Mark?” I didn’t know what to answer. He continued with his eyes firm, “Even if it hurts you first, you should think a long time and then decide whether you will kill it or not.” I really felt terrible then, but that moment I will never forget.

1.How many lessons Steve gave to Mark are mentioned in the passage?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

2.What does the underlined word mean in Chinese?

A.开心的 B.清晰的 C.有趣的 D.可怕的

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Mark was a boy when he wrote this passage.

B.When a living thing hurts you, you should kill it.

C.Mark lost the small dog his father bought somewhere.

D.Even if a living thing hurts you, you should not kill it at once.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.My Guide in Childhood B.My Lovely Brother

C.My Early Memory D.My Sweet Childhood


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年6月辽宁省营口市中考模拟英语试卷 题型:补全短文5选5

If you ask a teacher in China what makes a good student, he or she would probably tell you that a good student is someone who gets high marks in exams.

It is true that most teachers share this opinion. 1. She says that as an educator, she feels sorry about what her students have to do every day. She hates to see her students study day and night for the endless exams. These teenagers have no time to relax or hang around with their friends. They shouldn't be turned into bookworms. 2. Shen Hong thinks a good student should be like this:

A good student is honest and kind to others. 3. If he does something wrong, he says sorry immediately, Apart from this, a good student is always ready to help his friends when they are in trouble. A good student is one who always tries his best in studies. He makes full use of his time to learn both in and out of class. Hard work comes first no matter how clever he is. 4.

He often plays ball games, or goes camping with his friends. 5.

A.In other words, he never lies to his friends.

B.However, one teacher called Shen Hong has a different attitude.

C.And it’s also not right to judge a student by the marks.

D.In a word, he develops in an all-round way.

E.Besides studying, he also likes outdoor sports.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省苏州市工业园区中考二模英语试卷 题型:根据中/英文提示填空

Paul has found a new job and is ________ (考虑) moving to a new flat near his company.

