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My name is Emma. I am 14 years old and I go to Cambridge Middle School in the UK. My school is mixed. It

is very big and has 1,800 students. There are (51)      100 teachers at my school. The classes are quite small. There are(52)o         about 20 students in each class. I study many subjects. Of all my subjects,I like DIY best. In DIY lessons,we learn to (53)m      some things with our own hands. Many students in the UK are not good at studying foreign languages. This is because they usually do not (54) s      to learn a foreign language until they are 11 years old. Then,they only spend one hour a week (55) 1________ a foreign language. My school is different. I started to learn Chinese at primary school and I had five Chinese lessons a week. In the UK, (56)m      students do not study Chinese. Some people think that I am very clever because I can speak some Chinese. When I started middle school,my Chinese teacher(57) a      our class if we wanted to make online friends. Soon we had some (58)o      friends from China. My online friend is called Zhang Dong. He lives in Beijing. I chat with him nearly every day. It is very(59)i      to talk with him. My Chinese teacher is going to organize a trip for us to China during the summer holidays. I would love to go. I hope that I can (60) m        Zhang Dong in China.

51. about     52. only     53. make
54. start     55. learning   56. most

57. asked     58. online    59. interesting

60. meet

题目来源:2015初中英语课课练八年级上册译林版 > Test for Unit 4


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One day some of Robert's friends (5l)t      about the young people in their town. They all (52)a       that old people are cleverer than young people. Then one of them said, "But young people are stronger than old people." All of them said that this was (53) t      except Robert. He (54) t      that he was as strong as (55> b       "This is impossible," said his friends. "Well," said Robert, " in one (56)c      of my garden there's a big stone. When I was young,I (57)w      able to move it because I wasn't strong (58)e       Now I'm old,when I try to move it,I (59) s      can't. That's (60) w      I'm as strong as before.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

46. 你觉得哪件事最没有意思?

Which thing do you      is the      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. How did you make him      your bike      you?

A. to repair;for B. repair;for C. repairing;for D. repair;of


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

39. Can you read these      (句子)in English?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 24. They enjoy       , but we enjoy      

A. to climb mountains;watch TV B. climb mountains;watching TV

C. climbing mountains;watching TV D. climbing mountains;see TV


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 31. My friend Lucy      than I      

A. has many more free time;have B. have more free time;do

C. has more free times;do D. has much more free time;do


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

69. The food is very      (taste).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

44. Look! The train is      (move) forward so fast!

