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Can the Time Go Slower?
Can the time go slower?
I’m still thinking of
The answers.
Can the time go slower?
My head is not
Yet clear.
Can the time go slower?
For me the rules of math are
Too hard to remember.
Can the time go slower?
My grade is what my father
Really cares about.
So can the time go slower?
My dear teacher,
I don’t want to run behind others.
Oh! NO!
There are still lots of questions
To be answered!
根据以上由Joanna Pitt创作的小诗,回答下列问题。
【小题1】What is the reading about?

A.Taking a test. B.Teaching math.
C.Learning driving. D.Running at the school.
【小题2】Why does the writer ask “Can the time go slower” again and again?
A.She is missing her good old times.
B.She does not want to get old with time.
C.She’s afraid that her father will be home soon.
D.She’s worried that there isn’t much time.




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Last year when Tom graduated from school, he came to Taibei. He didn't like to work on his father's farm and hoped to find a job in a big city. He went from one company to another but no one wanted him. With little money left, he got to the station, sad and tired. All he wanted to do was go back to his small town. It was very late at night and the station was full of people. They were waiting to buy tickets of the last train. He bought the last ticket, and he was very happy.
At that time, a woman with a crying baby walked to him and asked him to sell her the ticket. He gave her the ticket because he thought they needed it more than he did. After the train left, he sat on the bench and didn't know where to go. Suddenly, an old man came and said, "Young man, I have seen what you did to the woman. I am the owner of a big company. I need a good young man like you. Would you like to work for me?
【小题1】Tom came to the station to _______.

A.find a jobB.take the train home
C.sell the ticketD.take the train to Taibei
【小题2】The woman walked to Tom because _______.
A.she was Tom's old friend
B.her child wanted to talk to Tom
C.she needed to take the train
D.she had no money to buy a ticket
【小题3】Tom didn't take the train because _______.
A.he didn't take a train ticket
B.he missed the train
C.he wanted to talk to the old man
D.he gave his ticket to the woman
【小题4】The old man wanted to _______.
A.lend Tom some moneyB.give Tom a job
C.say "Thank you " to TomD.sit on the bench with Tom
【小题5】What can we learn from this story?
A.Many people find job in a train station.
B.Don't buy the last ticket of the train.
C.If we try our best to help others, others will help us.
D.We should not give our ticket to others in a train station.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to worry about people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads in their free time.
In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you are studying hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of you; When you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. All your happiness is always around you.
Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that can’t be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you should not always say you are poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋转的) door. When it closes, it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.
【小题1】 Happiness is for ____________.

A.those who have large and beautiful houses
B.those who have cars
C.those who have a lot of money
D.all people
【小题2】When you do something wrong, _________.
A.people around you will help you to correct(改正)it
B.you will have no chance to challenge yourself
C.your classmates will laugh at you
D.you will be happy
【小题3】 Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.When you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you.
B.You can’t get help from others when you make mistakes.
C.You can’t be a happy person if you have little money.
D.Happiness is not a feeling from your heart.
【小题4】 Why do we say “Happiness is not the same as money”?
A.Because money always brings happiness.
B.Because money doesn’t always bring people happiness.
C.Because everything can be bought with money.
D.Because only rich people have happiness.
【小题5】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Happiness is for everyone.
B.Lucky life.
C.Do something good to others.
D.Life and success.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Returning a father's love
He was a single father, raising a 5-year-old boy by himself. He was often worried about his son growing up without a mother to care for him.
One day, he went away on business, leaving the child alone. He worried about the child all the way, not knowing if he had eaten. But his child always told him not to worry. He went home after he finished his work.
When he got home, the child was deep asleep. He was tired out. He was about to sleep when he was surprised to find an overturned(翻倒) bowl of noodles under the quilt, (被子)
He hit his sleeping son angrily ,”Why are you so careless , making the quilt dirty ? Who will wash it ?” It was the first time that he had hit his boy after his wife’s death .
“sorry , but ....” the child explained with tears in his eyes , “This is your supper ,Daddy .” In order to let his father eat dinner the moment he got home , the child prepared two bowls of noddles : one for himself , the other for his father . He was afraid that his father’s noodles would get cold , so he placed them under the quilt .
Hearing this , the father hugged his boy tightly without saying a word .
【小题1】The father often             about his son because the son's mother was_________ .
【小题2】The_________ cooked the noodles and put them under the quilt to keep them_________ .
【小题3】When the father _________ an overturned bowl of noodles under the quilt , he got __________ .
【小题4】After            what his son explained, the father felt__________
【小题5】The boy was so            , but he knew how to__________his father's love.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Some children want to be writers some day. They mean that they want to write stories or books for people to read. That's good! It's good to write something for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they really are good writers. They should read a lot of books, and read for hours and hours every day instead (代替) of watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free.
If you are a good reader, it doesn't take you long to do the reading homework. Then you have time to read many other books for fun. Because you read so well, you have more fun in reading and you want to look for more books to read.
Before you decide to be a good writer, you'd better say to yourself, "I must read and read and read more and more!"
【小题1】This article (文章) mainly (主要的) tells us that __________.

A.some children wish to be writers some day
B.it is good to write something for people to read
C.reading can make you a good writer
D.writers like to read more books for fun
【小题2】Some children want to be writers __________.
A.because they want to be good readers
B.to write stories or books for people to read
C.to find good work some day
D.to get more money to keep a family
【小题3】It's good for children __________.
A.to do a lot of reading B.to watch TV in the evening
C.to have wishes sometimes D.to be good writers right now
【小题4】Reading can __________.
A.help you to be a good player B.help you write well
C.make your work better D.make you watch more TV at home
【小题5】From the article we know that __________.
A.all children like to be writers
B.people like to read for children
C.all writers are children
D.children need to read more and more books


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Do you have to carry a heavy bag to school? Does it make your back (背部) hurt? Well, students at a high school in Kansas (堪萨斯州), America, have a meeting with their city’s mayor(/meM/市长) to complain (抱怨) about their heavy bags. They say their bags are giving them headaches, and making their necks (脖子) and backs hurt. The mayor says he is very sorry. He says students may do more of their homework on the Internet (国际互联网) to give their back a rest.
【小题1】A heavy bag may make students __.

A.headache B.earache
C.toothache D.A, B and C
【小题2】 Kansas is in ____ .
A.China B.America
C.Australia D.Canada
【小题3】The students talk about their heavy bags to__.
A.the mayor B.their parents
C.their teachers D.their friends
【小题4】The Mayor isn’t friendly, is he?
A.Yes, he isn’t B.I don’t know
C.Yes, he is D.No, he is
【小题5】The mayor says__.
A.he has a headache
B.he wants the students to do more homework
C.he is sorry
D.he has to work hard


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Chinese New Year is the most important holiday for the Chinese people. For the Chinese,the New Year comes with the first day of the First Moon,between January 21 and February 19. People get ready for the holiday for fifteen days.
Finally,at midnight it is the first day of the First Moon. People close the shops and the streets are empty. Everyone locks(锁) the doors and stays at home.
It is an important time for the family. The younger people bow(鞠躬) to the older people. The Chinese call this Ke Tou. This means “to touch the ground with the forehead(额头)”.Then the younger people wish the older people a happy New Year. The older people give children gifts of money inside envelopes(信封). The family then go to sleep.
In the morning,people dress in(穿上) their best clothes. Some people stay at home,others go out to pay a New Year Call. They are very polite and do not use bad words. It's the most important day of the year.
【小题1】“The Chinese New Year” in the passage means “______”.

A.Mid­Autumn B.the Spring Festival
C.Christmas Day D.the Dragon(龙)Boat Festival
【小题2】It takes about ______ to get ready for the Chinese New Year.
A.a few days B.twelve days
C.half a month D.three weeks
【小题3】At midnight you can see ______people in the street. Everyone stays at home.
A.lots of B.hundreds of
C.many D.few
【小题4】What’s the meaning of Ke Tou?
A.to touch the ground with the forehead .
B.to touch the ground with the head .
C.to feel the ground.
D.to feel the head.
【小题5】On the Chinese New Year's Day, what do people usually say to each other when they meet?
A.Good luck! B.Best wishes!
C.Good morning. D.Happy New Year!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

February has long been a month of romance. With the sweet smell of roses in the air, romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines.
On the 14th day, it is a custom for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner, buy her flowers and chocolates, write poems, sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals! This is what you see on Valentine’s Day, a day named after Valentine who was a priest in the third century Rome. When the emperor (皇帝) decided that single men could become better soldiers than those with wives, he didn’t allow marriage.
But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers in secret. When his actions were discovered, the emperor sentenced him to death. While in prison, it is said that Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his prison guard. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed “From your Valentine”, an expression that is still in use today. Valentine died for what he believed in and so he was made a Saint (圣徒), as well as becoming one of history’s most romantic characters.
Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is also popular among Chinese young people. Some students are planning to make Valentine’s cards for parents, teachers and friends. Others want to hold parties at which they will exchange small gifts and eat heart-shaped cakes. The idea is to have fun and encourage people to share in the spirit of St. Valentine.
【小题1】Why did the emperor in Rome not allow marriage in his country?
A. Because there were few women in his country at that time.
B. Because there wasn’t enough food for so many people.
C. Because he thought a single man was better than a married man as a solider..
【小题2】 Valentine was put into prison because ______.
A. he killed one of the soldiers
B. he didn’t obey the emperor’s order
C. he didn’t want to be a soldier
【小题3】The last paragraph mainly tells us ______.
A. Valentine’s Day is also popular in China now
B. it is a good idea to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China
C. it is interesting to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China
【小题4】 The best title for this passage should be ______.
A. Valentine’s Day in China  
B. A Brave Priest   
C. Valentine’s Day


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文,根据其内容,补全表格中所缺信息。请将答案按编号依次填入表格内的题号后横线上。 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分:计 10分)
1、The life difference between east and west.rich and poor becomes clear when we look at how the kids sleep at night.
Jyoti, aged 14, Nepal Jyoti left school at a young age and now lives with one of her sisters in the Nepalese countryside where she works on the farm. 4、①The family sleep on mats on the mud floor in the open air, with an open fire for cooking and keeping warm. Jyoti loves dancing and 5、she wants to become a dancer to make money for her family.
Tzvika, aged 12,West Bank(约旦河西岸), Israel 4、②Tzvika lives in a gated community(社区) of 36,000 Orthodox Jews in an Israeli settlement( 定 居 点 ) on the West Bank. Televisions and newspapers are not allowed from the settlement. The average family has nine children, but Tzvika has just two brothers, with whom he shares his room. Religion(宗教) is the most important subject, followed by Hebrew language and math. Sport is not allowed in the school. Tzvika wants to be a learned man when he grows up.
Lamine, aged 12, Bounk Village, South Africa Lamine studies at the local all- boy Koran school and shares a room with several other schoolmates. 6、His day starts at six o’clock when he and the other boys work on the school farm with the guide of teachers, and in the afternoon the boys study the Koran(可兰经). In his free time, lamine likes to play football with his friends and when he grows up he would like to teach in this school.
Ahk?xet, aged 15, River Amazon, Brazil 7、①Ahk?xet is a member of the Kraho tribe(部落) living near the river of Amazon. There are only 1,900 members of the tribe. All the tribe members grow and hunt their own food, and any other material 8、they need is bought, using money made from film companies and photographers who visit their camp. He dreams to be head of the tribe when he grows up. Jasmine, aged 14, Kentucky, the US 7、
②Jasmine lives in a big house with her parents and three brothers in the Kentucky countryside. Her father works as a railroad engineer. Her bedroom is filled with her favorite toys and her wardrobe is filled with her dresses, for 9、she normally gets two new dresses every month. She enjoys being treated like a princess, having her hair done and wearing pretty clothes and make-up and would like to be a rock star when she grows up.  

