

1£®A£®That's a good idea£®

B£®Yes£¬you are right£®

C£®I'm sorry to trouble you£®

2£®A£®Bad luck£®

B£®Not at all£®

C£®Thanks a lot£®

3£®A£®I agree too£®

B£®I think so£®

C£®English maybe£®

4£®A£®She's short£®

B£®She's my sister£®

C£®She's fifteen£®

5£®A£®That's OK£®

B£®Yes£¬here you are£®

C£®Sorry£¬I can't£®





2£®A£®He is playing£®

B£®He is reading£®

C£®He is singing£®

3£®A£®Four days

B£®Five days

C£®Three days

4£®A£®Li Ping£®

B£®Lin Tao£®

C£®Han Meimei£®





11£®Many English people have three meals a day£®

12£®People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine£®

13£®Afternoon tea comes at four o'clock£®

14£®People don't have soup for their dinner£®

15£®All English people have their dinner in the evening£®


16£®The Browns live ________£®

A£®in a small house in London

B£®in a small house not far from London

C£®in a small town far from London

D£®in a tall building in the city of London

17£®Sometimes Mr Brown comes back very late and his wife and child are asleep and he ________£®

A£®wakes up his wife to help him open the front door

B£®knocks at the door

C£®opens the front door with his key

D£®rings the doorbell

18£®One night he couldn't come into the house because ________£®

A£®he gave the key to his wife

B£®Mrs Brown was not at home

C£®he lost his key

D£®the door was broken

19£®________ after he knocked at the bedroom window and shouted and spoke like a child£®

A£®Nobody answered him

B£®Mrs Brown opened the door at last

C£®His child got up

D£®His wife and child woke up

20£®Mr Brown spoke like a child because ________£®

A£®he knew his wife could wake up easily when she heard the child's voice

B£®he wanted to make joke with his wife

C£®he wanted to wake up his child

D£®he didn't want to trouble other people around the house


1£®I think ¡°fast¡± is another way of saying ¡°quick£®¡±(B)

2£®Wall done! Congratulations£¬Tom! (C)

3£®Which is more difficult£¬English or maths? (C)

4£®Who's that girl over there£®? (B)

5£®Have you got an eraser? (B)

6£®A£ºHave the children had breakfast?

B£ºYes£¬Kate had an egg and a cup of milk£®Mike had some bread£¬two eggs and a cup of orange£®

Question£ºHow many eggs did the children eat? (B)

7£®A£ºDon't read in bed£¬Tom£®


A£ºI told you not to read in bed£®

Question£ºWhat is Tom doing£®(B)

8£®A£ºExcuse me£¬Mr Green£®Your wife came here the day before yesterday£¬didn't she?

B£ºNo£®She got here five days ago£¬and left yesterday£®

Question£ºHow long had Mrs Green been here? (B)

9£®A£ºExcuse me£¬Lin Tao£®Have you got a penfriend?

B£ºYes£®He' s in Sydney£¬Australia£®What about you£¬Li Ping?

A£ºI have a penfriend£¬too£®He is in London£®He will come to Beijing next month£®

B£ºDo you know if Han Meimei has a penfriend?

A£ºYes£®Her penfriend is in New York£¬America£®

Question£ºWhose penfriend is in London? (A)

10£®A£ºHello! Mary£®Have you ever been to Guilin?

B£ºNo£®But I' m going there with my parents next year£®What about you£¬John?

A£ºI've been there twice£®

Question£ºHow many times has Mary been to Guilin?(C)


¡¡¡¡In many English homes people eat four meals a day£ºbreakfast£¬lunch£¬tea and dinner£®

¡¡¡¡People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning£®They eat porridge£¬eggs or bread£®English people drink tea or coffee(¿§·È)at breakfast£®

¡¡¡¡Lunch comes at one o' clock£®Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven£®First they have soup£¬then they have meat or fish with vegetables£®After that they eat some other things£¬like bananas£¬apples or oranges£®But not all English people eat like that£®Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day£®Their meals are breakfast£¬dinner£¬tea and supper and all these meals are very simple(¼òµ¥)£®


¡¡¡¡Mr and Mrs Brown live in a small house near London with their child£®Sometimes Mr Brown comes back home from work very late£®His wife and child are asleep£®And then he opens the front door of his house with his key(Ô¿³×)£¬and comes into the room very quietly£®

¡¡¡¡But one night he lost his key£¬so he had to ring the bell£¬but nothing happened in the room£®He rang it again£®Again nothing happened£®Mr Brown knocked at the bedroom window£®He spoke to his wife and then he began to shout£¬but his wife didn't wake up£®At last he thought for a few seconds£®Then he began to speak like a small child£®¡°Mum!¡±he said£®¡°I wanted to go to the washroom!¡±His wife woke up and opened the door for him£®


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1£®A£®Hello£¡What' s wrong£¿

B£®Excuse me£®Who are you£¿

C£®Hold on for a moment£¬please£®

2£®A£®That's a good idea£®

B£®All right£®Thank you£®

C£®OK£®You are right£®

3£®A£®Do you really think so£¿

B£®Yes£¬I am£®

C£®How do you do£¿

4£®A£®Milk and beef£®

B£®Eggs and meat£®

C£®Mutton and wool£®

5£®A£®With pleasure£®

B£®You are kind£®

C£®It doesn't matter£®


6£®A£®She was cold£®

B£®She was ill£®

C£®She visited a friend of hers£®

7£®A£®His pencil-case£®

B£®His pencil£®

C£®A pen and a case£®

8£®A£®They teach themselves£®

B£®Their teacher


9£®A£®He is giving the dictionary to the girl£®

B£®He is looking up a new word in a dictionary£®

C£®He is going to school£®

10£®A£®Every 15 minutes£®

B£®Every 10 minutes£®

C£®Every 5 minutes£®


11£®Mr Tanaka studied Chinese because he wanted to visit China£®

12£®He studied Chinese in Japan for about 180 days£®

13£®He went to China to spend his holidays£®

14£®He stayed in China for about half a month£®

15£®Mr Tanaka could talk with the Chinese easily£®


16£®The young man wanted to send his girlfriend ________ roses for her birthday£®




17£®________ sent the roses to the girl£®

A£®The young man

B£®The assistant

C£®Another young man

18£®The young girl received the roses ________£®

A£®the same evening

B£®a day before her birthday

C£®on her birthday

19£®The assistant meant to(´òËã)________£®

A£®make the girl angry

B£®get more money

C£®make the young man glad

20£®From the story we know that ________£®

A£®one may do something wrong even out of kindness

B£®some girls don't roses

C£®young people are often angry with each other


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1£®A£®That' s all right£®

B£®Of course£®The ice in the river is strong enough£®

C£®Yes£®The ice is not strong enough£®

2£®A£®In 1987£®

B£®In 1971£®

C£®In 1980£®

3£®A£®March 17th£®

B£®March 11th£®

C£®March 12th£®

4£®A£®About 350 trees£®

B£®Yes£¬more or less£®

C£®Yes£¬here you are£®

5£®A£®It's about 20 metres wide£®

B£®It's about 20 metres long£®

C£®It's about 20 metres deep£®


6£®The poor man had an orange tree ________£®

A£®beside his garden

B£®outside his garden

C£®in front of his garden

D£®in his garden

7£®The poor man was surprised ________£®

A£®to see all the oranges on his tree were like a football

B£®to see one of his oranges was as big as a football

C£®to see that the biggest orange on his tree was a football

D£®to see some of his oranges on his tree were like a football

8£®Why did the poor man take the orange to the king£¿________£®

A£®Because the king had never seen such a big orange

B£®Because he could sell the orange to the king

C£®Because the king liked to eat the big orange

D£®Because he wanted to eat the orange

9£®The rich man took his gold cup to the king£®He thought ________£®

A£®the king would give him the biggest orange

B£®he could get much more money than the poor man

C£®the king would give him a new house

D£®the king would give him a lot of oranges

10£®At last the king gave the rich man ________£®


B£®a lot of money

C£®some gold

D£®the great orange


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º±±´ó¸½ÖÐÌâ¿â¡¡¾ÅÄ꼶ӢÓï(µÚ¶þ°æ)ϲᡢ²âÊÔ¾í(¶þ) (Unit 12) ÌâÐÍ£º026



1£®A£®It's about five kilometres£®

B£®It's about half past seven£®

C£®It's very cold£®

2£®A£®Which do you think is more delicious£¿

B£®I think I prefer reading£®

C£®I'll be happy£®

3£®A£®By many people£®

B£®By radio£®

C£®By satellite£®

4£®A£®There may be something wrong with you£®

B£®There must be something wrong with the TV set£®

C£®It doesn't matter£®

5£®A£®I'm glad to hear that£®

B£®I'm sorry to hear that£®

C£®I don't feel well£®Maybe I have a cold£®


1£®When it is night£¬the sun ________£®

A£®doesn't shine

B£®shines for a short time


D£®shines on the other side of the earth

2£®We can't see the stars in the sky at daytime because ________£®

A£®there are no stars there

B£®the stars are much smaller than the sun

C£®the bright light from the sun makes them not seen

D£®the stars come out only at night

3£®The stars look small because ________£®

A£®they are far away

B£®they are small

C£®they have no light

D£®they are in the sky

4£®Small things may look ________ when they are closer£®




D£®farther away

5£®The sun looks bigger than other stars because ________£®

A£®it's bigger

B£®it's far away in the sky

C£®it gives much bright light

D£®it's closer to the earth than other stars


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º±±´ó¸½ÖÐÌâ¿â¡¡¾ÅÄ꼶ӢÓï(µÚ¶þ°æ)Éϲᡢ²âÊÔ¾í(Îå) (Unit 5) ÌâÐÍ£º026



1£®A£®Peter hopes to have his summer holiday in Xi' an£®

B£®Peter is going to have his summer holiday in Xi' an£®

C£®Peter has gone to Xi' an for his summer holiday£®

2£®A£®He called me yesterday£®

B£®I didn't ring him£®

C£®I didn't answer his telephone yesterday£®

3£®A£®He always enjoys himself£®

B£®He always has enough time to rest£®

C£®He is able to take good care of himself£®

4£®A£®They like football best£®

B£®They enjoy basketball very much£®

C£®They prefer football to basketball£®

5£®A£®Mary has kept Kate's books£®

B£®Kate has borrowed some books from Mary£®

C£®Kate's books are in Mary's bag£®


6£®Mr Brown always buys a newspaper when he goes to work because ________£®

A£®he likes to read newspapers

B£®he wants to make the time pass more quickly

C£®he wants to read the report about football matches

7£®One ________ morning£¬he turned to the sports page£®




8£®It was such an interesting report that he forgot to ________£®

A£®go to work

B£®get off the train

C£®get on another train

9£®After Mr Brown got off the train£¬he ________£®

A£®got on a bus

B£®had to walk back to his office

C£®had to wait for a train going back

10£®When Mr Brown arrived his boss was ________£®





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1£®A£®I have gone to the teachers' office£®

B£®I have been to the teachers' office£®

C£®I'll be in the teachers' office£®

2£®A£®Yes£®Who are you£¿

B£®Yes£®Who speaks£¿

C£®Yes£®Who's that£¿

3£®A£®About once a month£®

B£®About two hours£®

C£®It is a wonderful film£®

4£®A£®How interesting they are£¡

B£®Both£¬I think£®


5£®A£®The same to you£®

B£®It's very kind of you to say that£®

C£®Of course£¡


6£®How does Steven go to work£¿

A£®By train

B£®On foot

C£®By bike

7£®What does he often buy on his way to his office£¿

A£®A book

B£®A newspaper

C£®Some food

8£®What news did he want to know one Tuesday morning£¿

A£®A basketball match

B£®A football match

C£®A tennis match

9£®Why didn't he get off at his usual station£¿

A£®Because he didn't know where to get off

B£®Because he didn't want to get off

C£®Because the report was so interesting that he forgot to get off

10£®Who got very angry£¿

A£®His boss

B£®His teacher

C£®His father

