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Tianjin is _______ Beijing. But it is _______ Shanghai.

A. next to; far to B. next from; far from C. next to; far from D. next from; far to


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市相城区2016-2017学年第二学期初二英语期末考试试卷 题型:单项填空

It’s a pity that I failed. But I am sure I will make it if I am given another   .

A. chance B. purpose

C. success D. condition


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2017届九年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

I don’t remember _____ the book yesterday.

A. where I put B. where did I put

C. where will I put D. where I will put


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2016-2017学年七年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:任务型阅读

“Give it back to me!” Zhu Han shouted at his mum angrily. She had just grabbed(抓取) his cell phone, saying that he should stop playing and go to sleep.

“I told her it was 9 o’clock and I’d finished my homework, but she didn’t listen,” said the 15-year-old boy. “I really couldn’t understand her!”

Do you sometimes feel the same way? A China Youth Daily report said that, according to a survey on 1,500 students, 61% of the students said they felt they weren’t able to communicate(交流) with their parents. Besides, 37% of them said they never shared their worries with their parents.

One of the most important reasons is that students and parents don’t have much common ground(共同点). The different ages always lead to different interests.

Peng Yu, a psychological professor(心理学教授) pointed out another reason. He said when entering puberty(青春期), teenagers begin to have their own thoughts(思想) and want their parents to treat them like adults(成人). But parents don’t follow the change.

He suggested that children should first understand that their parents do everything out of love. “With this in mind, students should try to talk with their parents calmly and often enough,” he said.

Huang Xinlin, 14, agreed with the advice. She talks with her mum during supper every day and she also helps do the housework. “We talk about everything and even make jokes while sharing housework,” Huang said happily. “We are like friends.”

A quarrel(争吵) between a son and his mother

Zhu Han quarreled with his mother on whether he should play 1. his cell phone.

The common problem between teens and parents

A survey showed that 61% of students felt themselves unable to communicate with 2..

37% of students said they never shared 3. with parents.

4. for the problem

Students and parents have5.common ground. The different ages lead to different 6..

When teenagers enter puberty, they have their 7.thoughts and want to be treated like adults. But parents don’t follow the changes.

Advice from a professor and a student

Children should keep understanding in 8.. And they should talk to parents in a 9. way often enough.

A 14-year-old student agrees and says she also 10.housework with parents.


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2016-2017学年七年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

There is ________ with my watch. It doesn’t work.

A. anything wrong B. wrong things C. something wrong D. wrong something


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2016-2017学年七年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

--- Excuse me. May I speak to Jill, please? --- _________.

A. Yes, I’m Jill. B. Speak

C. I’m speaking. D. This is Jill speaking.


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2016-2017学年七年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Which floor do you______ in this building?

A. live B. live on C. live in D. live at


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show第二课时 题型:单项填空

--- do you think of the movie? ----It’s boring. I don’t like it.

A. Why B. What C. How D. Who


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省灌云县西片2017届九年级下学期第二次月考(5月)英语试卷 题型:书面表达

三年的初中生活接近尾声,回首过去你充满依恋,展望未来你豪情满怀。请以The happy life为题写一篇90词左右的短文。要点如下:

1. 校园生活丰富多彩,在宽敞明亮的教室里学习,老师和同学们都很友好,相处融洽,同学们互相帮助,互相学习,虽然作业多,但一起学习很快乐。课余还经常一起打球唱歌。

2. 希望将来从事一份喜欢的工作,和父母分享成功,也为社会(society)多做有意义的事情。

3. 现在必须努力学习,使梦想成真。


