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like to go swimming summer.

A. Children; on B. Children; in C. A child; on D. A child; in

B 【解析】 句意:孩子们喜欢在夏天去游泳。这里是一般现在时态,谓语动词是原形,主语是复数。短语in summer表示在夏天。根据题意,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:仁爱版初二英语下册《Unit 8 Our Clothes》习题综合检测 题型:单选题

You’d better take a sun umbrella to protect yourself ____ the sun shine.

A. of B. from C. under D. to

B 【解析】本题主要考查介词辨析,protect...from短语的意思是“保护……不受……的侵害”。根据语境,你最好带把太阳伞以免受到太阳的辐射,其余介词和protect不搭配,故选B.


科目:初中英语 来源:吉林省2017-2018学七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

The twins are in different classes. One is in Class One and is in Class Two.

A. another B. other C. the other D. others

C 【解析】句意:这对双胞胎在不同的班级,一个在一班,另一个在二班。another不定数目中的另一个;other其他的,形容词,修饰名词;the other指两者中的另一个;others其他人或物。根据句意可知,这里说的是twins,双胞胎,因此这里指两个中的另外一个,故应选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省七年级英语下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar单元测试卷 题型:单选题

I can speak English, but ______________________.

A. very much B. a lot C. not much D. too much

C 【解析】 句意:我能说英语,但是不是很多。A. very much很,非常;B. a lot很,大量;C. not much不是很多;D. too much太多。根据连词but可知,这里表示转折关系,下文用否定形式。根据题意,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省七年级英语下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar单元测试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)________ you can ________ our school concert.

A. Maybe, in B. Maybe, be in

C. May be, in D. May be, be in

B 【解析】 试题句意:可能你能参加我们的学校音乐会。May be可能是;maybe可能;第一空修饰整个句子,故用maybe。be in加入,参加;故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省七年级英语下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar单元测试卷 题型:句子配对

Can you help me my English?

A. with B. of C. learning D. about

A 【解析】 试题句意:你能在英语方面帮助我吗?help sb with sth在某方面帮助某人。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版7A Unit One 单元复习试卷 题型:单选题

Mr and Mrs Brown from America.

A. aren't come B. don't come

C. doesn't come D. isn't come

B 【解析】句意:布朗夫妇不是美国人。考查否定句。主语Mr and Mrs Brown是两个人,复数形式,所以排除C、D选项;come from固定短语,来自…,而且come是一个实意动词,否定式应借助于助动词don't,所以排除A选项;故答案选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:仁爱七年级上Unit3 Topic3同步习题 题型:其他题












1.Help yourself. 2.Would you like fish? 3.What would you like to drink? 4.Why not eat vegetables? 5.Can I help you? 【解析】 1.help oneself“随便吃”,此处是祈使句,故反身代词用yourself,表示“随便吃”,故用短语Help yo...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省连云港市连云区2017届九年级二模试卷英语试卷 题型:完型填空

A young man entered the last interview of a company. The director ____ that the young man’s grades were very good. “Did you get any ____ in school?” the director asked. “Yes.” the young man answered. “Was it your ____ who paid for your school fees?” the director asked. “My father ____ when I was one year old, ____ my mother paid for my school fees.” the young man answered. “Where did your mother work?” the director asked. “She cleaned clothes,” the young man said. The director looked ____ the young man’s hands which are smooth and ____.

“Have you ever helped your mother ____ before?” the director asked. “Never,” the young man answered. “I have a request,” the director said, “When you go back today, go and clean your mother’s ____, and then see me tomorrow morning.”

The young man felt that his ____ of getting the job was high. When he went back, he ______

asked his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt ____, happy but with mixed feelings. She showed her hands to the kid. The young man’s tears fell as he saw them. It was the _____time he had noticed that his mother’s hands were so wrinkled. He realized that it was this pair of hands that helped him pay the fees.

The next ____, the young man went to the director’s office and said, “I know that ____ my mother, I would not be the person I am today.” “This is what I want,” the director said. “I need a person who can appreciate the help of others and get things done. You are hired.”

1.A. discovered B. knew C. found D. confirmed

2.A. friendship B. scholarship C. leadership D. relationship

3.A. father B. mother C. grandfather D. grandmother

4.A. threw away B. ran away C. took away D. passed away

5.A. and B. so C. or D. yet

6.A. for B. over C. at D. out

7.A. ugly B. perfect C. clean D. untidy

8.A. clean the house B. cook dishes C. do shopping D. wash the clothes

9.A. hands B. legs C. feet D. eyes

10.A. ability B. skill C. chance D. habit

11.A. properly B. simply C. sadly D. happily

12.A. excited B. crazy C. strange D. nervous

13.A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

14.A. night B. evening C. afternoon D. morning

15.A. with B. without C. within D. except

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 【解析】试题这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述了一个应聘工作的年轻人在面试时被要求帮助母亲洗手最终意识到母亲对自己的帮助而被录用的故事,告诉人们要学会欣赏他人并帮助他人。 1.句...

