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A new international airport in the city next year.

A. completes B. is completed

C. will complete D. will be completed


科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版2018-2019学年九年级全册英语课堂练习1 Unit 3 Safety 题型:句型转换

IV. 连词成句。

1.having, are, breakfast, they


2.book, you, which, prefer, do


3.for, let, copy, you, Danny, them


4.look, here, her, to, they, for, came


5.understand, they, doesn’t, said, what, he



科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 2 Section B 3a-Self Check课时训练 题型:语法填空













科目:初中英语 来源:外研版八年级英语上册Module10 Unit3课时训练 题型:补全对话7选5


Zhao Xuan—Z Jane—J

Z: Hi, Jane. What’s your plane for the five-day holiday?

J: I’m going to travel to Qingdao.

Z: 1. It’s the best place to travel this time.

J: I think so. What’s the weather like in winter in your hometown?

Z: It’s very cold. 2.

J: What about summer?

Z: It’s hot and clear most of the time. Please tell me weather about your hometown.

J: OK. The seasons are different from yours. 3.

Z: Really? You can eat Christmas dinner in hot sunshine!

J: Yes, we often go to the beach on Christmas Day for dinner. 4.

Z: That’s very interesting!

J: 5.

Z: Thank you!

A. It’s cold and rainy during June and July and warm in December.

B. Welcome to my hometown at any time!

C. Sounds great!

D. Does it often snow?

E. There are many beautiful beaches in our country, Australia.

F. Not very, but it’s windy.

G. The temperature from time to time drops to fifteen below zero.

A. It’s cold and rainy during June and July and warm in December.

B. Welcome to my hometown at any time!

C. Sounds great!

D. Does it often snow?

E. There are many beautiful beaches in our country, Australia.

F. Not very, but it’s windy.

G. The temperature from time to time drops to fifteen below zero.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Some primary schoolchildren have been raised in homes with more green space around. They are likely to come with larger volumes of white and grey matter in certain areas of the brain. These differences are associated(关联) with beneficial effects on cognitive function (认知功能) . This is the main conclusion of a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.

The study was performed among 253 schoolchildren in Spain .Lifelong exposure(接触) to green space in the living places was recorded—using the information on the children’s addresses from birth up through to the time of the study. Brain structure was studied using 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Working memory and inattentiveness(注意力不集中)were graded with computers.

“This is the first study that shows the association between long-term exposure to green space and brain structure.” Says Dr. Payam Dadvand, the leading researcher of the study, “Our findings suggest that exposure to green space early in life could result in beneficial structural changes in the brain.”

The findings show that long-term exposure to greenness is positively associated with white and grey matter volumes in several parts of the brain. Some of them are related to higher scores on cognitive tests. Moreover, larger volumes of white and grey matter in those parts might lead to better working memory and less inattentiveness.

Exposure to nature has been thought to be necessary for brain development in children. Another study of 2,593 children shows that children in school with more green space have a greater increase in working memory and a greater decrease in inattentiveness.

Humans are believed to be tied to nature. Playing in greener areas offers children opportunities to search and learn. Accordingly, green space is thought to prompt important exercises in discovery, creativity and risk taking. These exercises in turn positively influence brain development.

Dr. Dadvand’s study suggests how such structural changes could bring about the beneficial effects of green spaces on cognitive development, it also adds to the proof that suggests the lasting effects of early life exposure to greenness on our health and the benefits of increasing greenness in cities.

Further studies are needed to prove the findings in other populations, settings and climates. And researchers need to examine differences according to the nature and quality of green space.

1.The second paragraph is mainly about .

A. how the study was performed B. what was recorded in the study

C. how long the study lasted D. who took part in the study

2.The word “prompt” in paragraph 6 probably means “ “.

A. control B. encourage C. balance D. change

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Working memory influences white and grey matter in the brain.

B. Dr. Dadvand stressed the importance of changing the environment.

C. Studies proved the influence of greenness on populations outs of Spain.

D. Living in greener neighborhoods benefits children in brain development.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

Tony is of the three boys, but he is the tallest.

A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit7 Will people have robots Section A 练习题 题型:单选题

(题文)I think people here are friendly. Do you agree ________ me?

A. with B. to C. on D. from


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 7 Will people have robots?单元测试卷 题型:完型填空

March 22nd is World Water Day. It started in 1993. It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but also calls on (号召) us to ________ and protect water. Today, we’re facing terrible water problems. Among them, wastewater problem is especially ________. And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is "wastewater".

What is wastewater? It is used water. Usually, wastewater comes from homes, ________, hospitals and so on. It is produced by different kinds of activities, including washing the machines, taking showers and using the kitchen. The rain also ________ wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm. No matter where it comes from, this kind of water is sure to have ________ harmful in it.

________ must we treat(处理) wastewater? Wastewater has a big influence on our life. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment. We must care for our environment and our own ________.

How can we treat wastewater? Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment. Wastewater ________ homes can be reused. Then there will be ________ wastewater. Also, factory wastewater has to be cleaned ________ it goes back to nature.

1.A. drink B. save C. carry D. watch

2.A. easy B. popular C. small D. serious

3.A. factories B. lakes C. rivers D. seas

4.A. gets back B. hands in C. changes into D. picks up

5.A. nothing B. something C. nobody D. somebody

6.A. What B. Who C. Why D. How

7.A. work B. interest C. health D. business

8.A. on B. for C. with D. from

9.A. less B. more C. better D. worse

10.A. and B. whether C. after D. before


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年度人教版七上英语-期末练习 题型:单选题

We need a lot of every day.

A. vegetables B. meats C. broccolis

