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     Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some  1   ask for more food than they can eat, some
students  2  to turn off the water taps (水龙头) after they finish washing, and others often forget to turn
off the  3  when they leave the classroom. They say these things are cheap,  4  I don't agree with them.
     Waste can bring a lot of problems. Though China is rich in some resources (资源), we are  5  of others.
It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to  6  in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources,  7  
can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we  8  say no to the students who
waste things every day.  9  should stop wasting as soon as possible. If we do our best, waste can be stopped 
 10  and many natural resources can be saved.
(     )1.  A. people 
(     )2.  A. remember
(     )3.  A. lights 
(     )4.  A. or     
(     )5.  A. tired  
(     )6.  A. use    
(     )7.  A. how    
(     )8.  A. can    
(     )9.  A. Anybody
(     )10. A. one day
B. students 
B. have     
B. machines 
B. and      
B. sure     
B. do       
B. where    
B. should   
B. Nobody   
B. two days 
C.  farmers  
C.  used     
C.  radio    
C.  but      
C.  full     
C.  make     
C.  what     
C.  shouldn't
C.  Somebody 
C.  some days
D.  workers  
D.  forget   
D.  fridge   
D.  so       
D.  short    
D.  choose   
D.  when     
D.  can't                        
D.  Everybody
D.  any day  
1-5      BDACD      6-10     ACBDA

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期末题 题型:填空题

根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 并将完整单词填在下面对应题号后的横线上。
     Air is very important to everything that lives. But the air we breathe is (1)g______ dirty. People all over
the world are looking for (2)w______ to make it clean again.
     Have you (3)e______ watched the smoke from chimneys (烟囱) rising high in the air? Have you
(4)s______ the smoke from cars and trucks on roads or the smoke from planes? The smoke is not
(5)g______ to breathe. If we want to keep healthy and strong, we need to breathe (6)c______ air.
     (7)W______ more and more factories everywhere and more and more cars, trucks and planes, it is
getting harder and harder to do with the air (8)p______.
     Scientists have (9)a______ taken actions to stop or slow down some of the things that make the air dirty.
They will not stop working (10)u______ we have clean air again.


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

something,   not,   tree,   simply,   spend,   you,   why, 
 that,   they,   if,   little,   go,   in,   on,   protect
The Earth needs a helping hand
     The Earth is getting warmer because of the activities of people. We cut down and burn 1______ and
send gases into the air with our cars and factories. Can we do anything about it? Sure. We may 2______
be leaders or scientists but we can play our part in 3______ the planet. Here are two ideas.
Bike, don't ride to school
     Do you 4______ to school by bus or by bike? If you bike, you are doing 5______ for the Earth. Buses,
cars, trains and planes produce a lot of carbon dioxide (二氧化碳). If you live near to your school, 6______
not bike there on warm spring mornings? Or, you can 7______ walk to school to save energy. 
 Wash the green way
     Do you help your mom and dad wash clothes? Then wash them 8______ an energy-saving way. A recent
study by Cambridge University found 9______ 60 percent of the energy used on a piece of clothing is 
10______ in washing and drying it. Over ita lifetime, a T-ahirt can send up to 4 kilograms of carbon dioxide
into the air.  
     11______ you wash your own clothes, wash them in cold or warm water to save energy, but not hot water.
Wash your clothes when 12______ fill up the machine. Use the most energy-saving machine you can find.
Some new ones use as 13______ as one-fourth of the energy of older machines. When they're clean, dry 
14______ clothes the natural way, by hanging them 15______ a line rather than putting them in a dryer. In all,
you can cut the carbon dioxide used in washing by 90 percent.


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省中考真题 题型:填空题

     Don't be a couch potato. Make _____1 (肯定) that you take plenty of exercise. ______2 (人们) aren't
as active now as they were in the ______3 (过去). It's important to eat a healthy diet. Eat fresh vegetables
and don't eat fast ____4 (食物) . Stay safe in the town by crossing the road _____5 (小心地). Stay safe in
the countryside. When you go out walking, go _______6 (和……一起) someone, or tell someone where you
are _____7 (计划) to go and when you will return. ______8 (说) “no” to cigarettes and drugs: Smoking and
taking drugs are ______9 (坏的,不利的) for your health. If you follow these, you will live a ______10 (长的)
and a healthy life.


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省中考真题 题型:完形填空

     I can't remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of (1)_____ litter nearby and
realized that (2)_____ was going to pick it up.
     I live near a (3)_____ in Enshi, Hubei Province. I can walk there in three (4)_____! I (5)_____ love going
there to play with my dog. But one day there was so much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided
I had to clean up the forest. I wanted to (6)_____ happy going there again.
     I made my (7)_____ trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten
minutes (8)_____ starting to pick up litter, my bag was full! It had cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers
in it. From then on, I went to the forest four times a year to pick up the litter. I often (9)_____ there for three
hours. It makes me feel (10)_____ to do something for the environment.
     After each trip, I (11)_____ all the litter that I've found. If (12)_____ of it is recyclable (可回收的), I keep
it. I can't (13)_____ why people drop litter. But I will keep picking it (14)_____ they stop dropping it. I know
I am only doing a small bit to help (15)_____, but I still think it is important.
(     )1. A. see      
(     )2. A. no one else
(     )3. A. school     
(     )4. A. months    
(     )5. A. would     
(     )6. A. look     
(     )7. A. first     
(     )8. A. after    
(     )9. A. play     
(     )10. A. worried    
(     )11. A. bury     
(     )12. A. many     
(     )13. A. wonder    
(     )14. A. until     
(     )15. A. myself    
B. seeing     
B. I      
B. forest    
B. hours      
B. do      
B. feel    
B. third      
B. later  
B. go       
B. sad        
B. burn     
B. little    
B. ask     
B. as      
B. the earth     
C. look       
C. everyone   
C. river      
C. days        
C. am used to  
C. make     
C. fourth      
C. before    
C. work      
C. disappointed   
C. sell      
C. any       
C. hope      
C. after     
C. other     
D. looking      
D. anyone   
D. park       
D. minutes      
D. used to    
D. see      
D. fifth        
D. of       
D. sit        
D. great      
D. look at    
D. much       
D. understand             
D. when       
D. the litter 


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     What does blood do for us? It brings food to all parts of our bodies and takes waste away from them.
All parts of our bodies are made of cells (细胞). These cells are very small. They all need food all the time.
No one had seen cells before the invention of microscope. No one could make pictures of cells because no
one could see them.
     What makes the blood move round the body? The heart does. The heart is a pump. It pumps the blood
and sends it round the body. The heart has rooms with doors between them. It pumps blood in and out
through these doors by changing the size of the rooms so that the doors are opened and shut. The heart
keeps a stream of blood going all around the body and back again to itself. The heart is a very important
part of one's body. When it stops beating, one will die.
1. Blood is important to our body because it can ________.
A. provide pictures of cells
B. bring food and take waste
C. form a stream
D. move around the heart
2. What does the underlined word "microscope" mean in Chinese? 
A. 显微镜
B. 探测仪
C. 放大镜
D. 摄像机
3. According to the passage, a pump is used to ________.
A. open or shut doors
B. send something up
C. change the size of rooms
D. make something in or out


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     If you go out, you can find cars here and there. Bad smoke from a car can get into the air. This bad
smoke is called pollution.
     Pollution turns the air a gray color. It is very dirty. It also makes the air around us get worse and worse.
It is not good for our health.
    To keep pollution down, the States test cars every two years. This test checks to make sure the cars do
not pollute the air. If a car doesn't pass the test, the owner can't drive it the next year.
     Some car owners drive their cars even though they can't pass the test. It is also very bad for the air.
     People want to find a way to get these cars off the road. So a state program was started. Now it seems
to be helping. In the state program, the States buy cars that can't pass the test or will help pay for repairs.
This program has been helping people buy better cars or fix their old ones. And the air is becoming better
and better.
     The state program that takes pollution cars off the road has just finished its first year, and people say
it has been successful. For the past year, the state program has been buying cars that can't pass the test,
and the cars bought by the States through the program are put out of use.
1. ______ is called pollution.
A. The car
B. A gray color
C. The smoke from cars
D. The test
2. The cars are tested every two years to make sure ______.
A. people can visit the old cars
B. the owners don't drive any more
C. the owners can buy new cars
D. they don't pollute the air
3. In order to ______, the States buy cars that can't pass the test or will help pay for repairs.
A. get money from car owners
B. cut down the pollution
C. make the air around us worse
D. sell more new cars


科目:初中英语 来源:上海中考真题 题型:完形填空

     We have always been warned of the dangers of forest fires. They cause  1  to a forest.
They kill many plants and animals in an eco-system, which is a group of living things and their environment.
But have you ever heard of a forest fire that can be  2  for a forest? People start some of the fires
with a special reason to actually do good to the eco-system. In fact, fires are a natural part of any eco-system.
Without fires, the oldest and largest trees would stop sunlight from reaching the forest floor. Fires can  3   
some of these old trees. When the trees die, they provide something good for the earth. New trees can grow
strong and healthy in their place.
     Some trees even need fires to grow. These trees hold their seeds (种子) inside. Heat from a fire allows the
coat of the seeds to open up. Then the seeds fall to the ground and have the  4  to grow/ Scientist, who know
about nature's needs, start some of these fires, called controlled burns. A fire is started and kept under control.
This way, the fire does not spread out of the area or  5  a after forest fires, they can go hungry  6  their food
has been damaged in the fire. Small, controlled fires mean than animals will not have to move far to find food.
After some time, small plants begin to grow. Animals return soon after the plants return. 
     This  7  makes an eco-system. So the next time you hear about a forest fire, think about the good as well
as the bad. It may take a new eco-system a while to return, but it will likely come back stronger and healthier
than ever.
(     )1. A. illness         
(     )2. A. helpful         
(     )3. A. take the place of
(     )4. A. time            
(     )5. A. discover        
(     )6. A. because         
(     )7. A. almost          
B. difficulty   
B. powerful     
B.  get ready for
B. water        
B. cover        
B. although     
B. again        
C. damage   
C. harmful  
C. be bad for
C. chance   
C. but      
C. but      
C. never    
D. flood    
D. awful    
D. get rid of
D. skill    
D. waste    
D. so       
D. even     


科目:初中英语 来源:北京模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     The oil resources which are left will not last very long. This means that all vehicles such as cars, trains,
buses, planes and ships that need oil to work will not be able to run. So it will be necessary to develop a new
method of transport which doesn't use oil. Electric vehicles are one possibility. In England, most families have
at least one car and this car is used every day. It could be that only one person in the family drives the car to
work or for shopping. The number of cars on the road perhaps helps to explain why the oil is used up so
quickly. The family car is a very useful form of transport but it is also a great waste of energy, especially if
it is compared with buses or trains which use less petrol per person than a car. A car traveling at 80 kilometers
an hour uses only half as much petrol as a car which is traveling at 120 kilometers an hour. Clearly, it would be better if there were fewer cars on the road and more speed limits so that the oil which is left will last as long
as possible.
     About 25% of England's total consumption (消耗) of energy is domestic - it is used only in the home. Just
over 20% is used for transport. Most of the energy is used in industry. It is difficult to suggest any possible
energy conservation (保护) in industry because many of the suggestions would mean that some people
would lose their jobs. It is important that industry produces the same amount of products using the same
amount of workers. 
     Clearly, conservation is not going to be the answer to the energy problem. The most it can do is to give
more time for a better method to be found. The more time we have to develop new sources of energy, the
better it is because there is still a lot of work to be done in order to find suitable, safe methods of producing
1. What does the word "domestic" mean in paragraph two?
A. Producing energy.
B. Fast driving.
C. On the road.
D. For family use.
2. Why will all vehicles that need oil to work not be able to run?
A. Oil resources which are left will be used up soon.
B. A new system of transport will be developed.
C. They will be replaced by electric vehicles.
D. They waste a lot of energy.
3. Which is true according to the passage?
A. A car running at 80 km an hour uses more oil than 120 km an hour.
B. Family cars can save much more energy than buses and trains.
C. It is possible for English people to develop vehicles.
D. Fewer cars on the road will help the oil last longer.
4. Which of the suggestions is the best according to the passage?
A. Factories should produce less.
B. Vehicles mustn't go at a high speed.
C. New sources of energy should be found and developed.
D. We should cut down the number of family cars on the road.

