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For thousands of years, poems have been the favorite types of literature in China. There were many f ___1___poets from different periods of time in Chinese history, and most of their poems are s ___2___ read and enjoyed today.

To remind people of those classic Chinese poems, CCTV has p_____3_____a TV programme called Chinese Poem Competition. The final

of the show’s second s_____4_____was shown in February. A girl named Wu Yishu w___5___ studies at the High School Affiliated to Fudan University, came out to be the w_____6_____of the

competition. She recited lines from the Classic of Poetry: “In July, the crickets(蟋蟀) are in the field; In A ___7___, they are in the yard; In September, they are at the door; In October, the crickets enter and crawl under our beds.” “I really admire her k ___8___of poems. The first time I saw her wearing traditional Han clothing on TV, I was very impressed by her classical looks. She always appears so calm t ___9___the show, which is very unusual for her age,” said Huang Zijin after watching the final show.

Mr. Huang also said we would find Chinese cultures and t_____10_____the beauty of life by enjoying poems.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省镇江丹阳市2017届中考二模英语试卷 题型:书面表达

















With the development of the Internet and technology, many people are depending too much on their mobile phones.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater单元综合测试卷 题型:单项填空

The customers are pleased with the_______ of the restaurant.

A. balance B. experience

C. surface D. service


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag第三课时 section B 题型:翻译


I’m very tidy,__________ Gina______________


Gina’s books_____________ ‘


The white model plane_____________________


“Where are my keys? ’’Gina__________ ____________.


In our room, my books and tapes____________ __________ the bookcase.


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江杭州拱墅区2017年九年级英语中考第二次模拟考试 题型:阅读理解

There are many expressions that use vegetables and fruits. For example, a cucumber is a long, green vegetable that people eat in salads. You might say a person is as cool as a cucumber if he never seems to worry about anything and stays calm in a stressful situation.

If two people are very similar, you might say they are like two peas in a pod. There are several expressions about beans. If someone is very energetic, you might say she is full of beans. If you say something does not amount to a hill of beans, you mean it is of little importance. I might say you don't know beans about a subject if you do not know anything at all about it. But if you spill the beans, you tell something that was supposed to be a secret.

Potatoes are a popular food in many areas. But something is considered small potatoes if it is not important. You probably would not want to hold a hot potato in your empty hands. This also means a problem or an issue that no one wants to deal with. Someone might call you a couch potato if you sit and watch television all day and get little or no physical exercise.

Finally, let us talk about lemons. Lemons have a sour taste if you eat them plain. But lemons make a nice drink when you mix their juice with sugar and water. So here is an expression about lemons that we like: If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. This means you should always try to make the best of a bad situation.

1.Who are most probably described as two peas in a pod?

A. Lovers. B. Partners. C. Deskmates. D. Twins.

2.If one knows nothing about the project you are working on, we can say he___________ about it.

A. doesn't know beans B. makes lemonade C. holds a hot potato D. is as cool as a cucumber

3."A couch potato" refers to people who __________.

A. are of little importance B. get little or no physical exercise

C. are interested in TV programs D. have difficult problems to deal with

4.What's the passage about?

A. The way of using vegetables and fruits. B. The importance of vegetables and fruits.

C. Expressions about vegetables and fruits. D. The humor of English words and expressions.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市毓龙路实验学校2017届九年级中考第一次模拟英语试卷(word版附答案) 题型:阅读理解

Do you look like your name? Scientists say there’s a good chance you do.

This comes from a new study published in a magazine. Researchers from Israel found that

our given names may have something to do with our facial (面部的) appearances.

Lead writer Yonat Zwebner of a university, along with her team, did eight different experiments (实验) in Israel and France. The different experiments were set up to answer two main questions:

whether people can correctly guess a person’s name based only on a photo of a face and what is behind this matching effect.

During the experiments, researchers asked students to look at photos of people’s faces and

guess each person’s name from a list of four choices. They correctly guessed the right name 38 percent of the time, which was better than the 25 percent of a random (随机的) guess.

What’s more, when the faces the students looked at came from within their own country, they were able to best match the faces to the names. French students were better at matching only French names and faces while Israeli students were better at matching only Hebrew names and Israeli faces.

Researchers believe it is possible that people change their appearances without paying attention to it, to match their names. One study especially backed up this idea, showing that a hairstyle, something that can be changed by people easily, was enough to guide others in correctly guessing their names.

“Earlier research has shown there are cultural stereotypes (偏见) carried by names, including

how someone should look. For example, people are more likely to imagine a person named Bob to have a rounder face than a person named Tim. We believe these stereotypes can, over time, influence people’s facial appearances,” Zwebner said.

The results of the experiments may even make parents think twice when choosing a name for their children.

“If a name can influence appearance, it can influence many other things. This research opens an important direction that may suggest how parents should consider better the names for their children,” said Zwebner, who recently had a baby herself.

“As parents, it was really difficult for us to name our 12-day-old daughter as we know the meanings of names.”

1.One of the purposes of the experiments is to _.

A. give the students a chance to know each other

B. explain what influences our facial appearances

C. find out different characteristics carried by different names

D. see if people can correctly guess a person’s name based only on a photo of a face

2.People could match the faces to the names more easily .

A. when they did a random guess

B. when the faces are from other countries

C. when the faces are from their own country

D. when they have more knowledge themselves

3.The underlined part “backed up” in Paragraph 6 most probably means “ ”.

A. supported B. changed C. compared D. cancelled

4.Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 7 are mainly to show .

A. the results of changing names

B. names have something to do with appearances

C. the importance of cultural stereotypes carried by names

D. the importance of a hairstyle in guessing different looks

5.According to Zwebner, we know that .

A. facial appearances may influence names

B. we shouldn’t think of others just according to their names

C. a name may influence many things and should be well chosen

D. we should pay less attention to the meanings of names and be ourselves


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市毓龙路实验学校2017届九年级中考第一次模拟英语试卷(word版附答案) 题型:单项填空

is it from the park to the supermarket?

—It is about fifteen walk.

A. How long, minutes B. How far, minutes

C. How long, minutes’ D. How far, minutes’


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上英语同步练习1Unit 3 Is this your pencil?section A 题型:翻译


_______ ______ , is this your pencil box?


_______ ________ ______your_______ .


_______ ______ Bob’s pencils?


My pen is black._________ ______yours?


Those books __________ __________.


科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版2017-2018学年八年级英语上册单元评价检测Unit 2 题型:单项填空

Mike the book for two weeks. He will return it next week.

A. kept B. has kept

C. borrowed D. has borrowed

