精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


take; collect; visit; wait; go

(1)I one hundred Chinese stamps since I came to Beijing.
(2)The people outside the gate when I went out.
(3)She Qingdao if she has enough money.
(4)When I visited Suzhou, I a lot of photos.
(5)My father isn't at home.He to Shanghai.

(1)have collected
(2)were waiting
(3)will visit
(5)has gone
【解析】(1)句意:自从来到北京我已经收集到了一百张中国邮票了。由stamps可以推测出是“收集邮票”:collect stamps。时间状语从句:since…表示从过去开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态,用现在完成时,故填:have collected。
(2)句意:当我出去时,人们在门外面等。由outside the gate在门口可以联想到“等待”,我出去时,人们正在等待,用过去进行时,故填:were waiting。
(3)句意:如果她有足够的钱,她要参观青岛。由if部分,可以推测出本空填“参观”,从句意可知现在没有钱,是将来参观,用一般将来时态,故填:will visit。
(5)句意:我父亲不在家,他去上海了。根据句意:父母不在家,可以推测出他“去了”上海,去了某地:have gone to。故填:has gone。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We should protect nature because we________ its rich resources to live.

A.depend onB.try onC.get onD.work on


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

How to do third-party payment.
That's why the young engineer insistedthe police.
Theythe war broke out.
The Trump government failedsolving the tough problem.
FuYuanhuiand feels just like a fish in water.
ThisChina's first aircraft carrier.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1kick ;the ;I ;ball; will ;you; again_______


2mind; would ;if ;you; try; I ;again; it( ? )


3long ;been; how; have; like; you; this( ? )


4we ;must; to; prevent; exercise; flu; the( ? )


5it ;cause ;cancer ;may ;even_______



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When someone takes photos of you, he or she may says, “Say cheese! Smile!” You open your mouth and ________ your teeth. When you see the picture, you see a happy person ________back at you. If you have healthy ________, you will have a happy look. Why is that? It’s because your teeth are important ________ many ways. If you________them, they’ll help take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew(咀嚼) the right foods________ you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best. So it is important to take good care of your teeth. If you don’t take care of your teeth, they will________yellow and germs will________ your teeth. Then you will have a toothache. Eating meals will be________ .And you won’t want to smile so________.


2A.lookB.seeC.lookingD.look at



5A.take care ofB.look atC.have a look atD.fill with

6A.to helpB.helpC.giveD.make


8A.getB.toC.out ofD.get into


10A.manyB.fewC.a fewD.much


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】________ TV drama You Who Came From the Stars tells a love story between a 400-year-old alien and ________ attractive human girl.
A.A; an
B.The; the
C.A; the
D.The; an


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Fears are something we all have. You need to face your fears and to get over them. However, it's easier said than d. Running away from your fears doesn't make them leave. It just makes them b than ever. We're never going to be completely fearless of everything we do, but we can at l be more fearless and confident.
What are the fears that scare(吓唬) you much? Check w they are and get them out in the open. Are they things like height or snakes? Are you a to talk to girls or boys? Are you so shy that you are fearing to say the wrong things? These are common fears that i your daily lives.
Before you can f them, you need to learn more about what makes you fearful of these situations. Communicating your fear is one way. Other people may be able to realize your anxiety(焦虑) b they know something you don't.It could be from past experience, something that you could never forget and has made you fearful since then.
To face fears, you have to believe in something. It's a very healthy way of letting you feel as if nothing can go w. When you feel that way, you may be able to think differently about your f. You will be able to believe that everything will be okay. Everything does end up being okay.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I usually forget _______ the window, but I remember_______ it yesterday.
A.shutting; shutting
B.to shut; to shut
C.shutting; to shut
D.to shut; shutting


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A. come true B. leave C. healthier D. catch E. slowly F. sleepy

(1)Hurry up, or you won't the early bus.
(2)If you put your heart into your study, I'm sure your dream will soon.
(3)The more exercise you take, the you will be.
(4)Don't the baby alone at home.
(5)I'm really after 12 hours' work.
(6)Can you speak , I can't follow you.

