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(题文)We should our city .

A. try our best to make; more beautiful

B. trying our best to making; more beautifully

C. try our best to making; more beautifully

D. trying our best to make; more beautiful

A 【解析】句意:我们应该尽最大努力让我们的城市更美丽。try one’s best to do sth尽最大努力做某事,故排除BC两项。make+sb/sth+形容词“使某人或某物……”,位于情态动词should后,故谓语用动词原形,故排除B项,故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:山东省济南市2018届九年级中考冲刺倒计时 (9天)英语试卷 题型:单选题

— __________, Chinese mobile phones, like Huawei, have improved greatly.

— Exactly. That’s why made-in-China products are more and more popular now.

A. In time B. In the hope

C. In fact D. In the end

C 【解析】 试题句意:--实际上,中国手机,像华为,已经提高了很多。--确实是,那就是为什么中国制造的产品越来越受欢迎的原因。In time及时;B. In the hope 怀着希望;C. In fact实际上;D. In the end最后 。结合语境,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省衢州市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:语法填空


Florence Nightingale was a nurse who saved many people in the 19th century. She was named after the city of Florence in Italy.

Florence was 1. unusual young woman for her time, because she didn't want to go to parties and get married. She wanted to be a nurse and help people. Her family 2. (not) want her to become a nurse because hospitals then were dirty, horrible places.

3. the age of thirty-one, Florence went to Germany and learned all about nursing. It was hard work, 4. she loved it.

In 1854, lots of British soldiers went to fight in the Crimean War. Army hospitals were filled with injured people, but there 5. (be) no nurses and many soldiers died. Florence and a team of nurses went to help.

Florence worked 20 hours a day to make the hospital 6. (clean) and safer place. She brought fresh food, she cleaned the beds and she used clean bandages on the wounded soldiers, so fewer 7. (man) were dying.

At night, Florence talked to the injured soldiers and helped them 8. (write) letters to their families. They called her "the lady with the lamp", 9. she always carried a lamp.

When Florence returned to England, people called her a hero. Queen Victoria wrote her a letter to say thanks, She 10. (give)the honor(荣誉)----Order of Merit, becoming the first woman to receive it.

1.an 2.didn’t 3.At 4.but 5.were 6.cleaner 7.men 8.to write/write 9.because 10.was given 【解析】这篇文章介绍了南丁格尔,一位伟大的护士的感人事迹。 1.句意:Florence在她一生中是一个不寻常的女性,因为她不想去参加派对或者结婚。这里缺少冠词...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

We students can collect food and old clothes for the homeless people, and the teachers can ________learning skills for the poor children.

A. give B. offer C. prevent D. provide

D 【解析】试题句意:我们学生可以为无家可归的人收集食物和旧衣服,老师可以为贫困儿童提供学习技能。A. give给;B. offer 提供;C. prevent阻止;D. provide提供。provide sth. for sb. 向某人提供某物。结合句意可知,答案为D。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

Jim doesn't do the homework his sister.

A. as careful as B. so carefully as

C. as carefully so D. too careful as

B 【解析】句意:吉姆不如他的姐姐做作业认真。careful认真的,是形容词;carefully认真地,是副词。as…as“和……一样”,用于肯定句。so…as“和……一样”,用于否定句。修饰动宾短语do the homework可知此处用副词,根据doesn’t可知此处是否定句,因此用so carefully as,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

(题文)This kind of ice cream delicious. I'm sure it well.

A. is tasted; is sold B. tastes; is sold

C. is tasted; sells D. tastes; sells

D 【解析】句意:这种冰淇淋品尝起来非常好吃。我确信它卖得好。taste“品尝起来”,是系动词,没有被动语态,故排除A、C两项。sell表示“销售”,是及物动词,是被动语态;表示“卖得……”,是不及物动词,没有被动语态。sell well卖得好,故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

This novel well. Get it now before it out.

A. is sold; is sold B. sells; is sold

C. sold; sells D. sells; sells

B 【解析】句意:这部小说卖得很好,在它被卖完之前现在买一本。表示书籍卖得好,用主动语态,这里是一般现在时态,主语是单数,谓语动词变第三人称单数;短语sell out表示卖完,这里用一般现在时态的被动语态,其结构是be done的形式,主语是单数,这里用is sold。根据题意,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

一Steve, I hear that John came first in the Maths test.

一It's not surprising . He works hardest in his class.

A. Every dog has its day B. Actions speak louder than words

C. No pain, no gain D. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

C 【解析】句意:——史蒂芬,我听说约翰数学考试得了第一。——这不是令人惊讶的。没有付出,就没有收获。他在班里学习最努力。Every dog has its day 风水轮流转;Actions speak louder than words行动胜于语言;No pain, no gain 没有付出,就没有收获; Don't put all your eggs in one basket不要孤注...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

Lucy once worked for a big company for two years and the paid job.

A. condition B. situation C. purpose D. experience

D 【解析】句意:露西曾经为了两年的经验和带薪工作,为一家大公司工作。condition条件;situation形势;purpose目的;experience经验。根据worked for a big company可知露西为大公司工作,应是为了获得工作经验,故选D。

