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This is Tammela School, a primary school in Finland. The students are having a math class with their robot teacher.

The “teacher” is1.small, blue machine about 25cm high, Reuters reported. Whenever students have problems, it helps them very2.(patient) and never gets bored.

“The robot can make students3.(active) in class than usual. I see Elias as one of the4.(tool) to get different kinds of practice and activities into the classroom,” a teacher told Reuters.

So far the school5.(introduce) four robot teachers, one of whom is a language teacher that can speak 23 languages and dance to music. “6.is necessary to encourage kids to come up7.new ways to make use of technology in school life,” the head of the school8.(add) in the interview.

The robot teachers are used9.(help) improve learning. This doesn’t mean that human teachers will lose their jobs. The robots can teach well,10.they are not able to keep class in order. The school still needs human teachers.

1.a 2.patiently 3.more active 4.tools 5.has introduced 6.It 7.with 8.added 9.to help 10.but 【解析】这篇短文给我们介绍了芬兰的一所小学使用机器人老师上课,让学生们变得更加活跃、积极,提高了学生们的学习状态。但同时机器人老师也有它的不足之处。 ...

科目:初中英语 来源:四川宜宾2018年中考试卷 题型:单选题

Mr. Green be at home now. He went abroad on vacation last Friday.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t

C 【解析】句意:格林先生现在不可能在家,上周五他出国度假了。A. needn’t 不需要; B. mustn’t必须不能; C. can’t不能,不可能,通常用于否定句的推测;根据He went abroad on vacation last Friday. 上周五他出国度假了,可知现在他不可能在家;故选C


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省灌南县2018届九年级各校命题评比中考英语模拟试卷11 题型:阅读单选

Twenty years ago my company sent me back to school for further education. So I went back to school three years after graduating from college.

I was a little bit nervous, so I tried to prepare myself the best I could. I bought all my textbooks before the classes started. Then I went to the school the week before and found exactly where my classroom was. I packed my bag full of books and left early on the morning of the class to be sure that I got there on time.

We all crowded into the classroom and the professor introduced himself to the class. He wrote his contact information on the blackboard and told us to write it down. I was just opening up my bag to get out a notebook when I realized that I didn’t have one. I searched through my bag for a piece of paper, but I had none.

I asked the student seated at the desk next to me, “Excuse me, could I borrow a piece of paper, please?” He looked at me a little strangely, but gave me several pieces.

I was so embarrassed. Here I was on my first day of class and I had not even brought any paper with me. I opened my bag again to get out a pen to write down the teacher’s contact information. No pen. I got the attention of the student next to me again. “Excuse me, could I borrow a pen, please?”

1.When did the writer graduate from college?

A. In 1995. B. In 1989. C. In 2006. D. In 2009.

2.What is the right order for the following events?

①The professor introduced himself to the class.

②I borrowed a piece of paper from my classmate.

③I found exactly where my classroom was.

④I bought all my textbooks.

A. ③①②④ B. ③②④① C. ④①③② D. ④③①②

1.A 2.D 【解析】文章大意:20年前,我的公司把我送回学校继续深造,所以我在大学毕业三年后回到了学校。我有点紧张,所以我尽力做好准备。上课前我买了所有的课本,然后一周前我去了学校,找到了我的教室。开始上课那天,我把书包装满了书,早早就出发,以确保准时到达学校。教授向全班作了自我介绍,他把他的联系方式写在黑板上,让我们记下来。我准备拿出笔记本记下来时发现没带,然后想拿出一张纸记,但...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省灌南县2018届九年级各校命题评比中考英语模拟试卷11 题型:单选题

— What do you often do after class?

— We often take part in after-class activities. I like to play _______ basketball, but my brother likes to play________ guitar.

A. a; the B. the; the C. 不填; 不填 D. 不填; the

D 【解析】句意:——课后你们经常做什么?——我们经常参加课外活动。我喜欢打篮球,但我弟弟喜欢弹吉他。本题考查定冠词的用法。第一个空表示进行球类运动,球类运动前面不加冠词;第二个空表示演奏、弹奏乐器,西洋乐器前面要加定冠词the,结合选项,可知D选项符合题意,故答案选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省淄博市张店区2018届九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

“I will think of it.” It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking? We cannot see our thoughts, or hear, or taste, or feel them, yet what power they have!

A boy named Watt sat quietly by the fireside, watching the lid(盖子) of a pot move up and down. The boiling water makes steam. He wanted to find out why the steam in the kettle moved the heavy lid. He went on thinking and thinking. When he grew up, he improved the steam engine(发动机) so much that it could easily do the work of many horses. When you see a steamboat or a steam train, remember that it would never have been built if it had not been the hard thinking of someone.

James was a poor farmer’s boy from Scotland. Once, seeing the inside of a watch, he thought, “I am sure that I could make a watch too.” He kept thinking and then made a wooden clock which kept good time. In a few years while still a small boy, he made enough money to support his father. When he grew up, he went to London to live. Some of the wisest men in England, and the king himself, used to come and listen to him speak. His motto was “I will think of it” which means that he would be able to think of how to do something. In this way, he made his thoughts useful to himself and the world.

Boys and girls, when you have a difficult lesson to learn, don't feel discouraged. Think, and by thinking you will learn how to think in a way that solves your problems, and the problem of others.

1.What made Watt think to invent the steam engine?

A. The boiling water made the lid of a pot move up and down.

B. Watt liked to sit quietly by the fireside, watching water.

C. He got a high education and learned a lot about water.

D. He liked to study a steamboat or a steam train.

2.What do the people mentioned in the passage have in common?

A. They wanted to be successful and famous.

B. They kept thinking of a solution.

C. Their families were very good.

D. They were rich and worked hard.

3.The underlined word “discouraged” in the last paragraph means _______________.

A. 困难的 B. 自信的 C. 失望的 D. 灰心的

4.What does the passage want to tell us?

A. We should thinking less and work hard.

B. We should give up easily if meeting difficulties.

C. We should work hard to be famous.

D. We should try to think of ways to solve problems.

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 【解析】这篇短文主要通过三个例子来给我们讲述了思考的重要作用。 1.根据文中A boy named Watt sat quietly by the fireside, watching the lid(盖子) of a pot move up and down. The boiling water makes steam. He wan...


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省义乌市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

1.The purpose of the charity drive for Grace Orphanage is to

A. encourage children through reading

B. teach children to draw pictures

C. introduce some local performers

D. raise money for children aged 5 to 12

2.According to the text, we can in the charity drive

A. play yo-yo with the volunteers

B. give away used books to kids

C. watch performances on Saturday

D. enjoy children's TV programs

3.The text might be

A. a news report B. a meeting notice

C. an advertisement D. a science story

1.A 2.B 3.C 【解析】这篇短文是宣传一次慈善活动的广告,这次活动的主要目的是给一个孤儿院的孩子们送书,来激励这些孩子们。同时文章中还介绍了有关这次活动的其他具体事项。 1.细节理解题。根据短文中Help develop and inspire our children through reading可知,这次慈善活动的目的是通过读书来培养和激励孩子们。由此可知应选...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018浙江绍兴中考试卷英语卷 题型:阅读单选

Every night in Jinan University in Guangahou, a group of students plays diabolo(空竹) as a crowd watches on in amazement.

Chen Zhelun,25,a malaysian-chinese started the diabolo club, which helps to increase the popularity of this traditional Chinese game. He is one of many students expressing their interest in the country's cultural heritage(遗产) by starting clubs.

The diabolo, which came from China, is popular among Chinese living in Malaysia.

“We played diabolo from primary school onward. I thought I could find someone to

play with in China, but only a few students knew about it. So I started a club to develop

it.” says Chen

To Chena surprise, the old game has interested a huge crowd-more than 1,000 students have joined the club.

“It keeps your body strong and it's fun, "says Chet

prefer quieter activities. Every weekend, one classroom in Shenzhen University is alwayscrowded, but it's unusually silent. The members of Lanting Calligraphy Club are writing Chinese characterswith traditional brushes

Fan Dongling, 21, a student in Shenzhen University, says it's a shame that young people no longer enjoythe beauty of Chinese characters.

Although her club is quiet, Fan says it keeps members healthy, mentally and physically


Christmas or Valentines Day, but they seldom pay attention to traditional ones, "says Kong Yanquan, 21, astudent in Guangxi University.

As head of the traditional Chinese local operas club, Kong plans to put modern elements(元素)intotraditional culture to get students to join his club

I think it's everyones duty to save and develop china's traditional culture among young people, "he says.

1.The passage is organized by giving three .

A. examples B. tasks C. lessons D. speeches

2.The underlined word“Tt" in Paragraph6 refers to(指代)

A. watching diabolo shows B. playing diabolo

C. talking about old games D. going to primary school

3.It can be learned from the passage that Fan Dongling

A. comes from Malaysia B. is good at local operas

C. loves quiet activities D. is interested in sports

4.Kong Yanquan advises young people to

A. practice writing Chinese characters B. celebrate Western festivals

C. pay attention to traditional culture D. make friends with the elders

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 【解析】这篇短文通过三个具体的事例给我们介绍了几个大学的学生们通过创办俱乐部的形式,宣扬中国传统文化。 1.主旨大意题。根据文意和文章结构可知,这篇短文介绍了三所大学里面的学生用开办俱乐部的形式来宣扬中国的传统文化,第一个是暨南大学的空竹俱乐部;第二个是深圳大学的书法俱乐部;还有一个是广西大学的中国地方戏曲俱乐部。因此文章是用举例的形式...


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省郴州市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选


Indoor Water Park

Opening time

◆9: 00a.m.--6:00p.m. from Monday to Friday

◆8: 00a.m.- 10: 00p.m. from Saturday to Sunday

Ticket price

◆Adults: 150 yuan/person: 130 yuan/member

◆Children: above 1.2 meters, 75 yuan/person; 60 yuan/member under 1.2 meters. free

Should not take

food, pets, knives, rings

Things to remember

◆Children under 1. 4 meters and old people above 60 should stay with

other adults

◆You should follow the rules in the water park.

◆If you have some health problems and aren’t suitable for water activities,

you'd better not come in

1.How long is the water park open on Tuesday?

A. For seven hours B. For eight hours C. For nine hours

2.An adult member and a child member(above 1.2 meters)should pay_____ for the tickets.

A. 190 yuan B. 205 yuan C. 225 yuan

3.What can visitors probably take to the Indoor Water Park?

A. Rings B. Food C. Mobile phones

1.C 2.A 3.C 【解析】这是一个室内水上公园的广告。 1.根据9: 00a.m.--6:00p.m. from Monday to Friday可知星期二开放9个小时;故选C 2.根据Adults: 130 yuan/member和 Children: above 1.2 meters, 60 yuan/member故选A 3.根据 Should ...


科目:初中英语 来源:仁爱版八年级下 语法 单项选择 专练精编 题型:单选题

(河南省) kind and helpful to the people around us, and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.

A. Be B. Being C. To be D. Been

A 【解析】 试题句意:善良,乐于帮助我们周围的人,我们将会让世界变得更美好。“祈使句 + and + 简单句”是一个常用句型,这里的祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句,后面的简单句则相当于主句。而祈使句通常以原形动词开头,所以选A。

