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--- I'm afraid I need a pair of glasses. I ________ hardly see the words on the blackboard.

---That's terrible. You may have got poor eyesight. (2012•镇江市)

A. can B. must C. may D. need

A 【解析】句意:——恐怕我需要一副眼镜。我计划看不清黑板上的字。——那太糟糕了。你可能视力差。can能,表示能力;must必须,表示要求;may可以,表示允许;need需要,表示要求。此处表示不能看清楚,故用can。故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市区2017-2018学年第一学期九年级英语期末考试试卷 题型:阅读单选

Several days ago, I was walking home from school and saw some writing on the fence of a house I was passing by. It said, “Happiness is a direction, not a destination (终点).” I had been having a bad day and just reading this brightened my day a little. I also took out a pen and wrote one of my favorite quotes (格言) down.

When I came back to the fence, I saw another quote under mine in the handwriting as the first one. I added another, and we kept at this pattern for quite a while. One day, I was writing another quote on the fence and the old man, one of my neighbors, who owned the fence, saw me. He came out and I was afraid he would be mad at me for writing on his fence; he was not known to be very friendly. He gave me a sharp glance and then read the quotes on the fence. Without saying a word, he said something to himself and then went back inside. I was a bit terrified for a while, afraid to go back to the fence, but when I did, I noticed not more quotes but two words in entirely different handwriting had been added, “Thank you.”

Later, I saw the old man in his front yard. He beckoned (召唤) me over and told me how my quotes had been inspiring him, how he thanked me and how he was glad to see young people still have “values”. We are now good friend and I talk to him a lot. This experience has changed my life. I still don’t know who wrote that very first quote, but if he is out there, I’d like to say “thanks” to that unknown friend.

1.How did the author feel before he saw the words on the fence?

A. Excited B. Bored C. Unhappy D. Tired

2.Why did the writer begin to write a quote on the fence?

A. He wanted to practice his handwriting.

B. He had gotten some help from the quote.

C. He thought doing this was interesting.

D. He wanted to catch his neighbor’s attention.

3.Why was the writer afraid when he found that his neighbor had seen him?

A. He had thought that the old man was a mad person.

B. he had once been told the old man was cold-hearted.

C. He thought the old man would scold(责骂) him for what he had done.

D. He thought the old man would tell his parents about his action.

4.Who must have added “Thank you.” to the fence?

A. The old man. B. Someone else.

C. The writer himself. D. That unknown friend.

5.We can learn from the passage that __________.

A. writing quotes on fences is a good idea

B. the writer has written three quotes on the fence

C. the good relationship between neighbors is very important.

D. the old man has changed his opinion about young people.

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 【解析】作者无意间在栅栏上看到的话改变了作者那天的心情,而作者在栅栏上留下的话也激励了一个老人,改变了作者和老人之间的关系。 1.推理判断题。根据短文第一段中I had been having a bad day and just reading this brightened my day a little.可知,作者那...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(冀教版)Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!过关测试 题型:语法填空

根据短文内容及所给提示, 在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词.

Hi, boys and girls! I'm Dolly. Last year, our family went on a 1.to England. We went there 2.plane. My parents and I 3. (spend) a few weeks in London. We went there in autumn. We think it is the 4. (good) time to visit England. The weather is usually very good and there aren't so many 5. (visitor)in October. We stayed in a small village. We did most of our sightseeing on foot. We went to see all the interesting places. We also went to the restaurants. A lot of people say English food is very a6.. But we don't think so. We think it is delicious.

In fact, we 7. (enjoy) our vacation very much. So we 8. (decide) to go there again this year. We will take our umbrellas, too. Because the weather in London is always9. (rain). I'm s10.we will use them sometimes.

1.trip 2.by 3.spent 4.best 5.visitors 6.awful 7.enjoyed 8.decide 9.rainy 10.sure 【解析】Dolly介绍了去年全家去英国旅行的一次经历。他们是乘飞机去的,在伦敦呆了几个星期。十月的游客并不多,他们住在一个小村庄里,大部分时间都是徒步游览,去了许多有趣的地方。D...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版七年级下册英语 Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town-Study skills 同步练习 题型:单选题

There lots of traffic on this road at this time of day.

A. are B. is C. has D. have

B 【解析】句意:在一天的这个时候,在这条路上有很多车辆。There be表示在某时或某地有某人或某物,have表示某人或某物拥有。根据on this road at this time of day.可知此处表示这个时间这条路上,故用there be,主语traffic是不可数名词,故谓语用第三人称单数,故为is,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版七年级下册英语 Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town-Reading 同步检测 题型:阅读单选

My name is Peter. I was born in Paris. When I was three, my family moved to London. We stayed there for one year then my dad had to move to New York. We spent about two years there. I moved to Shanghai last May and I like the new country very much.

I study at an international school in Shanghai. There are people from nearly all parts of the world. I like my school very much and I can learn many things. I love learning Chinese and keep practising it with my classmates. After school, my favourite sport is football. I like drawing and painting, too.

Shanghai has four seasons and I like spring best here, because I can go out in the evening and play with my friends. In my hometown, the summers are hotter than Shanghai but the winters are not so cold as they are here.

Shanghai is like a small world where all kinds of people and food can be seen. I like being part of it and I am very happy to stay here.

1.The word "international" means_______ in Chinese.

A. 当地的 B. 网络的 C. 国际的 D. 乡村的

2.What does Peter like doing best after school?

A. Playing football. B. Drawing.

C. Painting. D. Doing his homework.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Peter was five years old when he lived in London.

B. Peter often speaks Chinese with his classmates.

C. Peter likes summer best in Shanghai.

D. You can only see Chinese people and Chinese food in Shanghai.

1.C 2.A 3.B 【解析】 试题分析:彼特出生在巴黎,现在上海的一所国际学校上学。经常与同班同学一起练习说汉语,放学后,彼特最喜欢踢足球。彼特已经深深地喜欢上上海这座城市。 1.C词意猜测题。根据短文中的句子“There are people from nearly all parts of the world.”有来自世界各地的人。可推测这所学校是一所国际学校...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版七年级下册英语 Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town-Integrated skills 同步检测 题型:完型填空

Mr. and Mrs. William are having their holiday in Rome. It is an old city, and a new city, too. They are staying in a very good hotel in the center _____the city.

Rome is ______a beautiful city. The air is fresh; the sky is blue and clear. Cool wind makes people_______relaxed. Every day in the morning, the Williams stand_______the hotel windows,watching the cars_______on the streets. They also like to walk around in the city. They walk from one place to another. Sometimes they go into a shop and buy some presents ______ their friends and relatives at home.

People in Rome________kind and friendly. The Williams like to talk with the people and each year they _______some new friends in the city. “________you are in Rome, you will do what they do and forget all the worries from work,”Mrs. William says: “Rome is the best place ________.”

1.A. A.in B. of C. with D. at

2.A. really B. most C. only D. almost

3.A. feeling B. to feel C. feel D. felt

4.A. in B. by C. across D. on

5.A. come and go B. come and went C. comes and goes D. coming and goes

6.A. to B. / C. with D. for

7.A. is B. are C. was D. were

8.A. make B. take C. with D. and

9.A. That B. What C. When D. After

10.A. having fun B. have fun C. to have fun D. has fun

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C 【解析】本文介绍了威廉一家在罗马度假的情况。 1.B 考查介词及语境的理解。A. A.in在……里; B. of ……的; C. with 和……一起; D. at在;句意:他们住在城市中心的一家非常好的宾馆里。in the center of在...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018春人教英语七下Unit7同步练习(缺答案) 题型:英汉互译:单词/短语




4.晴朗的 __________________




8.Boston ___________________

9.Moscow __________________


1.It’s raining. 2.It’s snowing. 3.cloudy 4.sunny 5.windy 6.weather 7.rain 8.波士顿 9.莫斯科 10.多伦多 【解析】 1.be doing正在做,表示“正在下雨”,故为It’s raining. 2.be doing正在做,表示“正在下雪”,故为It...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2018届七年级英语下册Unit1 Dream Homes 单元综合检测 题型:单选题

Please listen to the teacher carefully. Don't the window.

A. look to B. look into C. look out of D. look after

C 【解析】句意:请仔细听老师讲课。不要往窗外看。A. look to 指望,照管,留心;B. look into调查,窥视,观察;C. look out of从…朝外看;D. look after照顾,照管。结合句意和语境可知选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2018届七下Unit3Comic stripReading2测试卷 题型:单选题

Mr. Zhang likes cooking . He will cook for his family this evening .

A. nice something B. nice anything C. something nice D. anything nice

C 【解析】句意:张先生喜欢烹饪。今天晚上他将为他的家人做一些好吃的东西。something某物,用于肯定句;anything任何事,用于否定句或一般疑问句。此处是肯定句,故用something。当形容词修饰不定代词时,位于不定代词的后面,故选C。

