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New Year’s Day is one of the important days for many people in the world.Most people spend New Year's Day in hotels.New Year's Day is on January 1.People close most companies,shops,schools and government(政府)offices during that time.

People get ready for New Year’s Day from late December.First,people spend a few days cleaning their houses.

People also prepare(准备)the meal for New Year's Day from late December.On New Year's Day,people usually do not cook but have fun at home.On New Year's Eve,family members or friends usually stay at home or in hotels and hear the bells which tell people of the coming New Year.

Children are busy getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.

1.What do people do first to get ready for New Year’s Day?


2.When do people prepare the meal for New Year’s Day?


3.What do children get on New Year's Day?


1.They spend a few days cleaning their houses. 2.From late December. 3.They get the gifts from their parents or relatives. 【解析】元旦是世界上许多人的重要日子之一,元旦是在1月1日。人们花几天时间打扫房子为新年做准备。在新年的时候,人们通常不做饭,但在家里玩...

科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2017-2018学年九年级英语上册Unit 8 Detective stories综合测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Have you noticed your life becoming a little easier? Now, when you go to a certain shopping mall, you can enjoy its free Wi-Fi there. When you want to take a taxi, you can book one with your phone. In fact, all these can be seen as the basic parts of a smart city.

The idea of a smart city was brought up by US company IBM in 2010. Generally, a smart city is a city that uses digital technologies such as the Internet to improve city planning, save money and resources, and make our lifeconvenient. How smart can a city be? Here are great examples that we can learn from.

In 2009, Dubuque became the first smart city in the US. The city used smart water meters to take the place of traditional water meters. They can detect(探测〉water waste and leakage(泄漏)and send data to let the house owner know. The same system is used for other city resources like electricity and natural gas. This way, people know how they use their resources and are glad to help reduce waste.

Santander in Spain also gives us a look at the future. If people point a phone toward a nearby bus stop, the phone immediately shows all bus lines that serve the stop as well as their arrival times. The government organized a research team and provided an App(应用程序〉that collects data on almost everything: light, temperature, and the movements of cars and people. Opening the App near a supermarket provides immediate information on special

1.According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT?

A. Digital technologies are used in smart cities.

B. An English company first raised the idea of a smart city.

C. A smart city is mainly made up of free Wi-Fi and phones.

D. A smart city is still an idea and hasn’t come into being.

2.The underlined word “convenient” is the closest in meaning to _____.

A. useful B. normal C. suitable D. easy

3.Compared to traditional water meters, smart water meters do better in .

A. cleaning water B. supplying water

C. saving water D. producing water

4.The example of Santander shows the use of smart systems in aspects(方面)EXCEPT _____.

A. business B. health care

C. traffic controlling D. public transportation

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Digital technologies help improve city planning.

B. Smart cities will make our future life better and smarter.

C. Smart cities are very common in both Dubuque and Santander.

D. Spain and the US take the leading position in building smart cities.

1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 【解析】试题分析:短文大意:你注意到现在的生活更加容易了吗?当你进入一购物中心,你可以免费wifi。你若想坐出租车,你可以用电话叫一辆。这些就是智慧城市的一部分。智慧城市是美国IBM公司2010年提出的,智慧城市是用数码科技的城市。本文介绍了智慧城市的特点、发展史等等。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5....


科目:初中英语 来源:武汉市武昌区七校2017-2018学年度10月联考九年级英语试卷 题型:单词填空

When you go to another country, you should learn to speak the language. This isn’t something you can do with just a dictionary and a g1. book. Allow me to explain.

Words don’t always have their literal meaning. When I went to Japan for the first time, I knew that Japanese word for “yes” is hai, I went to d2. an important business issue. At the e3. of the meeting, I summarized my plan and asked my Japanese colleague, “Do you agree?” He answered with hai. That night I called my boss and told him that Japanese company was r4. to go ahead with the plan. The next day I had to tell my boss that this wasn’t t5.. It turns out that the Japanese often use hai to mean “I’ve heard you. I understand.”

Gestures are w6. than words. When my plane arrived in Sofia, I was tired. So I was happy that a taxi was right there. “OK?” I asked, o7. the door. The taxi driver moved his head up and down, so I jumped in. “Downtown, please. OK?” I said. The taxi driver nodded again, but n8. happened. Finally, I became a9. and jumped out. Guess what? In Bulgaria moving your head up and down means “No” and s10.your head from side to side means “Yes”.

1.grammar 2.discuss 3.end 4.ready 5.true 6.worse 7.opening 8.nothing 9.angry 10.shaking 【解析】短文介绍了到不同的国家掌握这个国家的语言以及肢体语言的重要性。作者介绍了自己在日本的一段经历。首先单词并不总是有字面意思,日本人常常用“hai”来表示“我听...


科目:初中英语 来源:武汉市武昌区七校2017-2018学年度10月联考九年级英语试卷 题型:单选题

-- Do you speak English or French in Canada?

-- _______. But I prefer French.

A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. All

B 【解析】句意:——你在加拿大讲英语还是法语?——两个都说,但我更喜欢说法语。A. Neither两者都不;B. Both两者都;C. Either两者中的任一个;D. All三者或三者以上都。根据But I prefer French.判断,两种语言都说,故答案为B。


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit6 第六单元巩固练习 题型:单选题

---Where’s Li Hua?

---Look! He _______ tennis on the playground.

A. plays B. played C. was playing D. is playing

D 【解析】本题考查时态。根据语境及look可知用现在进行时,故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2017-2018学年7AUnit 5单元测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

10、—Millie, Happy New Year! — ________.

A. I'm happy, too B. I'm glad to hear that

C. Not at all D. Thank you, and I wish you the same

D 【解析】句意:——米莉,新年快乐!——谢谢你,也祝你新年快乐。A. I'm happy, too我也很开心;B. I'm glad to hear that听到这消息我很高兴;C. Not at all一点也不;D. Thank you, and I wish you the same谢谢你,我也祝福你。对于别人的祝福首先要表示感谢,新年是共同的节日,要相互祝福,故答案为D。 ...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2017-2018学年7AUnit 5单元测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

Can you help me when the train leaves this afternoon?

A. look for B. find C. find out D. watch

C 【解析】句意:请你帮我查清今天下午火车什么时候离开好吗? A. look for寻找,强调找的动作;B. find找到,强调结果;C. find out找出,查明;D. watch观看。火车的离开时间要经过一番查找才能得出结果,故答案为C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版七年级上册 Unit 4 My Day 英语试卷 题型:单选题

Jane's sister goes to the Music Club every Monday afternoon.

A. at 7 B. / C. on D. in

B 【解析】句意:简的妹妹每星期一下午去音乐俱乐部。every,this,that后跟时间时,介词省略,at 7在七点钟,要说下午七点钟就不对了,故答案为B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit 1 单元测试卷 题型:单选题

—Would you like something to drink? —________.

A. Yes.please. B. Sorry. C. No,I can’t. D. Nothing else

A 【解析】句意:——您想喝点什么饮料吗?——是的,请。考查日常交际用语。Would you like…常用于客气的邀请或请求,肯定回答多用Yes, please.,否定回答多用I’d like…,but….根据句意和语境,可知选A。

