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accident, first, main, them, keep, pollute, settler, harm, appear, balance, although, people
Nowadays, the hazy (雾霾的) weather often 【小题1】        in our country. It has not only affected the public transportation but also done great 【小题2】       to people’s health. Terrible 【小题3】       happen every now and then. Some freeways are shut down because of the low visibility (能见度). In Nanjing, schools had to close because of the hazy weather last December.
Obviously, air pollution is the (【小题4】        cause that has resulted in (导致) the terrible weather. People don’t pay much attention to the environment, so the 【小题5】       between nature and human beings is lost.
People have started to consider how to protect【小题6】       on hazy days. They try to avoid outdoor activities and wear expensive masks to 【小题7】       away from haze while going out. But actually, no one can really keep away from it【小题8】        they wear masks or stay inside. Haze is everywhere around the city.
Haze is a warning. It warns us to take action to make our Earth a better place. If Earth is too【小题9】       for us to live on, what should we do?  Maybe we have to be 【小题10】       on Mars.


【小题7】他们避免户外活动,在外出时带上贵的口罩以远离雾霾。Keep away from ,远离···,故填keep


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:翻译

【小题1】Keep a        (微笑) all the time, you’ll have a happier life.
【小题2】The weather report says it will be           (有雨的). Please take an umbrella with you.
【小题3】Drivers should          (停车)their cars in the right place, or they will be fined.
【小题4】Audrey Hepburn had put her           (努力) into ballet training before she entered the film industry.
【小题5】Daniel’s        (努力)is to be a famous director in the future.
【小题6】Zhang Sen was a brave young man. He _________(keep somebody safe from danger)a young lady from a river several months ago.
【小题7】Our teachers are          (treating every person equally) to everybody in our class. We all love them.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

In 1995, Oseola McCarty donated $ 150, 000 --most of the money she made in her lifetime--to the University of Southern Mississippi. She just wanted to help poor students. Her friends and neighbours were surprised at the news. McCarty was a good woman and was always friendly and 【小题1】 . But everyone in her town knew that she was not r 【小题2】
Oseola McCarty was born in 1908. She had to leave school when she was eight to support her family by 【小题3】 other people's clothes. She made only a few dollars a day. Oseola washed the clothes by hand. Then she h 【小题4】 the clothes to dry. She did this for nearly 80 years. In the 1960s , when many people began to buy their own washers(洗衣机) and dryers(烘干机), McCarty didn’t have much work to do, so she started to iron clothes i 【小题5】 .
McCarty n 【小题6】 married or had children. Her life was simple. She went to work and to church. She had a black-and-white television, b 【小题7】 she didn’t watch it very often. It only had one channel. Oseola McCarty s【小题8】 money all her life and finally had about $ 250, 000.
In an interview with the University of Southern Mississippi News, McCarty said, "I can't do everything, but I can do s 【小题9】 to help somebody. And what I can do I will do. I wish I could do more." This quiet exceptional cleaning lady has 【小题10】   the world a lesson in giving.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

some   time   know   while   doing   always   inside   special   hands
Every country has its own customs(风俗)and traditions. A custom is a special way of【小题1】  something. A tradition is a custom that is passed down over   【小题2】 .These customs and traditions make different cultures in different countries.We should  【小题3】 about other people's customs and cultures. And we should   【小题4】  respect(尊重) them.
For example, in America, people wear their shoes in their homes. But in  【小题5】  Asian countries like Japan and Korea, people take off their shoes before going  【小题6】   their homes.
In  many Asian countries, people use chopsticks   【小题7】 Americans and Europeans eat with forks and  knives. But in India and some other countries, people often eat with their  【小题8】. There are many  other differences. But all of these cultures are   【小题9】. We should try to know and learn about them.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

【小题1】If you keep working hard, you’ll _______________ your dreams.
【小题2】More and more ___________ kids are interested in Chinese fairy tales.
【小题3】These pictures always _________ me of the happy days we spent together.
【小题4】-Can you help me ________ these apples, please? –OK. It’s four kilos.
【小题5】Now people in big cities like driving to the countryside to __________ the fresh air.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

on  so  fast  offer  what
An ant, a spider, and a centipede (蜈蚣) were having a party. The ant found that there was no juice. He    【小题1】  to go out to buy some more. The centipede said: “No, let me do it. You’d take too long. I have a lot more legs than you. I can do it   【小题2】  !” Ten minutes passed, 20 minutes, then 30. “What’s taking him so long?” the spider asked. The ant decided to find out    【小题3】   was happening. He opened the front door and saw the centipede outside. The ant asked: “Hey man, what’s taking you    【小题4】  long?” The centipede answered: “I’m still putting    【小题5】   my shoes.”


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

【小题1】 His name is James but he calls   (him) Jim.
【小题2】Thank you for your advice; it's been very   (help).
【小题3】 Have a nice time, dear, and drive   (care).
【小题4】 Times Square has more than 30 million   (visit) every year
【小题5】The tower was built in the   (twenty) century.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

play the lead role;  get angry;  divide into;  search for information;  stay up late;  suffer from;  easy;  donate;  buy;  wear;
【小题1】 Who did the director think was the perfect girl _________________________ in the play?
【小题2】I ___________________________ a terrible toothache when Mum came back from work.
【小题3】If no one _______ clothes made of animal furs, then people won’t kill wild animals any more.
【小题4】 Lots of money _____________________ to the poor family since the news was broadcast through radio.
【小题5】Can __________________ red also make it easier for you to take action?
【小题6】 He used to be patient enough to explain everything to us without ____________________.
【小题7】The young woman often __________________ to write internet novels and this did harm to her health.
【小题8】 How many pieces ________ that cake _____________? We must make sure everyone can have one piece.
【小题9】 The computer system broke down suddenly while he ______________________ on the Internet.
【小题10】 You need to change your plan. A new road has been built between Niushan and Nanchen. So it’s much ______________ to get there now.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

【小题1】 Linda is the big ____________ of the car race.
【小题2】 Art is my ____________ class in the timetable today.
【小题3】We should always speak ____________ to our parents.
【小题4】 Jim ____________ the TV and watched the football game.
【小题5】Mr. Zhang owns a teahouse. It ____________ tea in special bowls.

