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Are You Smart?

    All parents say their children are smart. Why do some of these intelligent children do better in school, while others fall behind?

In 1983, Dr. Howard Gardner introduced “theory of multiple intelligences” (多元智能理论) to help explain this. His theory says there are eight different kinds of intelligence. All of these intelligences are good to the society.  But only two of them help students do well in school.


    These people are good at languages.  They have a large vocabulary in their native language.  They may also pick up foreign languages more easily than others. They enjoy telling jokes and writing stories.  They make good lawyers, writers and librarians.

2. ______________

People who are smart in this way do better in math and science.  They can also use logic (逻辑) to solve problems such as scientific studies. They like to learn how something works. These first two intelligences help students succeed in school.

3. ______________

These people are good at picturing things in mind. As children, these people liked to draw or play with blocks.  As students, they learn better if they’re taught through images, not words.  When they grow up, they make good artists and engineers.

4. ______________

Children who can’t sit still may fall into this kind of “ smart”. The children enjoy physical activities like sports. They learn fast when they’re shown how something is done rather than just told. These people make good sportsmen and actors.

5. ______________

These people enjoy making music.  People with this intelligence have a good sense of sound. They understand the relationship between music and feeling. People with jobs related to music may have this intelligence.

6. ______________

Children of this kind love to spend time outside in nature.  These children are good at recognizing different things of nature, such as plants or birds.  When they grow up, they make good farmers and gardeners.

7. ______________

Those who are smart in this way make friends easily and keep the friendship well. They are able to understand the feelings of others.  They work well in groups and become natural leaders. As grown-ups, they make good salespeople and managers.

8. ______________

These people know clearly about their own feelings and ideas.  They are self-confident and have strong opinions on different kinds of things. They often like to work by themselves.

Gardner’s theory has changed the way people think about intelligence. People can be smart in the ways beyond just "book smart. " Perhaps all those parents are right--everyone is smart, just in different ways. What kind of "smart" are you?

A. I can tell the kinds of flowers easily.

B. I can remember the beat of a song after I hear it.

C. I like to read a lot.

D. I prefer to do things by myself.

E. I’d rather play in a sport than watch it.

F. I am good at organizing things in mind.

G. I remember things best by seeing them.

H. I’d rather do something in a group than alone.

1—4 CFGE       5—8 BAHD

