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Everyone wants to be healthy. Food is very important . There are a lot of healthy foods. You can eat more bananas . ,apples, oranges and tomatoes because fruit and vegetables are good for your health . But don’t eat too much chocolate . It’s not healthy food .
Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy . Remember there is a say-ing . ” An apple a day keeps the d octor away. ”
Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and play sports every day . Don’t be lazy! You will  be healthy and happy.
【小题1】What are healthy foods ?

A.Vegetable and Chocolate.  B.Apples and chocolate. 
C.Chocolate and fruit D.Fruit and vegetable. 
【小题2】Why are healthy foods good for you ?
A.They make you happy 
B.They make you grow strong 
C.They make you grow and make you strong and happy 
D.They make you heavy. 
【小题3】“ An apple a day keeps the doctor away”  means _______
A.The doctor goes away when he sees an apple  
B.The doctor runs away when you give him an apple 
C.You eat an apple every day and you can be thin 
D.You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy. 
【小题4】What’s the meaning of the underlined word “lazy” ?       
A.强壮的 B.虚弱的 C.勤劳的 D.懒惰的 
【小题5】What keeps you healthy ?    
A.Fruit and vegetable  B.Healthy foods and sports 
C.Too much chocolates D.Healthy foods 


【小题1】细节理解题。根据You can eat more bananas . ,apples, oranges and tomatoes because fruit and vegetables are good for your health . 描述,可知蔬菜和水果是健康食品。故选D。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据第二段Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy 描述,可知健康食品能让你更强壮而快乐。故选C。
【小题3】推理判断题。联系前一句Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy 描述,可知本句话指的是,每天吃一个苹果能让你保持健康。故选D。
【小题4】词义猜测题。联系前一句Get up early and play sports every day .描述,可知本句话指的是,不要懒惰。故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What will you do if you have six million dollars? Different people give different answers.
David  I will buy an island if I have six million dollars. Then I will be the king of the island. I will invite my friends to my island and we’ll have a good time there.
Cathy  If I get six million dollars, I want to start my own business and I will do a lot of things for my family. For me, nothing is more important than my family. I will buy a new house for my parents and take them to travel around the world.
Julie   If I have six million dollars, I will put five million in the bank and spend one million. I will visit Sydney, Toronto, Moscow and other interesting cities. I want to try different kinds of delicious food, and build a house with a swimming pool.
Victor  If I have six million dollars, I will use the money to do everything I like. I will use two million to open my own shop. And I will give another four million to schools and charities. I would like to help students in poor areas to get good education. I want everyone to live a happy life.
【小题1】David will invite his friends to ________.

A.his new house B.his island
C.his country D.his factory
【小题2】 _________ will take his (her) parents to travel around the world.
A.Victor B.Julie C.David D.Cathy
【小题3】Julie will spend _________ million dollars traveling and doing other thing.
A.one B.two C.three D.four
【小题4】Victor will spend two million dollars _________.
A.enjoying delicious food B.helping poor students
C.opening a shop D.building a house
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage?
A.Victor hopes everyone can live a happy life.
B.Julie doesn’t like traveling.
C.Cathy loves her family very much.
D.David gets on well with his friends.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My 14th birthday is coming and I’m ready to plan my birthday party. I spent a lot of time planning my party to make it interesting. I was thinking about having a “Remember the Good Times” party. Everyone who is coming is going to graduate(毕业) soon. I thought I should put up some photos of my friends and pictures from popular television shows on the wall. The food could be the things we’ve always loved (hamburgers, ice creams and French fries). I don’t know if my idea is going to be good for my birthday party. What do you think, Miss Lee?
Hi, Maria, I love the idea of the “Remember the Good Times” party. It sounds like a graduation party. I love the idea of eating your favorite foods! It’s fun, easy and cheap! You can bring photos of your class trip to remember the places where you went. I hope you will have a wonderful birthday party! Have a wonderful 14th birthday!
【小题1】Why does Maria want to have a “Remember the Good Times” party?

A.Because she won’t have any more birthday parties.
B.Because she wants to remember her teachers and parents.
C.Because she has many popular television shows.
D.Because all her friends are going to graduate soon.
【小题2】Why does Miss Lee love the idea of the food they will eat?
A.Because they are her favorites.
B.Because they are fun and expensive.
C.Because they are cheap and easy.
D.Because they are like for a graduation party.
【小题3】Miss Lee suggests(建议) that Maria should            .
A.have a concert B.bring some photos of her class trip
C.turn on the TV D.buy more foods
【小题4】Maria has this birthday party            .
A.when she is fifteen B.after she is twelve
C.after she graduates D.before she graduates
【小题5】What is the best title for this passage?
A.Remember the Good Times B.A Graduation Party
C.My Party Plan D.An Invitation


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Does eating a good breakfast improve school study? More than 1,000 students in the city of Lawrence took part in an experiment (试验) a year ago, and the answer is YES. In the experiment, students with breakfast got high scores in their tests than those without breakfast. Among those with breakfast, fewer were late for school and much fewer missed their school. “By eating breakfast, you feel active in your morning study and keep good health,” says Amy Sampson, a famous doctor. He did the experiment for a year.
Students without breakfast may lose important nourishment (营养) in eggs, fruit, bread and so on. So try to get your kids to have breakfast so that they can feel well, keep strong and do their best in the school work.
根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正 (T) 与误 (F)。
【小题1】Over 1,000 students took part in the experiment.
【小题2】It’s good for students to have some eggs, fruit, milk, bread and so on for their breakfast.
【小题3】The passage tells us that a good breakfast will help students to get more scores.
【小题4】Amy Sampson did the experiment for two years.
【小题5】The best title for this passage may be “Breakfast or Not”.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hello! This is my family. I’m David Green. I’m from England. My family is in Beijing. My father and mother work here. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I have a sister but no brothers. My sister and I are students of a middle school in Beijing. We love China. My home is very nice. My family has a TV and a computer. My room (房间) is big. I have a bed(床), a desk (桌子) and two chairs(椅子) in it. My books are on my desk. I have an MP3 in my bag. There are some pictures on the wall. I like my room and I like these pictures very much.
【小题1】Four people are in David’s family.
【小题2】Mr. and Mrs. Green have a son and a daughter.
【小题3】David’s father works in a school in Beijing.
【小题4】Two chairs and a desk are in David’s room.
【小题5】—Is an MP3 on David’s desk?
—No, it isn’


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Food or friends? Lip salve (润唇膏) or iPod? What is the most important thing in the US teenagers’ lives today? Let’s take a look.
Some find that they can’t do without people.
“My biggest need is my friends. Without them, I wouldn’t do much,” said Adrian Fernandez, a 14-year-old boy.
With others, food always comes first.
“I do not think that I could live without chili con carne (辣子肉丁). I eat it every day. And if I didn’t have it, it’s all I would think about,” said Max Wu, an 8th-grade boy.
Sometimes, the things teenagers can’t do without are strange.
Take 14-year-old girl Hannah Sacchini for example. “I cannot live without lip salve, especially in winter,” said Hannah Sacchini. “I go mad if my lips get dry.”
Of course, today everybody uses mobile phones and computers. Some teens can’t live without these high-tech (高科技的) things.
Justin Beck, a 15-year-old boy, feels like this: “I would not be able to live without my iPod. I use it for so many different things. I always have it with me,” he said.
So, now we know the things US kids really must have. What about you and your classmates? What can’t you live without?
根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (10分)
【小题1】To Adrian Fernandez,     is the most important.

A.a friend B.lip salve C.a computer D.chili con carne
【小题2】How often does Max Wu eat chili con carne?
A.Once a week. B.Every day.
C.Twice a day. D.Three times a week.
【小题3】Hannah Sacchini will become     if her lips get dry.
A.fat B.excited C.shy D.annoyed
【小题4】We can learn that Justin Beck     takes his iPod to school.
A.never B.sometimes C.always D.hardly ever
【小题5】The passage mainly tells us    .
A.what things the US kids really must have
B.what the US teenagers do every day at school
C.what the most important food in the US teenagers’ lives is
D.how the US teenagers’ lives are every day at school


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Each year, we celebrate many holidays here in America.
On January 1, we welcome the coming of a new year like many people in other countries. And we have another four holidays on the first day of a month: April Fool’s Day, May Day, Friendship Day (Aug.1) and Grandparents Day (Sep. 1).
The most important holiday for the young people comes in February. It is Valentine’s Day. Lots of boys give red roses to girls as a present.
People celebrate some holidays for their family members. We say thanks to our mother in May and celebrate Father’s Day in the following month. In November many people return home for Thanksgiving Day, so the whole family can stay together.
There are also some interesting holidays for children. For example, Halloween comes at the end of October. Children often play with pumpkin lanterns and put on all kinds of masks.
Of course, the most important festival is Christmas. After a year of work and study, people can enjoy a long holiday, eat big meals, and visit family and friends.
【小题1】How many holidays do you know on the first day of a month in America?

A.Four. B.Five. C.Seven. D.Ten.
【小题2】What is the most important holiday for the young people?
A.Thanksgiving Day. B.Christmas Day.
C.Valentine’s Day. D.New Year’s Day.
【小题3】From the reading we know that Father’s Day comes     .
A.in May B.in April. C.in June D.in July
【小题4】Halloween is one of the interesting holidays for  .
A.children B.mothers C.girls D.students
【小题5】Many people return home in November because they want to ___________.
A.enjoy a long holiday
B.stay with their family members
C.eat big meals with friends
D.spend Thanksgiving Day


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Qi Haoran, a Junior 1 student, was quite busy over the past winter vacation – and not just with homework. Qi, together with 10 other classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign.
The 11 students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food. “Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to eat? Please don’t waste food.” They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.
The Clean Your Plate Campaignhas got more and more popular during the past year all over China. It calls on people to reduce food waste.
China in these years had serious problems with wasted food. CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.
Chinese people are well known for being hospitable (好客的) and generous(大方的). Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.
Luckily, the campaign has got the support of many. In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner give the guests who have eaten all that they ordered a sticker (贴花). People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers (剩饭剩菜) home.x k b 1 . c o m
To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. It’s important that everyone does their bit, just like Qi. Did you finish your meals today?
【小题1】What did the 11 students do in the winter vacation?

A.The helped each other with homework.
B.They opened a restaurant together.
C.They volunteered for a campaign.
D.They collected money from customers in restaurants.
【小题2】The Clean Your Plate Campaign calls on people to_____.
A.do volunteer work
B.Work part time in restaurants.
C.cut down on food waste.
D.wash your plate after dinner.
【小题3】From Paragraphs 4-5,we learn that______.
A.wasting food is a serious problem in China.
B.Chinese people waste the most food in the world.
C.Chinese people want to show off that they are rich.
D.most Chinese people are afraid of losing face at the table.
【小题4】Which is true according to the passage?
A.Chinese people waste lots of food because they have enough money.
B.more and more people join the Clean Your Plate Campaign.
C.In a restaurant in Beijing ,if you get ten stickers, you can enjoy a free meal.
D.It’s easy to finish the Clean Your Plate Campaign.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tips for avoiding traffic jams:
The radio has more than just music. Check the local news station for the latest traffic report. Or go online and check traffic cameras before you set out. If there is a jam, you'll be prepared and can try another route.
Take the road less traveled. Although highways may be the most direct route, back (偏僻的) roads can be much less crowded, which can save you from the frustration of the stop-and-go traffic.
Rush hour isn't just a lovely nickname. It means the morning and afternoon traffic lasts for several hours, but they're still called "rush hour" for a reason - everyone's on the road and in a hurry to get somewhere. Treat rush hour like bad weather - if you don't have to go anywhere, stay off the roads.
Tips for those unavoidable traffic jams:
Don't break the law. You've gone 30 feet in 30 minutes and all of a sudden you see people using the shoulders(紧急停车道). Don't behave like them. Not only is this illegal, but also there's a good  chance they'll get caught or cause even more problems.
Pay extra attention to zig-zaggers (Z字形行进者). When some people are anxious, they may start changing lanes(车道)every 5 seconds or cut you off, Keep checking your windows and mirrors. for these lane changers.
Look for an escape. If it is possible to exit the road safely, do it. Use a GPS unit, and you can change your route mid-trip if needed.
Be courteous. Good manners could help you avoid a possible accident. Allow people in from a lane that is ending. Speeding up to keep them out increases your chances of an accident.
【小题1】To avoid traffic jams,we are advised to do the following EXCEPT_______.

A.get traffic news before leaving
B.choose back roads.
C.avoid rush hours.
D.change lanes frequently.
【小题2】What should we do when there are zig-zaggers?
A.Keep checking the mirrors
B.Stop and let them go first
C.Sound the hom loudly.
D.Drive quickly to keep them out
【小题3】What does the underlined word “courteous”in the last paragraph mean?
【小题4】In which part of a magazine can this passage be found?

