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Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes reading stories about dogs.
I have a friend. (1)The friend has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Police dogs are very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park, Jack likes these long walks very much.
One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed for a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. (2)but, paid, the, visitor, attention, the, to, dog, no. He continued talking.
(3) Finally Jack couldnt stand(忍受) it any more. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor but this time he held the visitor’s hat in his mouth and ran out of the room.
3. 将(3)句翻译成中文:_____________________________________
4. Why did the dog hold the visitor’s hat in the mouth?
Because it’s time for it _________ _________ with its master.
5. The best title of the story is _______.
A.My friend and his dog.B.A clever dog.
C.A guest who likes talking.D.How to keep a police dog.
1 The friend has a large police dog called jack.
2 But the visitor paid no attention to the dog.
3 最后,杰克再也不能忍受。
4 to walk
5 B

1 用过去分词做定语,修饰a large dog:The friend has a large police dog called jack.
2 考查词组:pay attention to注意:But the visitor paid no attention to the dog.
3 put up with忍受,not…any more不再,最后,杰克再也不能忍受。
4 从第一段的句子:Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park, 可知答案是to walk
5 从故事的描述看,这是一只聪明的狗。选B

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

1. 我们是好朋友。
We are __________  _______________.
2. 我十三岁了。
I am thirteen ___________  _____________.
3. 我叫玲玲,我来自武汉。
My name is Lingling, I ________  __________ Wuhan.
4. 你的父母是做什么工作的?
What are your ____________ ____________?
5. 体育馆在图书馆的旁边。
The gym is ____________ _______________ the library.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There are many things that you should be c___小题1:_ with when you are at home. Read the following ways to p___小题2:__ yourself.
1. Keep the door locked when you are a___小题3:_ at home. Many people think it’s the best way to protect themselves.
2. Keep a list of phone numbers to call for h___小题4:_, such as 110.or a neighbour’s  number.
3. Be careful with the electrical appliances. If you don’t know h___小题5:_ to use them, ask your parents. Make a safety check b_小题6:you go to bed.
Look t_小题7:_ the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask “Who is that?” with the door locked and say “come here later.” D__小题8:__ tell them your parents are o___小题9:__ . Say “Mum is having a shower.” or “Dad is having a sleep.” To ignore(忽视) the doorbell is not a good idea b___小题10:__ sometimes bad people ring doorbells to see if anyone is at home.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My name is Sonia Hall. My 小题1:(名字)name is Sonia. Hall is my last name. My小题2:   (父母亲)are both doctors. We often eat   小题3: (蔬菜) for dinner.  So We are all   小题4:(健康).I have a nice bedroom.    小题5:  (哪里)my 小题6: (白色的)jacket? Oh,It’s on the dresser. A小题7:  (录象)tape and a computer are on my desk, but I don’t often play computer   小题8:   (游戏).I like   小题9:(数学)very much, but I think English is a little   小题10:  (困难)for me. Do you want to be my friends?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hello, everyone! Welcome(欢迎) to my home. This is our new(新的TV. It’s on the table. A big sofa is by the TV. The sofa is very nice, and the color of it is blue. My parents like blue. Here is the bedroom of my parents. Can you see a dresser? It’s beside(在……旁边)the bed. There is a photo of my parents on the wall.
This is my bedroom. A bed, a desk and a chair are in my bedroom. There is a computer on the desk. I usually(通常)do(做)my homework(作业)on the computer.
小题1:What color is the sofa?
小题2:Where is the TV?
小题3:What’s on the wall?
小题4:Is there a dresser in my bedroom?
小题5:What’s in my bedroom?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

下面的四组字母中不含有相同的元音音素的是(   )
A.b, t, cB.s, l, nC.q, u, wD.a, k, f


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hello, boys and girls. Let me tell you something about our art room. In my school, there is an art room. It is clean. (1) There is a teacher and twenty students in it now. There are twenty desks in it. (2)Two desks ______ big and eighteen desks are _____. There are three balls and five boxes on the small desks. On the small desks, there are eighteen pencils and fifteen rubbers. There are thirteen pictures and a poster on the wall. We are very happy in the art room.
小题1: 把(1)处下画线的句子译成中文。
小题2:在(2)处填上适当的词,使句子通顺正确。          __________
小题3:回答问题:What’s on the small desks?
小题4:在文中找出与所给句子意思相近的句子。We have an art room in our school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

1In the United States people sometimes go camping for vacation. Instead of staying at modern hotels and restaurants,they live in the woods and do everything for themselves for a few days to relax.
When you are camping,you make all of your own food.It is rather like a large,many-day picnic.Barbeques(烤肉架) are very common while camping.You can bring meat and vegetables to the camp.To make a fire,you can find or bring your own wood and light it with a lighter(打火机).
2Remember to put stones around the fire so that it won’t get too big and dangerous! When the fire is ready,you can cook food over it.Besides meat and vegetables,you can also cook marshmallows(果酱软糖) with the fire.
Children really like this activity at night.The whole family sit around the fire,eat marshmallows,and drink hot chocolate—especially when it is cold outside! Everyone can sing camping songs and dance together.
Camping is a fun activity for the family to do.Vacation does not have to mean going to visit faraway places,it could be as simple as setting up a tent in a nearby forest!
小题1:Where do Americans go camping?
小题2: Why do they put stones around the fire?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Have fun on K. K. Island
A                               Blue Bridge
Blue Bridge is full of different places for city fun--- theaters, restaurants, museums, shopping centers. Also, don` t miss its famous night markets.
B                                East Hills
Summer is the best season to see the trees and flowers. Spend a quite day in the teahouses here to get away from your busy life.
C                                New Lake
August is Music Month in the small town. Come and enjoy different groups playing music you` ve never heard before!
D                                 Green Garden
Come and ride a bicycle under the sun and enjoy a country lunch with farm-fresh fruits and vegetables.
E                                East Coast Park
Looking for a one-stop family fun site? It has to be East Coast Park. It `s a perfect place to enjoy surfing and fishing or just lying in the sun.
小题1:The Brown want to spend their weekend near the sea. They want to find a place where their two sons can play with the sand and Mr. Brown can go swimming with his wife.
小题2: Diana is a singer. She is going to join her friend’s band in the summer music festival.
小题3:Stilwell loves country life. He wants to spend the weekend with his girlfriend in a place where they can go bike riding and enjoy fresh vegetables.
小题4:Alice has well-paid but stressful job. She would like to spend her Sunday in a quiet place. She also wants to climb hills with her best friend or just drink a cup of tea and talks about something they are both interested in.
小题5:Charles loves city life. He is looking for a place to eat and have fun with his friends on Saturday night.

