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A.In 1995. B.By me. C.Cotton.


科目:初中英语 来源:福建省三明市大田县2018-2019学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Excuse me, I’m new here. Could you tell me how to get to the teacher’s office?

—________. I will take you there.

A.This way, please. B.Sorry, I don’t know. C.I’m new, too.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省张掖市高台县中考一模英语试卷 题型:完型填空


Amy was a little girl. She lived near a fruit shop in the village. The shop was____by Mr. Smith.

One day Mr. Smith said to Amy, “Would you like to earn (赚) some money? ”

“Oh, yes,” replied she, “for I want some new shoes, and dad has no____to buy them with.”

“Well, Amy,” said Mr. Smith, “there are some fine____in Mr. Green’s garden, and he said that anybody was welcome to them. I will____you thirteen cents (美分) a kilogram for all you will pick for me.”

Amy was so________ that she decided to go to pick the grapes as soon as possible. She ran home to get a_____at once.

Then she thought she would like to know how much money she would get____she picked five kilograms_____the help of her pencil, she found out that she would get sixty-five cents.

“But supposing I should pick twelve kilograms,” thought she, “____should I earn then?” “Dear me,” she said, after figuring (计算) a while, “I should earn one dollar and____cents.”

Amy then found out what Mr. Smith would pay her for fifty, a hundred, and two hundred kilograms. It took____some time to do this, and then it was so near lunch time that she had to____at home until afternoon.

As soon as lunch was_____, she took her basket and____to the garden. Some boys had been there before lunch, and all the fine grapes were picked.

As she went home, she____what her teacher had often told her—“Do your task at once; then think about it,” for “one doer is worth a hundred dreamers.”

1.A.kept B.found C.made D.sold

2.A.idea B.use C.money D.place

3.A.apples B.bananas C.grapes D.pears

4.A.cost B.pay C.spend D.take

5.A.sad B.worried C.interesting D.happy

6.A.box B.basket C.bag D.bottle

7.A.until B.although C.if D.whether

8.A.With B.Under C.In D.On

9.A.how long B.how often C.how many D.how much

10.A.fifty-six B.sixty-five C.thirteen D.thirty

11.A.him B.her C.me D.us

12.A.pick B.cry C.make D.stay

13.A.over B.away C.up D.off

14.A.returned B.hurried C.sent D.belonged

15.A.talked about B.talked with C.thought of D.thought over


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省张掖市高台县中考一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

—I want to know if Maria ______ us in the fashion show tonight.

—I believe if she ______ her homework, she will join us.

A. joins; finishes B. will join; finishes

C. joins; will finish D. will join; will join


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省张掖市高台县中考一模英语试卷 题型:听短对话回答问题

Where does the woman want to go?

A.The post office. B.The museum. C.Center Street.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年上海市杨浦区中考二模英语试卷 题型:书信作文

Write a letter of at least 60 words based on the given situation. (根据所给情境,写一封不少于60个词的信,标点符号不占格)

A friend of yours is studying at home and has asked you to recommend a learning tool. 你的一位朋友最近在家自学,想请你推荐一个学习工具。

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

say what the learning tool is (give it an interesting name)

describe the learning tool and its uses

tell the reason why you recommend it

Remember: the learning tool can be a reference book, a website, a program, an app, or whatever you use to help you with your study.



科目:初中英语 来源:2020年上海市杨浦区中考二模英语试卷 题型:同义句转化

The night was cold. We had to put a camping blanket around us. (保持句意基本不变)

The night was __________ cold __________ we had to put a camping blanket around us.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年上海市杨浦区中考二模英语试卷 题型:单选题

They don’t allow people ______ in front of the building.

A.park B.to park C.parking D.to parking


科目:初中英语 来源:上海市崇明区2019-2020学年九年级上学期教学质量调研测试(一模)英语试卷 题型:单词填空

Would you like to travel space?

It is 2050. Space tourism has become a reality. So would you want to be a space tourist? Here, some middle school students share their opinions.

Jeea, U.K.

I love space very much and would like to be the first teenager to d1. a new planet. Then perhaps it would be named after me. I would become famous around the world!

Emily, U.S.

Space exploration can be dangerous. What should I do if I get l2.? I can’t come back to the earth. I am also afraid of heights. It would be very frightening when you look down from a spaceship!

Klaudia, Spain

I would love to go to space because from there I could enjoy a nice v3. of the Earth. The blue oceans and green forests on the Earth must be magnificent. What’s more, I am curious about what life is like without gravity (重力). Perhaps it would be fun to play golf in space!

Edward, U.K.

It would be cool. But how lonely and depressed I would be without a4. around me! I would miss my family. It also requires a large amount of training to become a space tourist, and I don’t think I have time for that. Moreover, I don’t think I can a5. a trip to space. That would definitely cost a lot!

Zainab, South Africa

I’d love to. We studied the solar system in Science classes this semester. I think space is amazing and I desire to know more about it. Unluckily, I have no other way but to search for information about it o6.. If I can have the chance to travel to space, I would directly see the things I never see on the Earth.

Ana, U.S.

I would not like to be a space tourist. I respect those who love space tourism. For me, I only want to f7. on what I have on this planet — my family, my school and my pets. I would like to work hard to make progress in what I am doing.

