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He enjoys _______ music.

[   ]

A. to hear     B. hearing from

C. to listen to  D. listening to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.celebrateB.presentsC.hospitalD.birthday E.holiday
F.Christmas   G.tell        H.love      I.give       J.was born
Why do people 1.________ Christmas? In western countries, it is the biggest 2.________ of the year. People enjoy parties, decorations, music and fun. When many people think of Christmas, they think of Santa Claus, Christmas trees, and 3.________. But Christmas is much more than that. It celebrates a very special person’s 4.________.
A long time ago, a baby boy 5.________. His name was Jesus. He wasn’t born in a nice 6.________. He was born in a stable(马槽)! Jesus was a special baby. He came to the world to bring 7.________, peace and joy. He came to 8.________ people about God. At his birth, angels sang. Later, wise men brought him gifts. Today we 9.________ gifts to each other at 10.________ because of the wise men.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.celebrateB.presentsC.hospitalD.birthday E.holiday
F.Christmas   G.tell        H.love       I.give       J.was born
Why do people 1.________ Christmas? In western countries, it is the biggest 2.________ of the year. People enjoy parties, decorations, music and fun. When many people think of Christmas, they think of Santa Claus, Christmas trees, and 3.________. But Christmas is much more than that. It celebrates a very special person’s 4.________.
A long time ago, a baby boy 5.________. His name was Jesus. He wasn’t born in a nice 6.________. He was born in a stable(马槽)! Jesus was a special baby. He came to the world to bring 7.________, peace and joy. He came to 8.________ people about God. At his birth, angels sang. Later, wise men brought him gifts. Today we 9.________ gifts to each other at 10.________ because of the wise men.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省湖州市环渚学校九年级上学期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空

选词填空(本题有6 小题,每小题0.5 分,共3 分)


A. sleepy   B. aloud   C. covered   D. opportunity   E. final  F. across

1. She was so scared and called ________ for help.

2. The boring movie made us feel _______ last night.

3. Jack told his mother he would do well in his ___  ___ exam.

4. She ________ her face with her hands and ran into her bedroom.

5. Don’t miss this __________, it may never come again.

6. He is going to swim __  ____the Tiaoxi River next week.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省湖州市六校联考九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空



A. succeeded  B.fresh   C. death   D.below   E.provide  F. unless

1.Night temperature usually falls ________ zero in winter here.

2.Let’s open the windows and have some ____________ air in here.

3.We tried our best to solve the problem.Finally we________________.

4.Could you _______me with information about student exchange programs?

5.Susan will not arrive at the airport on time ______________ she hurries up.

6.He had to make a living by himself after his father’s ___________.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013届广西灌阳县七年级下学期期末质量检测英语卷 题型:选词填空


oneself   design   take place   feel lonely   no longer   millions of  

watch TV    write an e-mail to    have a bad effect on    out of breath

1. -Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.

-Yes, great changes ______________since 2008.

2.After running two miles in ten minutes. Millie arrived at the cinema _____________.

3.-You’re _____________a child. You should learn to stand on your own feet.

4.-Miss Li, I can’t finish the project by ____________.

-Why don’t you ask your classmates for help?

5.-Are the children playing outside?

-No, they ____________in the sitting room.

6.-Who designed the National Grand Theater?

-It ______________by Paul Andreu from France.

7.Many of the old man’s friends have moved away, so he ____________from time to time.

8.-What’s the news about?

  -_____________people in the southeast of China are suffering from drought(干旱).

9.Don’t have too much junk food(垃圾食品)! It may ________________your health.

10.While Sandy was listening to music, Max ______________his friend online.


